Truly, I had no intention of staying away from the blog and the blog world for this long...
However. What the fuck was that?
I'd ponder it out here in virtual space, but it is mostly unblogg-a-licious...
Maybe someday. See, it's not really my unbloggable. Well, mostly not mine. There is some mine, as in work related stuff that I am not comfortable putting out here.
And maybe that's the thing. Most of my life that is worth writing about is, for now, unbloggable.
That being said, some totally bloggable events have rocked my world. As in blog friends and blog relationships.
This post is for Tera at Olive Hue Designs. She ran a contest, I am guessing around Christmas because it was before I took my unanticipated leave of all things Internet.
And I won.
And I was a horrid. Because I was so away from the Internet that it took me awhile before I realized I won and even longer to get back to her... some time after that to show my appreciation for winning such an amazing prize.
Tera is an amazing artist. I love her stuff and have been coveting something from her Etsy store for a long time. For my prize I was allowed to pick out something.
I love so many of her pieces, but I knew what it would be. The first time she posted it, I felt like she had snuck into our backyard.
This is the amazing artwork that Tera sent me. It is called Polka Dots and Moonbeams.
It is so me.
I love it.
Thank-you Tera.
Please visit Tera's blog or Tera's Etsy store.
Weclome back, Pseudo. You were missed.
And seriously, what the fuck WAS that?! :-)
Well, since you made such a nice post, I'll forgive you. :)
Welcome back! I missed your blogs, but now all is right with the world.
Welcome back!! I've really missed you!
And congrats on winning that terrific picture! You'd think it was done just for you!
congrats - maybe you just blog like Forrest Gump
Yes, we have missed you around. BTW I have another blog where I write fictional pieces, mostly about school. It might be of interest to you.
Nothing like a well-placed F bomb to get things off to a roaring start!
welcome back, doll!
great to see you pseudo...and congrats on winning at tera's she is such an amazing artist...
Love that you won some art. That's a beautiful piece.
So nice to see you in my Google reader.
Anytime you need to ponder the unbloggable, you know where to find me.
Hi Pseudo, welcome back. I hear you about the unbloggable stuff-- I think that's why I haven't been around much either.
Congrats on your win! And hope all's well.
xo jj
Welcome back! I've missed those Traveling Thursday posts. Congratulations on your win.
Congratulations on being the winner of that really cool wall hanging; it sort me makes me thing this is what you look like, even though I've never actually seen you!
Welcome back Pseudo!
I've missed you! I'm so sorry about the unbloggable!
That is a beautiful piece of artwork! I do believe there are two of her works in this house as well. :)
How lovely! And we're glad to have you back. :)
You're alive! I thought after I got that box that maybe someone was cleaning out your house after you... But no! You are out there!
That is a cute picture. So sweet.
Welcome back! Isn't it terrible when life gets in the way of your blog? Mine is starting to do that and it is pissing me right off.
Hello again. Just coming back from a week off myself. Hope all that unbloggable stuff isn't too stressful. And congrats on winning Tera's contest. I have one of her pieces myself and love it.
I can understand that - much of my life of late has been things I'm not yet ready to blog about.
Good to see you back, though.
How lovely to see you again. I also was away for an unintended blog hiatus as well.
I love the photo of your swing and the art piece you won is marvelous! I must go and check out that etsy store :)
I figured you were busy with your very glamorous life and couldn't take time away from all the business of living a glamorous life long enough to update your blog...
welcome back!
VERY cool artwork!
Hey YOU! Welcome back. I recently came back from a hiatus too... missed you!
Love the picture, it's too perfect.
That is a really cool piece of artwork. Congrats on your winning, no matter when it was. You won.
Yay, welcome back, you were missed.
I LOVE Tera and her work!
I think if I get another tattoo, I'm gonna ask her to design it... she is that good that I want her on my body forever.
THERE you are! I've been sidetracked by unbloggable stuff too, so I feel ya, sister! WTF, yo?
What a great prize. I love the swing from the crescent moon. Of all the things I'd like to be caught doing, I'd like to be caught doing that. :-)
Hope you're doing well.
Hope to see you around more!
Probably lots of bloggable in your world - however, I understand not being able to grasp it. Same problem.
Take good care.
Nice to see you back...
I've missed you! Don't stay away for so long.
Thinking of you today as I watch the news. Are you guys ok?
It's so nice to see old friends again.
(I still remember when I could use the f word. sigh)
So glad to see you again. Sending hugs and love. Hoping the unbloggable disappears.
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