We met at Pyramid Brewery, and since it was the last day of the conference, and the conference ended at noon, I enjoyed a pint of apricot ale on tap with lunch. Oh. Sigh. That was nice.
It was a great first for me and I had a blast having lunch with another blogger. She is even more fun in person than she is on her blog, and that is saying quite a bit. We got on like we had known each other for ages. Before I knew it my colleagues were calling me and asking why I was late....
Margaret was one of the bloggers I found in my beginnings, through the MidLife Bloggers website. She was already quite a popular blogger and I was a newbie. However, she did stop by my blog and left one of my earliest comments; it was a post where I was lamenting my lack of skills at prettying up my blog.
You really can lose a lot of precious time trying to make your blog look "pretty". But if you are a writer, then THAT will be the most important part of your blog. Spend time on that first, because that is what you have to offer the blogging world. Less is more anyway when it comes to all the crazy things people put on their blog's sidebars.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello! And thank you for the kind words.
Nanny Goats is a humor blog that will always make you laugh; but Margaret is also thinking of including tech advice on blogging. I'm hoping she will.
Today's travel tip? If you get a chance to meet up with another blogger while visiting a new place - go for it.
Got Travels? Link on up.
Were you nervous? I was so nervous before I met my first blogger. Now it's just fun though!
I have never met a fellow blogger and would be super nervous if it was someone like Margaret!!!!
Aw, that's exciting. It's nice to put a face to the name and share a beer. I've had nothing but good experiences so far, although I'm a little daunted by the idea of meeting scads of bloggers next month. I feel queasy just thinking about it.
very cool...i so look forward o meeting a few blog friends...
so neat! i'm excited to meet blog friends, too.
Look! I remembered to link up! I think it would be fun to meet a few bloggers. We should all meet in Vegas or something.
Oh, how fun would it be to meet in Vegas! Althought I daresay I'll meet a few at a certain conference next month. Maybe even Mrsbear.
I have our visit all written up, I just have to recheck it and press PUBLISH.
I was cringing when you were about to post a comment from lo, so many years ago. What horribly embarrassing thing was I about to say, but it wasn't so bad. And I think I still mean it all.
Thanks so much for all the linky love and the recommendation in your sidebar! XOXOXO
- Margaret
Yay for meeting bloggers in person! The only one I've ever met is my sis (the creepy one).
I had that on my list to do this summer...
So glad you got to meet Margaret and had such a good time!
If I ever get to Hawaii, lunch is on me!
So many comments to leave on this:
1. I met Margaret last year at BlogHer, didn't even know I was going to meet her, just walked in and was introduced to her, "Oh, and this is Margaret, you may know her as Nanny Goats in Panties", my mouth DROPPED, and I absolutely loved her. Such a sweetheart. I'll never forget sharing a steak dinner with her. :-)
2. You're linked for tomorrow. I'll explain why then too. You can blame Tulpen for that. :-)
3. Next time you're in Florida, or if I can ever get myself drugged up enough to get on a plane and haul over to Hawaii, we WILL meet!
(And since I live so close to Mrs. Bear, I'm constantly harrassing her about meeting up again. )
Loved this post. I got to meet Angelia from Living Loving Laughing when I was in Dallas in February and we had dinner together. It was so great. Felt like I'd known her my whole life!
I'm looking forward to the experience of meeting a blog friends. How did you arrange it?
Aww. I haven't had a "blogger blind date" yet, but I'm glad yours went so well!
i haven't had a blog blind date yet. i would be nervous, although excited.
i'm glad your meeting went well : )
Oh wow, you got to meet one of the top bloggers. That must have been fun. Glad you had fun meeting a blogger in person.
I have a few on my list I would love to one day meet. Sounds like you had a great time.
I've yet to meet a fellow blogger. I'm sure it's nothing personal.
Ooo, how fun! :D Many more meetings to ya.
Ok meeting an established blogger in real life would be cool but having lunch at the Pyramid Brewery with that great beer of theirs - that's awesome!
I don't want to meet any bloggers in person. Well... except my sister... she's the only one who knows I'm really a middle aged, overweight, unemployed, bald guy living in his parents' basement.
Oh. Love what you've done with the place. Change is my favorite.
Ooh, looks fancy.
I wrote a travel post and forgot to link it up. Silly.
I wish I could be able to meet a blogger, but I probably won't meet anyone. haha I live too far away.
I am glad you had a great time that is awesome!
Love the new design! It's the same design I chose for my Nana's Nature Photos.
I can just imagine how exciting that must have been to meet a fellow blogger.
I've met Margaret a few times, including for lunch. I love her - she's great!
So fun! I love Ms. Nanny Goats! I've only met one blogger in person and agree that it was an awesome experience. Looking forward to the day when we meet up in HI, FL or somewhere in between. With my brother on Maui, your sis in FL, I know it will happen......just don't know when.
Eek! That's going to be me at BlogHer!
I met a fellow blogger on a visit to Atlanta and it was like meeting an old friend.
I met a fellow blogger on a visit to Atlanta and it was like meeting an old friend.
I haven't met any bloggers in real life because I'm sure I would either be overly ingratiating and drive them away, or I would go too far in the other direction and be surly and drive them away. In either event: away. And then they would write about it!
Alas, I am not traveling anywhere any time soon...to meet bloggers or otherwise. I would like to be walking in your lovely beach picture, however.
Some day perhaps, I will be lucky enough to meet some of my bloggy friends. After I find a diet that works, though... :)
It would be lovely to meet some of my bloggy buddies. But I'd be so nervous, I'd wreck the occasion.
Love the new name & look. Oh, to be able to stroll down that beach!
I'm liking the transformation of the site. Think I'll go visit your buddy Nanny.
Saw you on NGIP and came over to take a look-see. Hawaii, huh? Isn't Margaret just the nicest? I love her and we share an affinity for goats. You gals are both lovely and so glad you got together. Good luck!
I'm a terrible lurker, sometimes commenting at Margaret's blog and I often laugh at your funny comments on other blogs.
I'm so glad you got a chance to meet a fellow blogger! I've met a few now and it's always been a great experience.
Love the new look!
Oh Pseudo, You are so lucky! I've talked to Margaret on the phone but we've never met in person. She's a great blogger (So is Jane at MidLife Bloggers) and would be a blast to dine with. Glad you could both get together.
Happy weekend,
I love meeting bloggers. We all have that one thing in common....we are all obsessed with blogging! LOL
Oh, I find white text on black so uncomfortable to read! I hope it is just part of the transition. (Margaret is right, of course, about the words being what is important -- but we have to be able to read them!)
Two bloggers walk into a bar...
How great. I haven't popped my meeting another blogger cherry. Maybe I should get on that...sounds like fun!
I love Margaret, and I can't wait till I get to meet her one of these days. I know I will!
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