Hubs and I are going to see Elton John tomorrow night. The tickets were very expensive; will report next week whether it was worth it. Wondering if while I am there my teen self of 1974 comes forward. I would love to see her again.
The students come back to school today. I’m looking forward to their smiling faces and unpredictable antics. Yesterday was a “teacher work day,” which means standing in line for the copy machine. I let a new teacher (thinking she might be a student teacher) cut in front of me as she said she only had one copy to make. I, on the other hand, was making 150packets. The newbie proceeded to copy her signature and several ID’s for banking purposes. And she did not bother to take the time to notice the arrows for alignment – so it took her three tries. It was mildly entertaining and yet irritating as well. It also made me wonder whether or not the College of Education ever actually flunks anyone.
My son surfed North Shore a lot this break. He broke a 6’ board in half on a wave with a 15’ face. I pray for his safety on a daily basis but could probably use some back up people.
No. We did not move yet. Apparently advertising your house to rent during December is not the best time. So it looks like the move will occur when I am NOT on break. That ought to be fun.
During the last ten years I never gave much thought to the fact that the decade had no name. No 90’s, 80’s, 70’s, etc. The post under the sunset in the sidebar has a witty discussion on the nameless decade. What did you all call it? I’ve got nothing. My daughter says it’s “the new millennium.”
For more Random, head on over to Keely at the Unmom’s.
The students come back to school today. I’m looking forward to their smiling faces and unpredictable antics. Yesterday was a “teacher work day,” which means standing in line for the copy machine. I let a new teacher (thinking she might be a student teacher) cut in front of me as she said she only had one copy to make. I, on the other hand, was making 150packets. The newbie proceeded to copy her signature and several ID’s for banking purposes. And she did not bother to take the time to notice the arrows for alignment – so it took her three tries. It was mildly entertaining and yet irritating as well. It also made me wonder whether or not the College of Education ever actually flunks anyone.
My son surfed North Shore a lot this break. He broke a 6’ board in half on a wave with a 15’ face. I pray for his safety on a daily basis but could probably use some back up people.
No. We did not move yet. Apparently advertising your house to rent during December is not the best time. So it looks like the move will occur when I am NOT on break. That ought to be fun.
During the last ten years I never gave much thought to the fact that the decade had no name. No 90’s, 80’s, 70’s, etc. The post under the sunset in the sidebar has a witty discussion on the nameless decade. What did you all call it? I’ve got nothing. My daughter says it’s “the new millennium.”
For more Random, head on over to Keely at the Unmom’s.
Add me to the prayer list. I would be a wreck. Hope your school day goes well today.
Broke a board on a 15' wave? Yikes. Of course, it's easy to forget all the incredibly dangerous/stupid things we did when we were that age. Of course, that's completely different.
broke his board...nice. 7 stitches in my sons forehead this weekend from a scooter accident.
have fun with the kids today!
Yikes, am happy to send him some love. I couldn't handle surfing on top of the antics that my boy engages in...
Also - I saw Elton John in 1984. During what was supposed to be his final tour. We had seats on the floor. He was amazing. Have fun!!
Good luck at school today. xo
He broke his board? Brilliant. I pray for all teenage boys as a group these days (too many nephews to name individually). It's the age of undestructable. I think it lasts until you pay your own health insurance.
Elton John will also be here and will be performing in Chichen Itza in April. A friend wants to go but still hesitating not much of a fan I guess. Hope you have a great time and tell us how it was. ;)
"The New Millennium" I like it!
Hold your breath and pray! Yes! You can't stop your children from testing their wings with challenges and hardships. Hopefully, they just get bruises and a broken board.
Did we ever have an abundance of teachers? I don't think so. The job is hard and weeds the faint-hearted right off.
Those who continue develop many calluses.
Your son is fearless in that regard, huh? I'll be praying for his safety cuz I got your back like that.
I hope that concert is incredible!!! I wonder if he is nearly as flamboyant in costuming as he used to be.
Breaking a 6' board, yikes. Brings back those memories of how I felt when by my son would go out snow skiing by himself. Driving in snow covered mountains and back country skiing. You can't stop them; you know they know what they are doing but that doesn't stop you from worrying.
