I'm still sans camera. It's hurting Traveling Thursdays to be sure; however, Daughter is loaning me her camera this Labor Day weekend and I plan on hitting the beaches. So, hopefully, next week I will have a travel post for those of you who come here expecting a bit of tropicana.
Today's travel tip? Leave the car at home once in awhile and see your home turf at a different pace.

I sold my car this summer and have been taking the bus to work. My new school is in an older community of Honolulu and some days I don't catch the bus from the nearest stop, but walk through the community and check out the stores. There are old fashioned mom and pop and owner occupied holes in the wall.
I'll feature some when I get a new camera or get hold of Daughter's again.
Meanwhile, this is a tip worth taking.
Got a place to take us to today? Want to link up an older post that fits the bill? Grab the Travel badge and link on up!
Hey, great idea!
You are right, walking through our local areas can give us a whole different perspective of where we live. We see things we otherwise would not see in our cars. Hope your school year is going well. XX
Great idea! The kids and I had to walk to town twice last week b/c of a flat tire. It made us slow down and talk.
Good tip! Walking is what makes people fall in love with Europe.
I should have a good travel post in a couple weeks, after we get back from our "hurricane special" cruise! (Unless a hurricane really does hit, in which case, I will have lots of pictures of rain...)
nice tip. we went for a walk through town last weekend...and there is so much to see when you are just meandering...
I live so far from town that walking could take hours. :-)
I often wonder at peoples itch to visit other nations when they've not seen an iota of a percentile of the one they live in. Not that I haven't enjoyed the travels that our Military life gave us, but there is still so much of this great nation to see! Hope you are camera laden, soon!
I'm in... http://dontworryitsonlyamovie.blogspot.com/2010/09/grounding-and-sanity.html
My town is quite the tourist trap. I still like it though. And love walking the waterfront and the jetty with the kids....
Just had a walking tour of town with a bloggy friend- loved it!Great tip Pseudo! Come by and see mine!
Well sorry I didn't post about my town- over my head- swish! :)
Hope you get your camera back soon!
I wish we were close enough to everything to walk! 12 miles to town, would take me all day lol. No buses come out here either besides the school ones.
Good advice Pseudo, everyone needs to leave their car at home once in a blue moon; the air will be better to breathe too.
I've started walking the 3.5 miles to work and loving it. I have met some of the great people out walking.
Great idea. I love walking to work, but my office has moved and I'm now 3 miles from it instead of 3/4 of a mile. I think I'll have to start riding my bike! I finally got my post up, a day late like always!
I wish I could but there is no public transportation where I live.
A tip I have just recently applied to my life. I love it, there was so much I was missing by just driving by.
I live out in the country so walking isn't easy to do. It's another reason I miss living in city.
Walking is definitely the best way to go. And I'm fixin' to start school on Tuesday...perhaps I should high-tail it outta there pronto?
Do you feel free without the car? We only have one car now and rarely use it since we don't work any longer.
I hear you on the walking! It's amazing how much more you see when you're walking vs driving.
Hope you have a fun weekend planned.
I traveled to a bar, does that count?
I agree with this one a hundred percent. Getting around a place without a car is a very different and wonderful perspective.
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