Random conversation heard going up the Koko Head trail on the weekend…
Mainlanders’ vocab guide:
Hapa = half haole, half Asian or Polynesian. The term “half” can be used loosely
Haole = Caucasian
A group of college students:
Filipino Male: What do you call a Filipino who has 10 black dogs?
Hapa local female: Full?
Filipino Male: He’s GOT the dogs.
Hapa female: I don’t know.
Filipino male: Vegetarian.
Hapa female: Oh, that’s bad.
Haole female: I don’t get it.
Filipino Male: The dogs are alive, so he didn’t eat them.
Haole female: I still don’t get it.
* * * * *
And now for a favorite local comedian shtick
Vocab guide:
Tita = a tough local girl
Poi dog = mixed breed mutt
Okole = ass /butt
Trow blows = fist fight
Blahla = big fat belly-hanging beer drinking bully of local descent
Mahalo = thank-you
For more Random, head on over to The Unmom's.... on Tuesday.
Aidan was listening along and couldn't understand without the vocabulary cheat sheet. :-)
wild times for sure.. What??
Thanks for your nice comment today..
My Round Robin is this Friday if you want to join in..
Totally needed the cheat sheet but from what I could keep up with it was funny!
blahla. will start using that one.
Of course you inform me of this dating site AFTER I pay for Match.com...
ha. yeah thanks for the cheat sheet...
I needed a couple of translation aids.
Funny! And though I'm not fluent in Hawaii-speak, I even get most of this...BTW, are you out of school yet? We have 2 more weeks! :(
Blahla: I like that. And Mahalo, of course. I've been calling my flip flops rubber slippers all week.
I am going to be trying to slip these words into conversations all week!
Hubs knew most of those from his years living on the island.
Update your blogroll! You've still got the old one up there!
This Haole says hello and Mahalo!!
There is band I saw open for Guster a few years ago that had the name "Mahalo" in it, but I never knew what it meant(or that it was even Hawaiian in origin).
I may need to
do a "Rhode Island-ese" vocab blog entry soon, inspired by this.
Going to check out the video now....
I just finished a book that was set in Hawaii. I learned lots of the lingo!
That cheat sheet was crucial.
I knew a great deal of that from the excellent "Hawaii Revealed" guide books, but not all of it.
I got the joke, too.
Mahalo, my dear - it's soooo good to have you posting again!!
The dog exchange was very funny. The second was a little tougher to follow, but I think I got the gist of it. I love that they have a couple under 6 ft for the smaller guys. Sounds like a tita could squash my 5 ft butt in a snap.
I haven't thought about Rap Reiplinger in ages. Now you've got me surfing over at YouTube for his stuff.
"You was just hapai yesterday!"
"I know. Same one."
Humor really is great in any language, isn't it? :)
My husband's father was much the same as your mom in the last post - manic depressive chain smoking alcoholic.
He liked to aim guns at my husband's friends. Anyway... on to happy thoughts.
You off for summer too? I kinda have 2 days left. I made my final all multiple choice to just scan which flipping rocks!!!!! I will always go multiple choice from now on.
I'll be using some of these ;0)
Thanks for the cheat sheet. I'd have been lost without it.
Blahla-- ha!
My husband is from Mililani!
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