This is Makapu'u Beach. It's a beautiful beach on the south shore of Oahu. Great for body boarding; on a big day it's not for beginners, this day it was mild enough for a middle ager. My kids took me here the day before the hike.
Back at work this week and busier than all hell. The kids are great. Middle schoolers smile a lot more than the high school kids. We're having a lot of fun getting to know each other.
Link on up with a travel post and make my day!
I'm not traveling till Saturday, but hopefully I can link up next week.
Yay for middle schoolers!
beautiful looking beach...have fun...glad the school year sounds like it is off to a good start...
How very beautiful!
What! It is Thursday already? Wow. I will ask my son and DIL if they go to Makapu'u Beach.
I don't remember school starting this early!! I'm glad you like the new job. Middle schoolers smile more because some day they will need all that good will when they can't find the homework they spent hours doing...again.
I am talking off this weekend with the camera, so I will have something next week. xoxo
I have some Diamond Head surf break shots up today, as well as Waikiki stuff. Stay Come!
Aloha from Honolulu :)
Comfort Spiral
What a gorgeous place! And I'm so glad you're liking the middle schoolers. I know it can be a challenge, but smiles are a great way to start!
what a gorgeous picture! I'm glad the transition seems to be going well, middle school sucks as a kid but the kids aren't too bad themselves. Just in packs. ;-)
Liking the new look, too - and Pseudo fits you, so I'm glad you're keeping that part of it. :)
Beautiful. Hubs says he lived near that beach...
Yay for school! Hey, I'm an adult. I'm allowed to say it now..
Beautiful shot!
Lovely place!
You're already at work? Ouch! Happy New Year!
When did it become Thursday? We're not going anywhere but the kids that live at my house are; which means that it is a vacation for us.
SL was reading your post this morning while I was feeding the baby. There was a lot of cursing involved with your beautiful photos.
Oh, I've missed so much! You're teaching middle school now?? Those lucky kids!
That new header shot is incredible!! The blog looks amazing.
The shades of blues are stunning. It looks like a great spot.
Cheers, jj
Beautiful beach. Once again, I'm a day late on my TTT!
Ahhh, lovely lovely beach--thank you for sharing it. Glad you are enjoying getting to know your middle schoolers (and that they smile). Long may the romance continue!
Why are all regular repeat posts on a Thursday? I already have a date with a Thursday site, can I post on another day of the week? I'd love to show off my wonderful patch.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Love the pic and congrats at getting back to school. Hopefully all the kids like you and don't give you any troubles.
I feel the younger the kids are the more enthusiastic they are :-)
No travelling for me this week! But the kids registered for school today so we are about to fall back into that routine.
Hey Pseudo, long time no see! Been away but I will try to be a better blogger.
I didn't know you were switching to middle school, just that you were switching schools. Hope you are still loving the new gig. That photo is gorgeous, I love little (teeny tiny) lighthouses.
It's sad to think how kids waste so much of their youth trying to be cool or all worried and rushed. Yes, middle schoolers do smile more. However, my poor 8th grader has barely had time to smile this past week. Homework is tough!
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