Sherri over at The Claw does a blog swap now and then. I joined in her Fall swap last year and it was actually a bit adventurous for me as I was still new to the whole blogger thing. If you don’t visit Sherri you should check her out. She keeps me up on music and popular culture and design ideas.
My swap partner is Raina and I first went to her blog when through the swap. Check out her too, all about interior design.
The blogger who got me for the swap was my dear friend Movie from Don’t Worry it’s Only a Movie. Movie was one of the first three bloggers I met out here. For weeks (months?) she was often my only commenter. Movie is a special person. A teacher who works with emotionally challenged children. We have similar tastes in music and more in common than most of the people I hang out with in flesh time. She lives in Maine, likes to hike, and posts gorgeous photos of mountains and waterfalls I hope to get to someday.
Movie knows my unblogable stuff and went overboard on the swap to cheer me up. Here’s the gifts she bestowed upon me. I wish I hadn’t gone through the box like a kid at Christmas and taken photos along the way. Each item was wrapped in beautiful fall colored tissue paper. Guess you had to be there.
Hope some of you join us on virtual traveling today. I know I am late, but last night joined the unblogable.
That Movie is a very special lady, isn't she? I'm so glad she was able to cheer you up!
You scored! Erin puts together a great package. I love seeing everyone's swaps, it makes me glad I do them when I see & read about everyone's goodies. Hope the unbloggable leaves you and Movie alone soon. Thanks for joining in again on the swapidee swap.
What a wonderful little pick-me-up package!
I don't like your last sentence though.
Aw, you scored!
Movie's the best; glad she cheered you up, all the way from Maine to Hawaii (only in Blogville, huh?).
Happy Fall to you. Nice swap you had.
You know that putting together that box of goodies was very therapeutic for me too. It was a win-win.
I'm so happy you like it. (And it got there so fast!)
Erin really is the shiz-nit. :) And I've met her many times in person! Woot!
Great idea, that swap.
Hang in there - enjoy your presents..
Sherri was one of my first readers... oh and Movie too..but she's my sister so she better be reading me!!
Glad you liked your swap goodies...I finked out on the swap once again.
What a lovely post about your blogger friends. What a wonderful goody bag you received!
Can I play next Thursday? I already posted today.
Glad you are sounding more chipper!!!
xo, Mango
I love the swap idea. How cool that you and Movie got to swap! I've been thinking about you both and hope the unbloggable ills leave the scene.
We might need to rob a bank so we can organize a girl's weekend.
Yes! Girls weekend!
THAT is awesome! Movie hit the nail on the head several times. Especially if it made you happy. I love seeing Happy Pseudo!
That is just too awesome and I want goodies like that too :-) how sweet was that!
I'm glad you got such a wonderful care package right when you needed it most :)
I'm glad to hear I'm not the ONLY ONE who's taken a BLOGGING BREAK. So I love that you received a gift from movie blogger, however, I need to understand if this was unexpected? Sorry if you made it clear. I didn't 100% follow it.
I was trying to figure out if there was something tasty to eat, but it's hard to make out the photo in my tiny phone browser. Did I see shortbreads or biscuits or something?
That's so awesome!
The awesome care package was perfect timing, wasn't it? Such a thoughtful thing Movie did with all the wonderful goodies!
Very cool exchange, especially if it brought your spirits up.
Wow, you really scored with that package! I won a giveaway and when it got here this week, I did the same exact thing.. ripped right through the paper!
Glad Movie brought your spirits up a bit and sent such cool stuff!
I'm with Blue Violet - not liking your last line.
Take good care, Pseudo. Breathing for you.
I've been thinking about you and hope you're doing okay.
Fun stuff from Movie. I've enjoyed reading about the swap. Thanks for sharing. Hugs to you, Pseudo!
What a great idea - so glad it's picked you up Pseudo. And BTW Rescue Pastilles rock - addicted here (also Rescue Remedy has got me through many a sticky time) xxx
Wait...are we still in Hawaii???
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