Intention: Have regularly scheduled posts. Themed days. Let the readers know what to expect. Relax into a routine.
The Reality: Try on and throw off themes like outfits to a party after one has gained ten pounds and nothing looks right. When inspired and on a roll, write posts 4-6 times a week. When challenged, say, “Blog, what blog???”
Intention: Carry a notebook and pen and jot down ideas, happenstances, funny sayings of students and occasional strangers.
Reality: When notebook is within reach at the right time, seeds for some of the best posts are planted and sown. More often than not, notebook is in another room. Buy more notebooks. Eventually 17 notebooks are placed in all most likely needed places. Still, none within reach when needed. Scrunch head and try to plant seed in brain. When seed of idea disappears, remind self to make doctor’s appointment for early dementia detection.
Intention: Write an inspiring post for the Spin Cycle on the intimate details of why blog and blog community has become such an important and yet ethereal entity in Pseudo's life.
Reality: Daughter calls 15 minutes after leaving for college class. She has severely wounded my car. Spend day getting car towed to auto body shop where it will spend the next 4-6 weeks. Write silly post and take bus to much needed hair appointment to touch up grey roots.
Daughter is fine (no- I did not kill her).
For more spins on scenes behind the blog, head on over to Jen at Sprite's Keeper
Hope daughter's car is ok - car stuff gets me so wound up.
Good luck w/ the grey too. I'm finding this a constant battle.
Headed into unbloggable territory this week and my blog hiatus has been rescheduled. You guys are a lifeline!
So glad to see you in my google reader more often, my friend.
Cars and teeth...they're both indispensible, pains in the neck when something goes wrong, and VERY expensive to deal with.
Glad your daughter is okay, and so sorry you have to deal with more crap!!
I yiyi, so sorry about the car but glad she's okay.
I totally related to this post and your carefully laid plans for blogging-- then life gets in the way.
Hang in there. I'll read whatever and whenever you write.
ack. glad she is ok...that is what is important...cars can be replaced.
WoW! I could have written this entry.
Ouch on the car! Glad to hear Daughter's okay, and yes, it made for a silly but enjoyable Spin. You're linked!
Yikes! If you didn't have gray before this morning, you sure do now. Glad your daughter is okay.
Glad to hear daughter was not hurt. A car can be fixed. Sounds like you are doing well after the move. I like the idea of notebooks scattered throughout the house, and one the car too!
Too true, too true.
I hope the car and your daughter both make it through the next 4-6 weeks alive!
Lol ah yes, intention vs. reality. The most un-fun fun game ever!
(Hmm. So what I meant by that is it's funny even though it's not ideal. Not that you're un-fun!)
So what you're telling me is I've been doing it all wrong?
: )
Excellent and very funny! We can all relate on some level, Pseu.
Okay, maybe not the severely wounded car bit.....but that was funny too...especially when punctuated with the gray roots being touched up!
Ahh, you nailed the blog angst exactly!
If only I was the person I truly intend to be...(Lyle Lovett has a great song about a woman with good intentions--"she's not good but she's got good intentions")
So sorry about the car!!
Boy, can I relate to ALL of this.
I hope things smooth out for you soon, hon.
Bummer about the car, glad daughter is ok.
I hear ya on the gray roots, looks like someone sprinkled baby powder on the top of my head.
I like this spin... though I don't think it is in the cards for me to spin this week... gorgeous weather and boy's birthday party to prepare for!
My blog reality is echoing yours! Except my daughter's not quite old enough to drive...
Are you stealing my life? Except for the teenager driving- shudder to see the future. Also I don't use notebooks but you're right , I should!
Oh, our good intentions, thwarted by children and life. Hang in there, PHST.
Glad DD is okay, sorry your car is not.
Reality sucks.
Great post. Glad your daughter is ok and that you didn't kill her. Very admirable. Hope your car is fixed soon.
Maybe you could ship me a a few of those notebooks. I'm sorely lacking in the creative department lately. I only have whiny posts..
I hope the car wasn't too bad and I'm glad your daughter is ok.
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