Wasn't I surprised and delighted that two bloggers shined some blogging love on me by way of bloggy awards. I humbly accept the lovely awards and I'd like to pass them on to everyone I read, but they come with rules that I will adhere to (I try but sometimes I am not a rule follower).
The first one came a few days ago from The Scholastic Scribe. She is a high school journalism teacher in D.C.

Don't Worry it's Only a Movie
Mile 17
Of thistles and maple leaves
Two Dogs Running
What Kate Did Next
The Scribble Award has rules you can find here.
The Butterfly Award came from Joanie over at Joanie's Random Ramblings. Thank-you Joanie!

Lost and Found in India
My Life Interrupted
What I Should Have Said
Words of Wisdom From a Smart Mouthed Broad
The Coolest Blog Butterfly only came with the directions to pass it on to five other bloggers. Easy enough for me to write myself.
Now, I need to go get ready to get my ass kicked by work again. Then, lucky me, I'm off to the opera.
Awesome! Thanks so much for that one. Wait til you read my post tomorrow. I'm advising you not to drink when you read it. At least, not at the very end.
Mama - you are welcome and you totally rock. I will be especially careful with my coffee tomorrow.
HAve fun tonight! This week has been super busy for me as well. I need a week long nap!
Congrats on the awards!
Pseudo - thanks so much! Really touched ... now to check out the rules ;) xxx
Congrats on your awards! Clearly, you deserve them :-)
Thanks for stopping by my SITS featured blog today! I love meeting new bloggers - especially ones with some "pink" LOL!
Glad to hear you loved growing up with all girls. I often wonder if my daughters will "miss out" on not having a brother, but good to know they will be fine :-)
Thank you so much for the award!
Good luck to your daughter tonight!!
You are quite deserving of awards! And thanks so much for passing one on to me:)
And tell your lovely and talented daughter to kick some opera butt tonight!
Good luck with everything!
protect your ass....
Congrats on your awards. Now, get some sleep!
Congrats on the bloggy love. Wow, your daughter does Opera? I love opera. The husband won't go, the jerk.
I'm usually up in the middle of the night also. I'd invite you to IM but the time zone thing just wouldn't work.
Sweet! Congrats on the awards :)
The opera? I couldn't tell if you were using sarcasm when you called yourself lucky.
Congrats on the awards, they're very well-deserved!
And I am certainly honored that you're honored. I've already heard from one of your designees. Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky!
Congratulations and have a fun night at the opera :)
Thanks a bunch for the award...now i have to figure out how to put one in a widget again...eep...
very honoured to have been included along with such talented people as the other more-worthy award winners, i'm blushing...you've nade my day again...
Congrats on your awards and thank you for passing one on to me...it really is an honor. I hope you had fun tonight and enjoyed seeing your daughter on stage. I know how proud you are of her. I totally understand the trying to keep up with everything when it seems like life is kicking your ass. Don't you just wish sometimes that we could all sit down together and just drink a glass of wine...just catch our breathes and do nothing else? Hugs, Lori
Thanks for the award. It's my first blog award ever. And you know, you never forget your first.
We had an amazing time at the concert. Now I'm fueling up with caffeine to make for only 2 1/2 hours of sleep.
Big leap from the California Jam to Opera. Kids do that to us... Your daughter must have a great voice to be able to sing opera. Congrats!
Congratulations on the well-deserved awards!
I'm totally with you on the whole bloggy back burner thing - winter blahs, maybe?
Can you get those Hawaii?
Glad your opera experience was wonderful. Did you almost pee in your pants?
Gee, thanks for the award! That's awesome! I hope you had fun at the opera!
Hey, my word ver is: ponscom. That's just wrong!
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