Well, Jen asked us to spin about food this week, and although I do love to cook and my family enjoys my cooking, I am not one to follow a recipe and that makes posting a recipe difficult.
Plus, I cannot compare with my blogger friends like Michele or Jan (Jan is even writing a cookbook).
My sister is a talented photographer and cook and after guest posting a recipe or two on Weyume, they asked her to be the Saturday and Sunday recipe blogger. Check her out!
So, I am going to do something a little different with this post and do a little advertising. I took down my blogher ads awhile ago and I have stayed away from marketers asking me to do reviews or provide a link.
But today’s post is advertising something I do (and eat) for ME.
My story goes like this: a friend passed a bag of Mila to me last December. Mila is a whole, raw food. It is made from the chia seed, and is the absolute highest quality, proprietary blend of chia seeds. My friend had in mind my son, who had recently been diagnosed with depression and was going through a very difficult time. She thought it might help him as she knew several people who felt strongly that Mila helped them with depression and other mood disorders.
Mila is ground up and appears a lot like ground up flax seed. It is odorless and tasteless and can be put into just about anything.
My husband and I began eating a scoop a day right away. The teen boy is a fussy eater and it was more difficult to get the Mila regularly into his diet; however, my husband and I felt the difference within two weeks.
My story. I was four years past chemo, but had never been regular since. Without sounding like an old lady who is obsessed with her bowel movements, suffice it to say that when one does not poop for days at a time, it becomes a focus. Along with irregularity also came fatigue and more migraines than ever before.
Days after incorporating Mila into my diet I was as regular as a clock. Soon I also noticed an increase in energy. I dropped weight (I had gained weight with the irregularity years). I am now down to not only my pre-chemo weight, but down to my pre-forties weight. I went from 158 pounds to 138 pounds in the last six months.
After two months of eating Mila daily, my migraines and accompanying neck pain started decreasing in frequency. My Imitrex prescription now lasts three times as long.
My cholesterol was borderline high and I would go in for blood tests every six months. My last blood test, my cholesterol had fallen into the normal range.
My husband’s Mila story. He stopped with the energy drinks since he began eating Mila; instead of a Red Bull or Monster, he drinks a scoop of Mila mixed with juice or water before he goes to work.
My cholesterol was borderline high and I would go in for blood tests every six months. My last blood test, my cholesterol had fallen into the normal range.
My husband’s Mila story. He stopped with the energy drinks since he began eating Mila; instead of a Red Bull or Monster, he drinks a scoop of Mila mixed with juice or water before he goes to work.
This summer I have been home and able to prepare my son’s food. I sprinkle the Mila into his hash browns and rice and anything else I prepare. Instead of a scoop at a time (unless I make him a protein shake), I sprinkle his scoop in various foods throughout the day. I combine it in meatballs, stews, curries, just about everything. I believe the Mila combined with surfing daily has been making a huge difference in my son’s health.
A few months ago I decided to become a distributor. At first, I just wanted to be able to buy the Mila at a distributor’s discount. However, I like the business model of the Lifemax Company and have been working the business end this summer. My cost was in the amount of bags of Mila I purchased to share with others. I pass a bag on to those who I ask and who show interest. If they like the product, they can buy more from my website. If they want to join me and become a distributor, that’s great too. I get to work with friends and people I like.
The worst thing that can happen is I turned on someone for free to a whole raw food for a month. That’s not a bad thing at all. Like planting seeds of goodness both literally and metaphorically.
So, Mila is the biggest food change in my life at this juncture. I’m loving it.
If you would like nutritional information, click here.
If you would like to read testimonials, click here.
To see my website, click here.
If you are interested in trying some Mila, let me know in the comment thread and make sure your email is linked and not “no reply”
For more food spins, head on over to Sprite’s Keeper (Jen puts the links up on Friday).
Ooh! I wonder if John has seen this! I've never heard of it, but he reads up on all these natural healthy foods. I'll be checking out the website and the testimonials.
And if it's helping your family, that's good enough for me. :-)
You're linked!
This sounds awesome! I have read about chia seeds and the benefits from them. Does Mila have omega 3s in it?
My son has autism and I have read that flax and chia and stuff like that is really beneficial for the brain. A lot of parents of kids with autism say that it helps their kids tremendously. I would have to come up with creative ways to get him to eat it, though, as he is super picky.
