Blogging has not been making it to the top of the to do list lately.
New job is going well, but keeping me over busy.
Situation with elderly mom is resolving, but has caused many a stress induced migraine of late.
Hope to be around reading and visiting blogs this week or at least this weekend.
Today's travel tip? Sometimes staying home and pouring a nice beverage is all it takes.
Link on up!
Hope to link later...unbloggable here. Ack.
Glad to hear that the mom situation is going better.
Take care.
sweet. sounds like a lot of good in your life right now!
preaching to the choir sister!
Peace and love, Psuedo. :-)
So glad to hear that things are on a bit of an upswing!!
I'll have my TTT up in a little later today--like the picture and the tip!
Oh, I'm so glad things are going a little better for you!
YAY! for things moving along with your relative. That's great news.
Glad to hear all is better w/ your mom.
Go enjoy that glass of wine. I may have one myself (ok, not right now - it's 10 a.m. here, but damn, do I deserve one!)
And tonight I shall say, "Honey, Pseudo said..." whilst I pour us some wine.
Glad to hear that things are chugging along.
I think you're giving out some VERY good advice here. I'll follow it later today...
You are the Goddess of logic. It is 8:54am here and I am going to my wine rack to select the red we will be having tonight ~ raising a glass to you. Peace and blessings Pseudo.
We took your advice last night. Had a great visit with a bottle of white zinfandel.
I am all for the idea that you can make your own vacation wherever you are.
You're focusing on the important stuff now; glad the new job is going well, and that there is some stability with your mother's situation.
Sometimes a glass of wine is all that's necessary.
Best to you!
I've wondered about you. :) Glad you are still hanging in there but sorry to hear about the migraines. I couldn't agree with you more about staying home and drinking a glass of wine or two. Cheers!
Sounds like a plan! Left a post for you to enjoy with the wine! Hope things lighten up soon!
I could not have said it better myself! :) Enjoy your wine!
I’ve been keeping up to date with your site, but just don’t always have time to comment (sorry). Just thought I’d say hello again so you know I’m here!
Exactly. You don't have to be on the go all the time.
I'm all in favour of nice beverages.
You can't go wrong with a glass of dry, red wine.
I'm all for staying at home and pouring a nice beverage. In fact, just yesterday, Secret Agent Man and I went to a lovely package store and purchased us some new ingredients to make "nice beverages". Looking forward to the weekend. Come on over - I'll share! :)
One of my favorite places to be--HOME.
I completely agree with you on staying home with a bottle of wine and either someone(s) you love near you, or some alone time in your own house or garden.
Glad things are better with your mom. Red wine? Sounds so good ...
So glad to hear things with your mom are improving.
So very glad.
May it continue.
(I'm mkaing a note to update your name on my blogroll :-)
Amen, sister! Glad to hear things are getting better for you.
I love hearing that things are on the upswing! I wish they were for me. Take all the time you need. We'll be here.
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So agree about pouring nice beverage. It's a Sunday night tradition for me. Husband goes to work at 8 PM, I put the baby (toddler) to bed at 9 and pour a glass of chilled white wine. Feels somehow illicit and amazing.
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