Comment number 17 happens to be Smart Mouth from Words of Wisdom from a Smart Mouthed Broad. Her blog says she's gone fishing for the weekend. Hmpf.
Well, I set off shopping for exotic prizes for her package on a sunny Saturday mid-morning. Only for the love of blogging or out of town guest do I brave the swap meet.
Or who wouldn't want a lovely bongo drum?
Local snacks....
I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable buying anyone a Brazilian bikini....
There were a lot of choices out there at the swap meet.
Next, I hit the local market with a huge Asian selection. I know SMB likes to cook and thought a few odd ingredients might be fun for summer cooking.
You can click on any of the pictures to enlarge them, but the grocery items are fun to take a gander.
Hot sauces?

Well, I can't post what I ended up buying for the Hawaii goodie box cause I want SMB to be surprised.
Well, I can't post what I ended up buying for the Hawaii goodie box cause I want SMB to be surprised.
Thanks everyone who played and celebrated my 200th post along with me.
For more Friday Fotos, head on over to Candid Carrie's.
Brazilian bikinis?? The mind boggles...and no, please, no clarification on that :)
I can't believe she won my prize and she's not even there to claim it...
Congrats, SMB.
Love the photos, Pseudo.
*applause* Congrats to SMB!
Hope SMB remembers to invite everyone over for dinner... I'm sure she'll make something yummy with everything in her Hawaiian goodie basket!
Fun photos!
Thanks for taking on a tour of your market...I would love to spend a day there :)
Congrats to SMB!
You grocery store looks much more delicious than mine. Congrats to SBB! I hope she tells us what's in the box.
congrats to SMB.... I'd love to stroll through that market with ...
Congrats to SMB! I'm only a little jealous of her prize package. Foiled by yet again.
You are so much fun!
Congrats SMB!! :) I can't believe you didn't buy a couple of those bikinis... they make great dust cloths. :p
I'm sure anything from Hawaii is delightful. Congrats SMB.
great photos! and the brazilian bikini? lol--yeah, um, if i ever win a prize please DON'T send me that!
Love these photos! and bongos - always wanted bongos (maybe for the children ... good excuse heh!) x
I'll have to pass on the suit for sure. But the drums and snacks look great. I am so happy you have come by to see me. Sorry I have not been around much. Taking care of my Mom. I go home on Tuesday. So I should be by more. Have a great Sunday.
I want that cool beach towel with the woody and the surfboards! And yeah, the grocery is definitely awesome.
Yay for Smart Mouth! She does seem to have some mad cooking skills. I'm going to watch her blog to see what she gets.
Oh, the anticipation!
Oh, I can't believe I missed out on this one. So much for going on vacation!
If I send you money, will you buy some odd Asian ingredients and ship them to me?
hapy 2ooth post! love your market - it looks amazing.
So here I am reading backward trying to catch up on all my blog reading after my weekend away and lo and behold what do I find but I'M A WINNAH! YEEHAW! All that "hard work and determination" paid off! Thanks so much Psuedo! I can't wait to see what you selected. This was such a fun way to post about your giveaway, I would have loved it even if I didn't win. But I did! Yay YOU! Yay ME! How fun!
Thank God you didn't go for the Brazilian bikini! Can you imagine my fat arse in that! aigh!
I can't believe no one told me. Ya'll keep secrets! Who knew?
YAY!! I wish I knew how to make that bigger in a comment! *sigh*
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