We make fun of my husband a lot in this house. He has a quirky way of thinking that only family gets, not sure how well he translates though.
But I'll give it a shot.
I asked the group of dog walkers at our local park how to keep the feral cats from pooping in our yard. They all agreed that there's no magic product out on the market, but most people think that CD's in the yard are helpful.
I was so fucking confused I did not even know how to ask my next question...
Like, aaahhh, what kind of music are you talking about that scares away stray cats and keeps them from pooping in the yard?
It was then explained to me that you just PUT the CD's out there, propped up, so the shiny side reflects out. It supposedly scares the cats away. Apparently my neighbors have not seen these cats up close.
Yeah. Right. Kooky people. I didn't give it a second thought for weeks.
Then, this morning while I was running BC at 5:45 before work, there was a stack of CD's next to the trash can. So I figured, WTF? Why not give it a shot? It couldn't be worse than all that stray shit the cats lay on the lawn and don't even bother to bury. I set the CD's up while I watered the yard before work.
Flash forward 12 hours later and Daughter and I are riding home from work (me) and college (her). Hubs calls all freaked the shit out because he found a weird layout of CD's propped up in our yard. Then he adds that he saw a stack of CD's at the park by the trash can. So the way he puts 2 and 2 together, a homeless guy took the CD's from the park, jumped the fence into our yard, and set up a little weirdo mirror action to the sun.
Daughter was laughing so hard she she was wiping tears.
I asked my husband if he has EVER seen a homeless person up around the boonies of the valley we live in.
Well, no, but what else could it have been?
* * *
I had intended this post to be a Random Tuesday, but that first diddie is long enough to fly solo.
How's this? I have figured out that all the cool stuff in my sidebar is at the bottom of the page. HOWEVER. On the design page of blogger, the layout is same as always (sidebar, not 10 feet under in hell).
Anyone know how to fix this? I hate dicking around with this kind of stuff.
For real Randoms, head on over to Keeley's at the Unmom's.
How's this? I have figured out that all the cool stuff in my sidebar is at the bottom of the page. HOWEVER. On the design page of blogger, the layout is same as always (sidebar, not 10 feet under in hell).
Anyone know how to fix this? I hate dicking around with this kind of stuff.
For real Randoms, head on over to Keeley's at the Unmom's.
Your husband seems quirky like other half... :-) Cute story.
I had an awesome RTT written in my head last night...and it's gone.
I wish I could help you w/ the sidebar issue. If I were sitting right next to you... I could do it. Stupid Pacific Ocean/continent of North America in the way.
haha. just tell him you are using them to capture teh brain waves from the aliens before they get in the house...he will leave you alone i am sure...smiles.
It's so funny that he blamed it on a homeless man!
Is the CD trick working?
I LOVE this story! And I think I might love your husband too. Oops.
LOL, love the story and love the quirkiness of your hubby, makes for lots of laughs in your house Pseudo.
Have not played around much with the so called "new" blogger designs, now not sure I want to!
That's my kind of comedy!
rofl. i can totally see why your hubs would have made that connection. it could have been worse. he could have thought aliens where trying to make cd crop circles in your yard. but the big question is, is it working? the girl read that cats don't like citrus smells. you are supposed to be able to spray that on furniture to keep them off--wonder if you doused the yard in lemon/orange scent if that would work? idk.
I've heard cats will avoid citrus and pepper plants, although my cat doesn't seem to be bothered by either scent, so my input in this regard is typically useless.
I'm not familiar with the blogger templates, but since some people seem to be able to see your sidebar at the side and others see it at the bottom, it sounds like it's the width of either the post area or the sidebar area that's causing the problem. If you have the option to switch from "fixed width" to "flexible width" (or vice versa) try that and it might solve the problem. If not, and you can adjust the width of either the post or the sidebar area, try making one of them narrower.
I would have to wonder how long you could keep that act going with letting your husband think differently.
John usually catches on in a few hours.
LOL HOW would you jump to hobo as the first conclusion!??!? Hilarious!
More importantly, did your cat deterrent work??
LOL! Love Brian's idea. Keep us posted on any further contact with hobos (or aliens). This was a great "random"--my laugh of the day. Thank you!!
Of course.. what else could it possibly be? ;) Too funny. Do the CDs work?
That happened to me a while a go and it fixed itself. Not sure how.
Your husband has quite an imagination. I like his scenario. Maybe the homeless are trying to get in touch with some aliens?
Sounds like something that might happen around my house - the husband part. Let us know how the CD's work.
I'm no help on the blogger part. As you can see from mine, not changing anything keeps me out of the frustration pile.
We had a feral cat hanging around once and I think it would have eaten CDs.
And your husband - he's a riot!
That's along the lines of putting aluminum foil on a couch so they don't scratch. You can go all 1970 sci-fi on your yard and no one will go near it.
In his defense, it wasn't such a stretch. . .the cats are homeless after all. . .aren't they?
That is beautiful. Personally, I would have gone alien/gov't conspiracy.
What a hoot! That actually sounds like something my husband would say :-)
I know your family has a good time teasing your husband. But seriously, does the CD thing work?
LOL! Cute story but I really want to know...does it work? :)
That's it. I'm putting CD's in the kids' sandbox. The neighbor cat uses it as a litterbox and then my disgusting fucking dog dines on the cat shit and yacks it up on my rugs.
A homeless person? That's funny. I'd have pinned it on neighbor kids.
That's too funny!
That made me laugh...
But, on a serious note, apparently lion dung is a very good cat deterrent... Is there a zoo in Honolulu?
You have to appreciate his imagination at least. I'm sure it was a frightening thing to consider, the artistic hobo scurrying around your property, setting up some weird CD shrine. Would definitely give me the heebie jeebies if it wasn't so completely off the wall. lol.
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