I heard about this late, but would like to be better late than never. Head on over to Always Home and Uncool and read his post on juvenile dermatomyositis. I love when the blog world comes together and puts its energy into doing good deeds and bringing awareness. I know and appreciate so much how all of your prayers and good thoughts have helped my family through this last month. It’s an amazing source of support.
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I was thinking the other day how centuries ago artists and writers had patrons. Now we put ads up. So far, my ads have provided no source of revenue… I’m thinking of looking for a patron… With a seven and a half percent pay cut the next two years I know I will need to get a second job.
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The other day I was walking BC around the neighborhood at sunset. At the “view park” there was an old man looking towards the sunset. As I got closer I could not help but notice he had a very large umbrella, unopened, handle side driven into the ground and pointed end sticking right into the center of his jeans. He was leaning on it. His ass was like a target and the pointed end of the umbrella looked like a colonoscopy about to drive right through his jeans and into the great beyond. I really wanted to ask him what in the world would make him do that to himself, but couldn’t figure a way to start the conversation. I mean, he was old. What was I supposed to say, “Hey buddy, there’s an umbrella coming up your ass any second now?”
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I’m guest posting today over at The Locals Love It. Come say hi and check out another of my favorite beaches….
For more Randomness, head on over to Keely at the Unmom’s. My time zone always makes me late to the party, but there’s a whole lot of Randomness going on…
Thanks for participating today. I really appreciate it. When I come that way to take my husband surfing I'm going to have to look you up and find that beach!
You know, I've wondered about that patron system myself. I could use me a good patron. If you find one, please let me know how!
Psuedo - not sure what ads you are currently running (they are blocked from showing up on my work computer), but I just recently joined Project Wonderful and am pleased with how quickly the ads started to generate a steady trickle of pennies...
Oh I totally would have asked about the umbrella....
I played this week too!
There is nothing relaxing about sitting on the pointed end of a beach umbrella. Very odd.
If you find yourself a patron, send them my way, we could use the extra $$$ as well.
One of the reasons I've said I'll never have ads on my personal blog is because unless you're a Dooce (or in that league), everyone says how they don't make any money off of them. And then there's the fact that I am damn certain I don't have the kind of traffic that would generate any revenue, anyway. Putting ads up would be totally demoralizing in that regard.
As for the umbrella - I don't know if I'd have said anything to him, but I think I'd have stayed to watch for awhile to see what happened.
Huh, I thought BlogHer would be a little lucrative. Still looking myself...
I do like how the blog community joins up to help people in need. That's just too cool.
I could sure use a patron, too.
I would have asked about the umbrella...maybe he was just confused. ;)
Off to check out your guest post!
Happy RTT! :)
I usually try to use something with a more rounded end! An umbrella is way too pointy! HAHAHA!
“Hey buddy, there’s an umbrella coming up your ass any second now?”
Would have liked to have been there if you had said that.
If only you had taken a photo of the umbrella-up-ass guy. You could have sold it for a fortune...
A patron? That's brilliant. How would you go about finding one of those? Craigslist?
Maybe that umbrella up the ass thing is a new fad? Like the tight jeans and shaggy hair the kids are all wearing?
Hmm, haven't ever looked into ads but if you find one that makes millions, let me know.
Now what if something had really startled that old guy? Then he would have it up the ass for sure!
Yeah, whatever happened to that whole patron supporting the artist deal? We need to make that be a blogosphere cause (Just Kidding...).
Sugar Daddies!
We need Sugar Daddies instead. . .
Still trying to get the mental image of the umbrella man out of my head. Yikes!
That song, "If I Had A Million Dollars" came to mind for some strange reason. And if I had it, I'd buy you a house right next door to me (selfish, I know).
I wonder if that man thought his ass was covered? Great Random,thanks for stopping by to read today.
Patron, sugar daddy, whichever...I can't find one anyway.
You do random good!
Can you find me a patron?
The umbrella guy would have had me thinking - why? that must hurt? wonder if he likes it? why?
I LOVE your random...!
Yeah man, where was your camera when you saw the umbrella in the ass guy! I'll bet National Inquirer would have sent you a huge check immediately. Opportunity is knocking Pseudo!!!
i LOVE old people for this reason. they don't give a POOP what anyone thinks. i think it would have been appropriate to tell him he had an incoming umbrella.
maybe he has a prostate problem? relaxing while watching the sunset with an umbrella up his bum might be what the doctor ordered?
Good call not talking to the kinky old man enjoying some self pain inflection.
I have a lot of struggling artist friends and always thought the "patron system" should be revived. Heck, I want a patron!
As for the uncomfy pointy umbrella "seat"--maybe that older gent does it so much he actually finds it comfortable?
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