For Christmas each year when I was growing up, our parents took us to see Santa in Panorama City in the San Fernando Valley. There were reindeer. In cages, or perhaps, wire meshed stalls one could say. Here's a photo from back in the day. I'm the middle child on the left.
I miss blogging. Today was the last day of the quarter and I've been in grading hell the last three days; I'm still getting over a cold, and there's a million things that need to be done around here. But I'm going to go take a nap.
Hope a few of you decide to link up and take us virtual traveling. My big plan is to get out and about this week and post next week a real effing Travel Post about Christmas on Oahu. Looking forward to seeing where you all live and go for the Holidays as well.
I wish I had something to link. I have a migraine and can't write the post I had in mind (which is also a Christmas past.)
Feel better - talk soon.
hope you have a great nap and feel better...schools almost out right?
nice santa pic...smiles at the memories!
Sorry about the migraine. Even in paradise that's no fun.
LOVE that picture of you and your sisters. you are adorable.
I haven't had much time to get out and about traveling locally lately, but we'll be in Kalamazoo, Michigan next week and are sitting at the chef's table at a very nice Italian restaurant one night; I want to do a Travel Tip Thursday for that. I'll give it my best shot!!
I hope you're feeling better - does this mean you're going to be able to take a few days off now? I hope so!!
I hope you feel better. And you so richly deserve a great nap.
Great trip to the past. I can totally visualize the "cages" for the reindeer.
The middle child on the left! I had to think about that for a second!
Get better! Health first, blogging next, although I blogged right through a bad flu, so I guess I am not one to give advice!
Aw, I love the saddle shoes. You were a cutie. At least you'll catch a break from the grading soon. You might be too exhausted from the holidays to notice though. Take a nap or something. ;)
Thanks for the prompt idea--I posted mine and maybe next week I can do something with a Christmas theme.
I would take you virtual traveling, but I'm stuck in the house post-"procedure" and can't even think about showing my face in public. More on that later.
I do love those old pictures. Takes me back to my own childhood. Of course, I never sat on Santa's lap. Not even a fake Santa. I know. I was a deprived kid.
Hope you get a break from grading papers and enjoy your upcoming Christmas break.
Saddle shoes!!!!
Love it!
Aw, love the little saddle shoes!
I hope you're feeling better. You will once you're thru grading hell.
I'm glad to hear your taking a nap. Good for you! You must take care of yourself. I understand not getting to blog or write like you would like. Nice picture...just took my little ones today for a visit to Santa. I hope you feel better soon. I hope that very soon you will get to catch your breath and just be. XXX Lori
I posted part 2 and even scanned some pics to post. Sorry you're not feeling well.
Love taking a trip back in time. Great photo.
BTW...My husband says to me last night.."lets move to Hawaii". He was dead serious....
I'm here from Sage's blog. Here is a post that I wrote sometime back about driving in the Philippines.
Also love the saddle shoes! Sorry you're not feeling well, but with memories like these, you'll be back on your feet in no time; they warm us up so much!
I'd love to see Christmas on Oahu. Glad you have reached the end of the term - and grading. Now you can take a breath. Oh, wait. Putting on Christmas. No breaths.
Looks like they had some quality Santa's back in the day. Plus you had a mom that dressed you up for photos (in something other than sweatpants and a stained GAP t-shirt like kids today).
I remember my visits to Santa. I would always have my mental list of things memorized. Poor Santa. I would go on and on about the things I wanted. I can remember this one time chattering away about my list, and seeing Santa giving my mom that "I feel sorry for you" look.
Oh man, how precious are you and your sisters! The one on the left actually looks like my cousin's daughter Emi (short for Emily). :)
I'm sorry about all the work you've got bogging you down, but I hope you can still find time to enjoy the holidays with your loved ones!!
Glad your getting over the cold. Thankfully the grading will be over soon.
Cute pic with Santa and your sisters!
Great photo. I hope you enjoyed your nap and feel better.
I had a great plan for a travel post a few months back when I was riding my bike, but then it got cold and I got lazy and fatter and now it's all shot to hell. I need to dig my bike out.
I'm not about to virtual travel today, but I'm all about napping!
I do believe you and I are of a similar vintage.
Love the old photo... you are the only one smiling...
Take care of yourself.
sorry I haven't been around much...I have been swimming in a cook book :-))
Merry Christmas and have a very Blessed New Year!!
We miss you as well...hope that you will get a respite soon!!! Glad you are taking a nap!!! Sounds like a terrific idea!!!! Merry Christmas!!! Hugs, Janine
cute pic
& school's out! Yay!
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Loved the picture too. Yeah for almost being done with school. I bet you are finished now..
I wore saddle shoes too as a kid :-)
Hope you are feeling better, grades are finished and your can RELAX for the holidays.
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