Despite my being overwhelmed with work and all, I try to take the time to find a moment here and there. One of my favorite things is to relax and watch a sunset. Lately, it has been from my back porch or a walk around the block. However, next week, I may get to enjoy an ocean sunset.
Kick back and watch a sunset, especially at the end of an altogether too busy day.
Got travel? Link on up!
A walk on the beach, for sure, will take years off of you! Here I am on the beach, my lake house behind me, across the lake. Port Orford, and the Southern Oregon Coast are spectacular all year long. Come visit!
Especially with an adorable dog!
Our weather has finally broke so now we can actually sit outside without melting. I'll be taking coffee on the patio this weekend.
That is some definite Zen there, Pseudo.
I do love me a pretty sunset. But I miss working the day shift and driving to work with the sunrise. If I had to pick, Sunrise wins.
now that i would enjoy....nice. enjoy your break...
My favourite time of day! ... enjoy your break :)
Marvelous tip! I did that yesterday: http://www.flickr.com/photos/54280142@N03/5037866590/
Enjoy your break! I agree, I used to love back in the summer when the sun set just as little o was falling asleep. I'd take him out to the porch swing and rock him out there while the sun set.
Just being around the beach is relaxing. Except that part about trying to look good in a bikini at my age. Ain't happenin'.
I think I like sunrise better... but have been appreciating the heck out of a good sunset this past summer.
Watching the sun rise or set over water is heavenly... In two weeks, I'll catch a few sunrises on the Atlantic. I'm back posting a TTT today (on time, even!)
nevermind a travel tip, this should be a life tip!
I'm so looking forward to moving back to Savannah next year so that I can close to my beloved Tybee Island... I so miss walking on the beach.
Breath takingly beautiful. Wow!
Love the dog on the beach. Will try to follow your excellent suggestion!
Oh! That is a wonderful travel trip! I LOVE the pictures. Love. Love. LOVE them! They are perfection.
Finally after having a front push through I can actually see the sunset. Right now the sun looks soo big and the sunsets extra orange. Love your tip! I love watching sunsets.
Good advice. Sunsets are so relaxing.
I would like to exchange links with your site phhhst.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
On the east coast of the U.S., sunrises are my favorite.
That's a great tip ANY day!
Enjoy your well deserved time off.
xo jj
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