Afternoon update. Ah, the list is not of sick bloggers, although there appears to be plenty of us. The list is my "to do" list. Grades, closing out the semester, the holidays, and then there is the whole moving thing. Thank-you everyone for your good wishes.
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!!
Feel better soon, Pseudo!
Blech... take care of yourself.
That stinks.
I prescribe a course of "oh, poor baby," to be taken as necessary.
Feel better!
(BTW -- it's kind of nice to know that even in paradise people still get sick.)
What list? The list of bloggers who will catch it?
Boo. Never fun. Sucks doubly this time of year. Feel better soon.
Well CRAP! Take care of your self.
NOT FAIR! Feel better soon. I wish I could drive around the corner to bring you some EmergenC and tea.
Oh, you got that chain letter I sent out, did you? Sorry about that. But in my defense I wasn't the first; just one in a long line of ill bloggers.
I hope yours is as short-lived as mine (aside from being very tired today, I feel fine), and that it's not the dreaded H1N1 - or, as Beloved calls it, the "Hiney Flu."
Get better soon, and better this week than next, what with Christmas and all.
yikes! hope you feel better soon.
I hope you feel better soon.
I'm so sorry! What a terrible time to be sick.
get better soon. we are sick too.
Bless you! Get better soon.
Sorry! Stay home, use those sick days and get well. Hope you're up and around for Christmas festivities.
Stay home get better. Virtual hot soup!
hope you are on the mend soon!
Been a bad year for the crap going around. I hope it's not the piggy flu?
What the heck? This stinks!
Tis the season to catch the germs.
Feel better!
It's going around. Hang in there. Hope you feel better soon.
aw! feel better soon!
That so sucks, especially at this time of year!
Feel better. Soon!
Oh dear! Always seem to us at the busiest of times, doesn't it? Hope you feel better soon!
Oh, sorry, didn't mean to freak out...but I'm wearing garlic, knocking on wood and saying Ave Marias. 'Cause I don't want to be sick. Again.
Rest, be well, Pseudo!
I should have put some chicken soup in your box. Feel better, my friend.
Feel better. Soon. Please?
I am sending you some virtual chicken soup and a hug.
No not fun - I'm just recovering myself. I'm pretty sure I'm not contagious anymore, but just to be on the safe side don't lick this post, okay?
Feel better!
I love that you have a tag of "why I'm not blogging". Mine would be a hundred items long. I hope you're feeling better....
What a horrible time to be sick. So sorry and get better soon.
Can you catch this plague over the interwebs? I'm going to lysol my mouse, just in case.
Feel better!
I took meds all day yesterday and today. I am feeling a little bit better today. Alyce is doing better too. We hope you are too.. Hugs...
I'm not blogging either, but forgot to do a post telling everyone I wasn't :))
I am now though. :))
Feeling better yet? xo
Feel better; screw the to do list. Really. You'll just drive yourself nuts.
Feel better soon
Kate x
Hope you feel better soon! Greetings from a retired teacher in Maine!
As if moving doesn't suck enough you've got to do while sick.
Hope you feel better.
Oh, dear...I do hope you will feel better soon...and be able to enjoy your holidays!!!! Hang in there!!! Thinking of you!! ~Janine XO
Hope you are feeling better this weekend... everyone at work (the hospital) has been sick, and I keep crossing my fingers that I will not catch whatever it is that everyone has got!
Other than being sick and having a long, long list of to-do's, hope you are well and happy. :)
Have a warm (in spirit, I'm sure it will be warm where you live, LOL) and wonderful holiday season!
Wow. Didn't know all this was going on. Take care.
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