Did you read Vodka’s posts here and here about seeing a psychic? Well, I went to one last week. A friend recommended her. My questions for her had to do with a move we might be making, wanted to find out if any place stood out as where we are supposed to be next. She held my hand, took a breath, then spent most of the time telling me about a personal problem one of my students is going through, how the student is going to confide in me, and how I am meant to help this student. Not that all that isn’t important and everything, but I thought maybe when I helped this student out….perhaps he or she should maybe go in on the psychic fee.
Speaking of school, we are in the middle of To Kill a Mockingbird. Did you know that Harper Lee wrote the book during a year that she was supported by a wealthy couple of friends, “In 1956, the Browns gave Lee an impressive Christmas present—to support her for a year so that she could write full time.” Now, how cool is that? They didn’t donate their money for the tax write off, instead they knew they were possibly responsible for a great work of literature. Curiously, the book is dedicated to “Mr. Lee and Alice…” I’m hoping that it is because the Brown’s did what they did without wanting credit or recognition. If I ever win a lottery or come into a pile, I am going to patron someone’s book. I wrote it down here, so hold me to it.
The waves on the North Shore today are supposed to get up to 40-50 feet. The Eddie Aikau surf contest at Waimea Bay might be held. I’ve lived here nearly 28 years and have never seen waves that big. They only come up like that for a day or two at a time. One time we made it up when they were 30 feet and that was mightily impressive. I’d play hookie from work, but it is the week before finals and it’s just not doable.
Besides, apparently I need to be there in case that student who owes me money for a psychic comes to me for help…
For more random, head on over to Keely’s at The Unmom’s.
Speaking of school, we are in the middle of To Kill a Mockingbird. Did you know that Harper Lee wrote the book during a year that she was supported by a wealthy couple of friends, “In 1956, the Browns gave Lee an impressive Christmas present—to support her for a year so that she could write full time.” Now, how cool is that? They didn’t donate their money for the tax write off, instead they knew they were possibly responsible for a great work of literature. Curiously, the book is dedicated to “Mr. Lee and Alice…” I’m hoping that it is because the Brown’s did what they did without wanting credit or recognition. If I ever win a lottery or come into a pile, I am going to patron someone’s book. I wrote it down here, so hold me to it.
The waves on the North Shore today are supposed to get up to 40-50 feet. The Eddie Aikau surf contest at Waimea Bay might be held. I’ve lived here nearly 28 years and have never seen waves that big. They only come up like that for a day or two at a time. One time we made it up when they were 30 feet and that was mightily impressive. I’d play hookie from work, but it is the week before finals and it’s just not doable.
Besides, apparently I need to be there in case that student who owes me money for a psychic comes to me for help…
For more random, head on over to Keely’s at The Unmom’s.
Wow - I can't imagine waves that big! And hope your psychic helped a little with your questions regarding the move!
I always wanted to be a surfer. When I tried, I couldn't even balance on my knees, furthermore get to a standing position. The pipline movies always seemed such a rush.
I think I'd ask the psychic for my money back. Hope the move isn't out of Hawaii. I like having friends in cool places (although I'm sure it is different to live there rather than visit.)
Did she say if the student is one of your current ones, or perhaps one you will meet in your new location, wherever that may be?
As Yoda would say, "cloudy is the future, for always in motion it is."
Refund time. Oh, yes.
Move to the mainland. Northeast Ohio is good, yes it is.
No pressure or anything.
Cool. One of my favorite books. Carol, at
knows all about Harper Lee, has posts about her and everything else that is southern. Check her out.
So cool about Harper Lee - didn't know that. SO where ya thinking of moving? Are you guys leaving Hawaii? You know, the south is very nice :)!
I did not know that about Harper Lee--thanks for the info and link! Do you ever get the feeling that it was easier to be successful in the 1940's or 1950's than now? You what what I mean--whether it is acting or writing or artistry?
Her friendship with Capote reminds me of actress Sondra Locke who was from TN. She had a lifelong childhood friend very much like Truman Capote. Her autobiography is very interesting.
Upstate South Carolina can use a good teacher!
A move, huh? Florida is very much like Hawaii in coastlines and sun, but no mountains and volcanoes. Or constant balmy temps. And less uke's. And NO poi. And I'm here!
What more could you want? :-)
Good luck on your move. Hope that the psychic gave some good advice.
Perhaps you should be able to find some money at the beach watching the waves. Who knows… perhaps a wishing well was washed away.
Thanks for your randomness,
ah, for now we are just looking at another part of the island to help with our kids not commuting so far or college....
HOWEVER, once they get on with their lives, we are looking at relocating to the Mainland - for cost of living help...