I am totally interested in checking this out....
You know this is right up my alley. Is there a way I can get a sample? If not, can I pick it up at a health food store?
Wow. First, regardless of the food stuff, I'm glad to hear about all the positive changes in your life recently! :)
Second, this stuff sounds fantastic. A personal recommendation is always stronger to me than an article. I don't really have time to look into it now -- what with my insane goals for July as you know :P -- but I'll definitely check it out in a couple weeks.
intriguing...i will try anything once...will have to look into this...nice on your positive changes...
Ok, I would love to try this. Can I get a sample or something to try? What would be the cost to ship from Hawaii? Please email me! Mahalo! =)
My husband and I take chia seeds and they've helped a great deal.
I've never heard of this version before--interesting.
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! I see you are in a new "spot" - very cool! I fell off the grid there for a while, but it's great to see you here and reconnect...
I hope you've been great and I'm so happy to see you!
I've come to believe that almost anything can be helped, if not cured, by diet. I'm going to look into this.
It sounds like it's worth trying; but wouldn't shipping from Hawaii to Delaware be prohibitively expensive?
I have never heard of that whole food! I'm going to read some more and I may get back to you.
Thanks so much!
Who wouldn't want to try it after that pitch!? I definitely think it's worth a try! Love to try some myself- could use a little weight loss for sure :)
I love the look of that breakfast! :-)
My migraines have decreased significantly now that I walk, do other assorted strenuous things, and eat a much, much healthier diet.
I would love to try this! Anything I can do to keep the migraines away is a plus.
This is absolutely fascinating! I've never heard of it before, but the effects over there are amazing!!!
Anything that can help drop pounds is a Godsend.
spin cycle always reminds me of maureen of island roar. i truly miss her.
i can never write about cooking either.
I've never even heard of this stuff!! It sounds like some kind of magical bean. I'm going to ask my doctor about it and see if maybe I can't try and move away from some pesky pharma pills in the future. :)
I've never heard of Milo - sounds like it should really be named 'miracle'. :) I'd be SO interested in checking it out - hubby and I have both decided we need to rethink our healthy ways (or, in our case, the not-so-healthy ways...heh.) I love that your hubby is on board with it, too - it makes it so much easier to make a dietary change if everyone's on the same page. I'd have to sneak it into Princess Nagger's food - I'm sure she'll be anti Milo like she's anti-vegetable. I'm learning to be very sneaky! ;)
Spin: Cooking Passion Started at a Very Early Age
Ooh, interesting. I started eating a cereal, "Holy Crap" (yes really) that is primarily chia. I stopped eating it because of some stomach upset (which wasn't related to the cereal, but I found it hard to digest at the time). I have to go out of my way to buy it so I haven't gotten more, but now I will! Thanks for the reminder!
At this point with all my medical issues I am willing to try anything. You have my email, would you mind emailing me info?
This is the stuff you recommended to me in email, right? It looks AMAZING! I'm going to do a little research (on whether my kids might react to it) and then maybe we'll try it. Can't believe it has made such a difference in your family, that is awesome.
I have never heard of mila, but it sounds interesting. My hubby has gastrointestinal difficulties and ABS, so this sounds like something that might be helpful to him. I earmarked your site to go back to later and read more. Thanks.
I wish the website compared it to ground flax, which is what I add to my Greek yogurt (along with wheat germ, honey, nuts, and fruit).
Also, I may not have looked in the right place, but I could not find anything on the site which talks about price.
Mila? Never heard of it. I'm going to check out those links.
It's always nice to be regular. And 20 pounds? Good for you.
I do ground flax seed in my morning smoothie. I'll check out your website.
Just got back from Maui to find the samples. My son and I are both trying it for the first time right now. The taste and texture make it easy to add in. I will let you know if we notice any changes, improvements, after we take it for awhile. I've been reading a lot online about chia seeds and I think you might have a convert here ...
Hmmmm, now you've got me interested. My little guys aren't big on eating these days. But they really need the healthy fats. The idea that it causes "weight loss" worries me, though. Can you shoot me an e-mail so I can ask questions?
Okay, something that would help with my weight, energy and mood? Yeah, I'd try that.
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