Thursday, July 1, 2010

Let's All Head to The Women's Colony

Travel Tip today was SUPPOSED to be the Hana Highway in Maui.

Supposed to. Technical problems with getting the photos from Daughter.

Instead I will direct you to The Women's Colony, which very sadly shut down recently. It is one of my favorite virtual retreats. It was where I planned to run off to during unbloggable and would have if I could have made myself virtual as well.

Come on, join in!


Bill Lisleman said...

did a quick look at the women's colony. From first glance that sounds like something that could keep going. shame.

I'm looking forward to Road to Hana pics. I have a few myself.

Brian Miller said...

hope your glitches work themselves out...big plans for the fourth?

sage said...

In keeping with my life-goal to always be a day late and a dollar short, I'll try to have one up this week--tomorrow!

Amy said...

Oh I want to get away for sure.. Have a great day..

Melissa B. said...

Hey, I traveled the Hana Highway a couple of years ago...super-awesome PS: I love retreats of any kind. Thanks for sharing!

Michele said...

I love the Hana Highway; as long as I get to sit in the front seat. Otherwise, I can't guarantee my stomach.

Lisa said...

I experience vacations and siestas today. I hope there is no shutdowns, but I'll check out the link.

Happy 4th of July.

Anonymous said...

Went there, loved it and cried a bit! Thanks Pseudo! Why don't we start something like that?

Beth said...

I could run off to this place...

Jen said...

I've always wanted to drive the road to Hana! I'm looking forward to the pics.

I always forget to save my travel blogs for Thursday (or they drive me crazy until I get them out of my head and I can't wait.) Is it cheating to post on Tuesday and link on Thursday?

Jason, as himself said...

Shut down? I know a lot of people who write/read with Women's Colony. That's too bad!