I love Elton John - you must let me know if he can still cut it live!
Aw, I'll be thinking good, safe, 100% whole thoughts for your son!
Also, I thought the decade was called "The Aughts"?
Broke a board?? Yikes! Consider me on that prayer list! I recall old people in my youth saying "Aught nine," etc for the first decade of the 1900's, but never heard that once for the 2000's.
Saw Elton John in NYC before we moved here almost a decade ago. My inner Jr high self did return. I insisted on jumping up to dance to Croc Rock, forcing those around me to get up and do the same. Lots of Fun; have a blast!!
I got to see Elton John and Billy Joel together on their "Piano Men" tour and it was outrageous. I found myself shrieking like a teenager. I even called my two best friends from high school on my cell phone and shared the concert. You'll love him!
Surfing scares the crap out of me. Praying for his safety. How does one break a surf board exactly?
I've always wondered about the 2000-2009 decade. Maybe the zeros...what about next decade? The tens/teens/ish? I guess we won't have to worry about it seeing as 2012 will pretty much swallow up the space time continuum. ;)
OMG, Psuedo - I'd be a nervous wreck, too! Of course, I'll be joining you as a nervous wreck in about a year when The Young One gets his driver's license. Egads.
Oh, I hope the Elton John concert is good - he's one of my all-time favorite artists.
Our students came back today. It was terrifically entertaining.
Our local college does flunk some people. Still, probably not enough.
150 packets? Oh I remember those days! Hope your day back went well and am glad your son is okay!
I always assume he's singing "Hold me closer Tony Danza" ;)
I gotz prayers for him!
I always heard it as the New Millenium as well. :-)
Elton John, I am soo jealous! I hope it will be worth it.
Prayers for the son, got it!
Good luck with the back to school and with the move.
Really hope you enjoy Elton John and getting back into the routine of school :)
it IS the nameless decade, never thought of it before... and enjoy your first day back at school!
Wow, that truly was a random RT post. Good work. Enjoy Elton, and happy new year!
Have a blast at the concert. We saw him with Billy Joel..he has dialed it back big time since the days of green sequined unitards and starfish glasses..and he can still sing SO well.
Good luck with your students. I hope you have fun at the show too..
Have a great week..
Wow. Elton still travels??
I'm going to call it the "Oughts". The decade of I ought to do this and do that but I didn't. Sound very British, don't you think?
Have fun at Elton, it will be worth it for sure! I've seen him four times, all with Billy Joel and they put on a hell of a show.
I've always noticed that a lot (not all) of people in the teaching field (remember, I was a teacher too) lack the technology but make up for it in creativity and enthusiasm. Some are just plain morons though.
Glad to hear your son is ok but OMG, that surfing stunt scared me for him! Sending good vibes your way.
Have fun tonight.
First off-- I've got your back on the surfer prayer! A broken board-- Yikes!
I saw Elton John a zillion years ago-- He was GREAT. I hope he puts on a wonderful show for you. People I know that saw in in Las Vegas raved.
You're way nicer than me for letting the newbe cut in front of you at the copier. I'd have busted her for using the copy for personal stuff on your time :-)
Hope all the kids came back to school happy!
Oh, the sidebar. I couldn't figure out why I was getting so many hits from here all of a sudden. Thanks very much for the link!
I would love to see Elton John sometime, even though every time I see him interviewed these days, he's crabbing about something or other. In general, I don't like to hear actors or singers being themselves rather than performing because it hardly ever goes well for them.
Oh, hope you have a wonderful time seeing Elton John!!! That should be a fun concert!!! And you are a very strong lady!!! I would be really worried about my son if he were surfing those kinds of waves!!! Hope your first official day is/was awesome!!! Love to you! Janine XO
Got to "broke a board" and bugged my eyes. Kids = ulcers/headaches. The new math.
I call the last decade "Tiring".
Add me to your prayer list too. Can't even imagine you and hubby not getting your money's worth from an Elton John concert!
Actually, I've heard several Brits refer to it as the "Noughties". I like it!
My cousin on Maui sent photos of "Jaws" off their north shore. I am worried for your son if that's how immense and powerful those waves are.
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