And Michele Renee - yes,I do thik being any kind of artist had a better shot back then. Everything in America now is measured by money and consumerism.
those waves have to be a pretty cool sight...and i am open for anyone paying me to write, smiles....cant wait to read about how you help this student...
Ignore Jan. NE Ohio sucks in winter. Far worse than anything Hawaii could offer!
Those waves sound amazing. I'd want to play hookie, too!
I had no idea about Harper Lee! See, PATRONS! We needs them. ;P
Also lol about the psychic visit. Did she even attempt to answer your question at all??
I didn't know that about Harper Lee... That's my favorite book ever and I wanted desperately to name a child Scout but Dennis wouldn't have it.
Those waves are gifreakingantic.
It's probably hard to direct psychic energy. "No, the INHERITANCE! Tell me about the INHERITANCE! Not my dog's surgery!"
I need a patron. Hm.
I went to see a psychic once when I was living in San Diego. We chatted a little first and I mentioned that I was only there for the summer. During my reading, she predicted that I would end up living "north" of there. Since I don't currently live in Tijuana, I can't say she was incorrect.
I'm pretty sure your psychic was predicting, "I'm going to get a hefty fee from this one!"
I've never been to a psychic. I might find something out I don't want to know.
I envy those surfers. I've never done that either.
How curious that the fortune teller spent so much time talking to you about a student and not directly about you. But the future will reveal itself slowly and surely in its own thoroughly unexpected way. Let's hope all will be well.
The waves are spectacular. Thank you for these images.
She didn't sound very helpful with your question, I guess she's saying don't move.
I never was a water person, but that was awesome!
WOW!!! those wavesare huge! those people are crazy, and move?go for it!
I did not know that about Harper Lee. Don't you wish someone would do that for us? Those waves sound cool. We're supposed to have waves and 60mph winds tomorrow and I'm supposed to be off-island for a Dr. appt.....probably the damned boats won't run.
It would piss me off if a psychic spent all my time telling me about someone else. I think she owes you another reading...
Wouldn't it be nice to be given a pile of money in order to fulfill a passion. Now, if I could just have a passion.
I need someone to support me for a year! lol
Those waves are deadly!!
that's an interesting bit of info about harper lee. i think it was probably easier to be an author/artist back then.
i can't imagine what it would be like to be supported for a year while i created something.
awesome waves!
sucktastic psychic.
Not really sure about how I feel about the whole psychic thing. My mother went to one before she met my dad and after her first husband. Everything she told her came true except the psychic said that my dad would be much older and instead he was 11 yrs younger.
I went to one years ago and she read my past. I asked if that had ever happened before and she insisted that everything she said was in my future. She was wrong. Apparently my future is not to be seen. Walk by faith, not by sight.
Your waves are all over the news in Los Angeles! They are amazing.
Too bad about the psychic. I went to one recently and was pretty surprised by how accurate she was! Maybe try a different psychic???
Good luck with the move! And frankly, I want to hear more about the talk with the medium!!!
Wow. So much in such a short post. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my all-time faves, as it is for so many. How cool that she had patrons!
Hope you are able to help that student when the time comes, and that your move goes well.
We heard about those gigantic waves.I could never be a surfer, though I admire their daring. Even on a small screen & a YouTube video, that wall of water frightened me!
How wonderful to know that you're going to be a tremendous influence in some young person's life!!
To Kill a Mockingbird also one of my all time favs and how great was that couple who gave Harper the opportunity to produce such a treasure for us all.
My mother used to frequent psychics for answers, it was never as useful as it was costly.
I'd love to be supported by a wealthy couple. It would be great if I penned a literary masterpiece. Not so much if it was unpublishable. Would they expect their money back?
with waves like that who's supposed to work, hee heeee heeeeee
Wow - impressive video!
I'd kinda feel like you did in that your student was kinda sucking away your psychic time!
I can not imagine those waves!! Surfing is so cool!
Those waves are too much for me! Would be nice to look at but not to surf.
I'm jealous that you get to teach TKAM. It's a 10th-grade level book at Our Humble High School, and I teach juniors. Such a lovely testament to the human condition!
That's so cool about Harper Lee. It certainly helped to produce a classic. You'll have to let us know if your student approaches you as anticipated.
I think that is a regular part of a teachers job- a real psychic doesn't ask what you do for a living and all of those leading questions. They just touch you and talk.
Holy Crap about those waves! Have you watched the movie Capote? It is so interesting re: to To Kill A Mockingbird.
Love love love this place. And surfers make it all so easy. I have tried several times and could stay on the board for a nanosecond of time.
That is pretty cool to put up a friend for a year so they can write. Kinda like Tracy Chapman's high school pitching in to buy her her first guitar... cool stuff. Maybe their psychics told them to do it.
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