Truly, I had no intention of staying away from the blog and the blog world for this long...
However. What the fuck was that?
I'd ponder it out here in virtual space, but it is mostly unblogg-a-licious...
Maybe someday. See, it's not really my unbloggable. Well, mostly not mine. There is some mine, as in work related stuff that I am not comfortable putting out here.
And maybe that's the thing. Most of my life that is worth writing about is, for now, unbloggable.
That being said, some totally bloggable events have rocked my world. As in blog friends and blog relationships.
This post is for Tera at Olive Hue Designs. She ran a contest, I am guessing around Christmas because it was before I took my unanticipated leave of all things Internet.
And I won.
And I was a horrid. Because I was so away from the Internet that it took me awhile before I realized I won and even longer to get back to her... some time after that to show my appreciation for winning such an amazing prize.
Tera is an amazing artist. I love her stuff and have been coveting something from her Etsy store for a long time. For my prize I was allowed to pick out something.
I love so many of her pieces, but I knew what it would be. The first time she posted it, I felt like she had snuck into our backyard.
This is the amazing artwork that Tera sent me. It is called Polka Dots and Moonbeams.
It is so me.
I love it.
Thank-you Tera.
Please visit Tera's blog or Tera's Etsy store.