I enjoyed the book; I’ve read a couple others by Shreve. But the book was deceptive, seemingly light but oddly depressing. I think one of my favorite things about this novel was the setting - a beach house. The same beach house from Shreve's book The Pilot's Wife.
I also read A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini (my book club’s selection for this month), finishing it last night. I could not read it straight through over the weekend. Had to take breaks. Beautifully written, but heartbreaking. To get under the burqa of the two women who are the main characters and see the hardships of life that is “endured.”
See that badge in my sidebar? Women for Women International? After reading A Thousand Splendid Suns I felt like the thirty dollars I give monthly to that organization to help women in war torn countries is the proverbial drop in the bucket.
To balance out the heaviness of my reading, I had the TV on all day yesterday while I folded laundry and putzed around the house. These days with grown and driving teens and a husband who works weekends, I find myself occasionally stranded at home without a car. It might get old later, but so far I love it.
I watched the Oxygen marathon of America’s Next Top Model, season eight. Never had interest in this reality show before, but caught last Sunday’s marathon, maybe the last two episodes.
Yesterday I actually found myself turning the TV on at 8:30 in the morning. Hushing my husband when he came home from work at 2:30. Only intermittently watching the NBA playoff game with him, while I jogged upstairs to the TV in our room.The judges on America's Next Top Model are way more entertaining than most reality shows, especially Miss J.

The two girls that made the finals would not have been my picks, but hey, what do I know?
Any other irreverent TV series I should check on reruns?
I thought Body Surfing was depressing too... but I don't mind her books since they are set in my neck of the woods.
I will have loads to offer for TV picks this time NEXT week when I will done with students.
I'm so glad you are enjoying your time, Ms. Pseudo.
i love anita shreve. i'll have to check that book out because the pilot's wife was so good. i'm reading resistance by her right now. is the other book by the same guy that wrote kite runner? i loved that book.
i don't have any tv suggestions--i watch in plain site, house and hgtv : )
Movie - I think I would like your neck of the woods. For a West Coast girl, I've got a yen for New England and lvoe reading books set there.
CK - I watch House with daughter. HGTV is a new one for me too.
ok, so I know I'm sooo 90 days ago, but I just saw "he's just not that into you" on the plane - and it was pretty much like Love Actually, but it was a little bit more depressing.
However, i enjoyed it.
Please note that I still don't have access to actual TV in sudan though..so consider the source.
Enjoy your summer.
At some point in my life, I am going to read again. I used to read all the time in Ohio, not so much since I moved to KS. I wonder why.
As far as irreverent TV series, how about the current Bachelorette? I started watching because my DIL watches, and then somehow became hooked on the LAST Bachelor show when Jason created waves by dumping Melissa. I'm two episodes behind on the Bachelorette already -- need to watch and get caught up, there's another episode tonight! It always gets good closer to the end anyway.
Oh, and by the way, Tori Mae just selected you as the winner of my giveaway -- check it out on my blog! Congrats! :)
Not much to watch in the summer!!!
Probably for the best. I have a lot of dust bunnies to kill
I read blogs. I'm just too damn busy these days to read anything else. Well, with The Young One gone for the next five weeks, maybe I'll be able to, but I have a funny feeling I'm going to end up playing with my new camera instead. Oh, well.
I don't watch television, either, so I'm no help in that area either. Sheesh, I can be boring! LOL
Being stuck at home, alone, sounds so flippin marvelous. I used to read all of the time and for the last few years haven't read at all but miss it. So I have been trying to read a little whenever I get the chance, which is usually at night and then I can barely keep my eyes open. I would so love to be in a book club and I, like you would go for the friendships and the wine, even if I hadn't a chance to read...lol.
I am glad that your having this down time. You so deserve it. When you give and give the way you do, you need to just sit back and fill back up. Hugs, Lori
"Actually, there were a couple of times I went to book club without reading the book. Yeah, I was THAT person."
Me too. In college I did it for the free books... o_O
I just (literally 10 min ago) finished My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult, in prep for watching the movie and because I (mostly) loved her book The Pact, and omg this was great. Heartbreaking, but so compelling. I basically read it all in 1 day.
(I can already tell the movie's going to be different (based on character and cast lists on IMDB) but I can understand needing to cut, as long as they stay true to the crux of the story.)
I've started getting into Bones reruns, though I dunno that I'd call that show irreverent, just cute.
"you just need to fill back up..."
That it it.
I'm no help on the television front, but I just read "Testimony" by Anita Shreve, and enjoyed it. I have a few other books waiting in the wings I'm hoping to read soon, and on my list to order is Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven by Susan Jane Gilman, which I've heard is really good.
Can never be part of a book club 'cause I read just too darn fast and get bored waiting on everyone else. I'm one of those people that when I'm one third thru a book, I've got to have two more waiting or I start to get antsy.
I just watched "He's Just Not That Into You" last night and I liked it. I agree with Michels comment.
I barely have time to keep up with blogs .. no way could I put a couple of books in..don't you sleep?
i am so jealous. not for the reads - they sound way too heavy. i haven't been able to get into the depressive memoir that's been on my sidebar for more than a month.
i'm jealous because i wanna stay home and watch crappola like the view and reality re-runs. it sounds like bliss.
I could totally use a day where I'm stuck at home. Hope you're enjoying break!
I've read both of those. I thought the Shreve was OK but not great. Suns - GREAT!
I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I'm totally addicted to Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood on Oxygen. It just cracks me up.
a thousand splendid suns was one of the best books I've ever read.
I love to read. I've read a few of Anita Shreve's books and enjoyed them. Then I became bitter because I know I'll never write as well as she does.
Good books are worth their weight in gold. :) I read Suns last year and quite enjoyed it.
Speaking of crappy TV - as i type this i am watching the 90's show "Seaquest DSV." LOL
I'm totally addicted to ANTM! Glad to know I'm not alone!
I like Anita Shreve, too and I have almost all her books. Body Surfing was good but not my favorite of hers.
And I've read A Thousand Splendid Suns twice now. I loved it even more than The Kite Runner (and I did love The Kite Runner). They are heavy books but I felt like I understood women from that region so much better.
You deserve some time to relax and read and watch TV. I can get so addicted to Law and Order marathons. I know they are all reruns but I just love that show.
I just finished up reading a book last night too. Went straight into the next one. With all my kids home the TV and the computer are occupied most of the day!
Ahhhh...summer reading...there's nothing like it! I have a bunch of good reads in the hopper, just need to find the time to get started!
I purposely haven't read a thousand splendid suns because I heard it was so depressing. I've been aiming for uplifitng books as much as possible. Have you read the wednesday sisters? I really liked it. Read it this week while I've been healing.
Hmmmm... if I was home all of the time I'd probably get sucked into watching One Life To Live everyday! But your reading sounds fabulous and I AM totally jealous!
Watching TV and relaxing sounds marvelous. We don't keep the TV on during the day but it goes on the second the kid's heads hit the pillow. Enjoy your time off!
I've got so many books piled up on my side table and floor beside my bed that I'm worried about structural damage. If only I didn't have to sleep. The five free minutes I have between getting into bed and passing out just aren't enough.
Like Jan, I've fallen behind on my reading due to blog reading. Right now I'm reading Nelson DeMille's sequel to The Gold Coast, The Gate House. I'm loving it even if I do fall asleep after reading two paragraphs. I've already extended my time with it at the library, if I want to finish, I better up my game.
TV shows: My guilty pleasure is Army Wives. I'm behind with that two. Thank God for dvrs.
I love Miss J! He cracks me up: )
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