Pendulums swing like they always seem to do
Admin switching up just to confuse you
Consultants AND the power of the few
Teachers shake their heads and shed a tear or two
Admin switching up just to confuse you
Consultants AND the power of the few
Teachers shake their heads and shed a tear or two
If you don’t get the little diddy you probably don’t work in education.
If a little tune did not pop up in your head you are not of my age.
Border collie has taken to getting on the bed at night.
At first it was on the foot of the bed.
Then he stretched out along my side.
This morning I woke up to him trying to get on my pillow and scootching my head off with bunny pushes from his hind legs. When I went to push him off the bed, he rolled onto his back coz he thought I was going to give him a tummy rub.
In Hawaii we don’t have fog. We have VOG. It looks like a haze, but it comes from the volcano on the Big Island and it plays havoc with my migraines and sinuses. We’ve had vog on and off now for like a month.
We are moving in two weeks. We have lived in this house for 17 years. So if I am not too present on the Internet it’s because I’m purging through a generation of living as we downsize.
For more Random, head on over to The UnMom's.
LOL uh oh, BC is pulling a Riley! Beware! Once they get used to it, it's over.
Ah, congrats on the move! I can't wait to hear about the new place.
I get it! Not until I became a consultant and then an administrator I understood how we sometimes complicate lives. What I learned? Some things are necessary. Some not.
Sorry about your VOG.
Our collie feels neglected if he's not allowed upon the bed for a bit before we go to sleep. However at lights out he gets down and goes to bed on his pad. He sneaky when he is up though. He can take up more room that you'd think.
sure glad you included that clip at the end because before I got to it I was trying to figure out the tune. I do remember the tune but of course could not remember the name.
VOG - new for me - worst than smog?
I'd watch out. One night you'll roll over to give Mr Pseudo a kiss and you'll find the Collie.
happy move to you. have done it enough times myself. a great chance to purge. VOG...hmmm....
It's bad enough when the kids take over the bed, if my dog were crawling in I just might lose it.
Moving after 17 years wow. I don't envy the process. We've lived in our house for going on 7 and often I've thought about how tedious it would be to have to sort and pack up all the additional stuff we've accumulated in that time. It's work.
Congrats on the move though. Very exciting.
The amount of stuff you must have accumulated over 17 years is mind boggling! Good luck!
I think you have a very spoiled pup on your hands. Or bed, as the case may be.
Hope the move goes well!
Vog is a much cooler reason for sinus problems than the plain old smog we get here in Los Angeles!
Argh 17 years worth of stuff? Sorry to hear you have to purge all that.
Vog sounds yucky. Hope it gets better soon.
Now I have that song stuck in my head! Damn.
As a former teacher who lived in her last house for 18 years (with the junk of 3 kids and 2 steps)...hon, I fell your pain. :)
Oh my goodness. I hope the purge is going well. I know it is not easy. Just spent the whole day trapped in the basement and we've only been here 6 years!
I could relate to the pendulum swing, too.
My dog has taken to my bed too. Good luck on the move..
Yeah, I can talk to you about admins and consultants. Ack.
I love the contrast of your VOG description and the London video, w/ the fog.
I knew that song, and the video made me miss England a lot.
Good luck w/ your move. Wish I were there to help out.
I hope your new place is everything you need it to be. Good luck on the move.
As far as dogs sleeping on the bed, I wish my rottweiler, Hannah, could still get up on ours with us. Unfortunately, her bad hips won't allow her to even consider it anymore.
Your dog is too funny. I'm sure he totally considers it HIS bed and pillow :-)
I was going to leave a longer comment, but I want to check on a friend that you reminded me about!
Good luck with the purge and downsizing - I wish I could - we've got 25 years of stuff, and will likely stay put (house not all that big and also paid for). I'm hoping to purge anyway.
Hehehe! Love that you share your pillow with your pup... too cute!
Have you tried warning Border Collie that he may BE a pillow the next time he stages a coup on your bed?
Good luck with the move, Pseudo!
You're moving? To where? Still somehwere in Hawaii?
Also - you get volcano stuff from the Big Island? Aren't you on Oahu?
Also - we just made plans to go to Maui in March - woo hoo!
Aack! Moving stress! I hope you'll be moving someplace adorable to make it all worthwhile. Actually, I should move ... I have so much crap I've accumulated in this house - it would do me good!
What a surprise! Just reading along, then, moving to downsize. Just a minor event in your life? I so want to go through all the "stuff" in my house. Horrendous job, I'm sure, but the weight much less after its done. Sounds heavenly.
Vog sounds kinda cool but very brutal. Here's to an easy and trouble free move!
Too funny! My dog goes from my knees up to my belly and by morning he is curled up on the other pillow.
I totally feel your pain about going through all that stuff. As you know we recently went through 18 yrs of stuff and a move.
i have a pointer who does exactly what you describe your collie to be doing...
Do you know that I have a CD of Roger Miller's greatest hits??!!! Yes I do! You rock!
Good luck with your move. Do you like your new place?
Vog doesn't sound good. I hope your new home is out of its path.
Somehow us mainlanders don't associate Hawaii with migraines. Or vog.
My fat lab mix has started doing the same thing with the couch. My husband recently started letting him up on the couch and now I can barely fit since his fatass is sprawled out. The dog, not my husband.
Good luck with the move!
Consultants! ACK! Expensive and seldom make any improvements.
Maybe you could come over and help me to go thru my stuff when you're finished. I'm having a very hard time getting motivated to do what's needed.
Holy Inservice, Batman! We're undergoing another "education initiative" at Our Humble High School, even as we speak. Going to award the high schoolers for "being good." Positive reinforcement, apparently all the rage. Can't WAIT to attend our Monday inservice. I'm sure I'll just pee my pants...
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You are moving?! That is hard work! I hope you have some time off to purge through your stuff.
And Border Collie... I think I love him!
Reading the bit about BC, I couldn't help but think to myself "God I hate dogs.."
good luck with the purging and moving...
I'm not a teacher but I'm married to one. When he has to listen to a "consultant" that the county paid thousands of dollars to, to talk about what's been talked about before, and making teachers take furlough days.....yeah, it is a bad night that night.
Best wishes on your move. If you ever move to GA I will be inviting myself to the big welcome party. :)
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