Random Tuesday on a Wednesday seems about right, yes?
My new job is still kicking my ass. I was at my last school for so long, I forgot how overwhelming a first year in a new school can be. Just when I think I have caught up with prepping and grading and miscellaneous paperwork, a tidal wave of work washes in and soaks me to the bone.
Middle school is such a different demon than high school. It could also be that I went from a middle income community to a low income community. But the kids are way needier than I am used to and have to be sat on to stay in tune. Their antics provide much blog fodder that I do not have time to write up properly.
But here is some random.
I have given detention in the last few weeks more than I ever did in the last 5 years.
For throwing bits of eraser at each other across the room.
For poking each other with pencils under the table. They are so sneaky I might not catch them, but the victims squeal.
For being not just tardy, but running late into the room like the running of the bulls in Spain, with the added feature of loud mouthed, off color remarks that get all the kids who were on task swept into the melee.
For taking the tennis balls off the chairs (split tennis balls are on all four legs of all chairs to keep the chair legs from scratching the floors...I mean I get it, let's keep the floors nice - but really...balls at the feet of 13 year olds with ants in the pants???). One student whipped the tennis ball out the door and over the rail and into the school yard. Another tried to juggle three in class, in front of me while I was teaching.
They do make me smile a lot though.
Yesterday when I was walking down the stairs at lunch, I could hear a chorus of them singing Lady Gaga. Prancing along the corridor.
Ga Ga Oh La La, I had to make a real effort to not swing and snap and prance as I walked to the cafeteria to get my lunch.
For more Random, head on over to Keeley's.
Sorry I haven't been around to visit of late. Hope to get control of my "me" time soon.
Wow, I hadn't seen that video yet. Reminds me of something out of the 80's. She's so pretty when she doesn't have all that krappe on.
Sounds like you're in for quite a year! As long as you can see the humor in all their antics, it's all good.
Keep on smiling, just try not to let them see too often. Middle schooler are so inbetween.
Good luck with the little(r) ones! And yes, take some Me time. I mean, You time. Oh, you know what I mean!
haha. glad you are having fun...you probably would have given me detention...smiles.
Ah, I miss those days of a good spontaneous musical number in the halls...
Wow! This made me laugh a lot. I teach 9th grade so I get them when they're still sort of middle schoolers, but at least they mature a little by the end of the year. They should nominate you for sainthood! I can't believe what comes out of my mouth sometimes at school. Yesterday I actually had to tell a group of Seniors, "Everyone stop pinching Brittany now!"
Wow, I can't even imagine teaching middle schoolers (high schoolers either), since I remember what little brats my own were at that age. I bow to your fortitude and perseverance, and patience and good attitude. You're a better woman than me there, girl!
I feel like I'm teaching in a new district this year... All new administration.
Everything is different...all new systems. Ack. I feel your overwhelming pain... Xoxo
Just watched the video, she sure is a weird one!! I'm sure it all makes sense in her pretty little head lol. I can imagine all the tennis balls with the kids, you'd think they'd use something industrial strength for a school eh? lol
Middle school teachers deserve combat pay, that's all there is to it.
oh my goodness. i was just telling my kids i thought i might start teaching middle school b/c it's "easier" than high school. thanks for the reality check.
I am in total awe of your teaching middle schoolers. I taught a senior college level history today and thought I'd die.
I've never seen that video... let's see if Hubs allows it now.
Your new kids sound like a lot of fun... and by 'fun' I mean another reason to drink heavily.
Warm Aloha
Comfort Spiral
I have always had the utmost respect for middle school teachers, since as a parent of 5 children I had a kid in middle school for 13 consecutive years. I don't know how anyone could deal with a room of prepubescent animals for 6 to 8 hours a day, every day.
As for the kids singing Lady Gaga in the hallway, at least they weren't dressed like her. A gaggle of middle schoolers dressed in steak would send anyone over the edge.
It's a funny, funny age.
as the parent of a female middle school student i applaud you. i've never been a teacher but i've always thought it sounded like one of the hardest jobs ever. middle schoolers are a strange breed. i'm lucky in that my kid is smart and well-behaved (at least away from home!)and i'm sure she only tells me half of what's really going on in school--and the half sometimes freaks me out.
How is it that all of Lady Gaga's songs are so catchy? There must be some sort of scientific formula to her melodies, or super advanced alien technology...
I think it's hard to remember that middle school kids? starting out? are just bigger elementary school kids. The older ones? well they know better but its all part of the show. I had to laugh at the vision of singing your way to the caf' I suspect this is all Glee induced. :)
You're doing much better than I would- I always feel really stupid for several months when I start a new job. I hate that feeling!
Middle School Randoms <----that's what i was looking for
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