Jen asked us to spin book recommendations this week. I so have this one, which is nice as I failed last week's alien assignment.
I LOVE reading, especially during the summer.
For book club two months ago, we read Under the Banner of Heaven, A Story of Violent Faith.

When my daughter saw that book lying around she stole it out from under me for several days and then recommended I read a book she bought, The 19th Wife. This book also incorporates the history of the Mormon religion but does so through fiction. I fell in love with Ann Eliza, the actual 19th wife of Brigham Young, who escaped the confines of early Salt Lake City and polygamy and spoke out against polygamy in lectures and in her memoirs. Her story is intertwined with a 21st century murder in a fundamentalist compound.
These books are a whole lot better than watching Sister Wives on TLC.
For more spins, head on over to Sprite's Keeper.
I think it was Ann Eliza that wrote her history back in the 19th century--it is hard to find but some libraries have it and I once looked at it when doing some research on religion in the west (which links in to my dissertation)
nice..i have read the first, not the second...probably digging into the new Deaver 007 novel this week
These sound much more interesting than what I had planned to read this summer; "PHP programming for beginners".
I read the second but not the first- it does sound interesting. I was turned on to this topic by the HBO series Big Love which speaks to another layer of that culture - the fundamentalist polygamists - in a very fascinating and entertaining way. (way more than a sister wives)
LOL to Michele's comment.
Glad you're getting some pleasure reading in! That's the best. Both of these do sound fascinating. I have to admit, I've become intrigued by Mormon culture since learning of all these famous Mormons, particularly in the field of writing. What is in the water they drink??
The 19th Wife looks like a really good read. I have marked it to find at the library.
Ooooo - now I want to read The 19th Wife. But I'll have to finish the other 12 books I'm trying to get through right now. LOL Seriously, though, one of them is Unfamiliar Fishes, about the U.S. annexation of Hawaii - have you read it? It's a wickedly good read.
Ooh, the first one looks good, and if I find the topic interesting (so far, Big Love and Sister Wives have not interested me), I will definitely delve into the second one. Number 1 is going on my reading list!
You're linked!
I've seen that book, The 19th Wife on the book stand. I just might have to check it out. I have quite a pile to read this summer already!
oooh I am just about done with my "to read" pile and think I'll add these two - thank you!!
I read one about a girl who escaped polygamy a few months ago and it was fascinating! It wasn't this one, but I'm sure this one is excellent too. I'd like to read it!
Yeah. That first one looks great. I've been meaning to get around to it. Will put it on list.
Hello there my lost Friend..
I hope all is well for you.. I also hope you are enjoying your Summer..
I've read that first one and found it fascinating... so I guess I'll have to read the second one.
My summer vacation officially starts tomorrow, but since I am not quite finished with some school year loose ends, I have to go into my classroom tomorrow.
But after that, I'll dive into my pile of on-deck books.
They both look good. I'm going to the used book store today. Maybe I can find them cheap! Thanks for the recommendations.
I think I have the 2nd one sitting on my dresser to read.
I've been wanting to read that first one, and the second sounds equally interesting.
2 I haven't heard of, thanks for the recommendations, I'll check 'em out for sure!!
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