Sunday, November 2, 2008

Planet of the Apes meets Gilmore Girls

Husband has been on the computer a lot today. He is enamored of Fantasy Football. Husband only established his own email account a couple of months ago and is enjoying reconnecting with old friends over the internet. He also likes to check his 401K (OK – maybe not so much lately). Other than that, he’s not very tech savvy. One could even say he is a bit of a Neanderthal in the virtual world. I can say that here because although I have showed him my blog, he doesn’t pay much attention nor does he know how to get here on his own.

Enter Son. 16. A wicked sense of humor but absolutely no sense of audience. Most of the time he pisses me off much more often than cracks me up. Husband bellowed today for Son to come and help him with some email or messages he was getting from his Fantasy Football pals. Husband knows better than to bellow for me because after two days of solid grading I am a bit on the cranky side.

Son comes out of the office with a devilish grin and a cat that ate the canary attitude. Daughter is perusing a magazine across from me and we can both tell that the boy is dying to let us in on a private joke. So we ask. Hesitatingly. Because usually we are sorry that we asked.


Dad wanted to know what LOL means.


I told him it means Look Out Ladies.

This one. This one my daughter and I thought was pretty funny.

And in case you’re asking, no one’s told Husband anything else yet.


Anonymous said...

your son sounds like my BIL and nephews...especially BIL...who i've learned to pretty much either ignore as a poor source of reliable information, or at the very least not let it ruffle my tail feathers when he does 'get me'...unlike the days when i used to get REALLY pissed off...

your kid. great sense of humour.

Jen Shults said...

LOL, he does have quite the sense of humor. I'd never be able to think on my feet like that. That was brilliant. :D

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!! BTW, (boobs, tits, weiners!) I downloaded the dick song you suggested. hilarious!! How could I NOT download it just out of curiosity?

Pseudo said...

thistle - I think your BIL is related to my son, cause my husband is not the practical joker and is not near as fast on his feet with the comebacks as the boy.

Jen - Yeah, but most of the time he uses his abilities to irritate me and his sister.

24 - You're so funny. Now anyone in the comment thread is going to be like "what dick song???"

Anonymous said...

What dick song????

LOL! My 17-year-old would SO do that. To me. I learned how to use computers to protect myself from him.

cheatymoon said...

Excellent story and love the title. ....And... what dick song?

Anonymous said...

Yep- ditto the "what dick song" refrain? I kinda like that my H isn't as computer happy because than I'd have to arm wrestle him for it!

Mama Dawg said...

He sounds AWESOME!

Pseudo said...

OK. 24 is having a birthday contest and asked for suggestions for itunes downloads. My obnoxious, knows anything offensive that would rub me the wrong way son. He's got this song in our itunes library. My Dick by Mickey Avalon. If you know 24, you know she is up to the offensive, yet somehow funny, lyrics. I'm not gonna quote them hear so you have to go down load it yourself.

Pancake said...

LOL!!!! That is funny!! LOOK OUT LADIES!

Kristan said...

Ooo, another dick song: My Enormous Penis, by Da Vinci's Notebook. It's FABULOUS! (The song, not the... yeah.)

Oh pranksters... I feel for your husband right now, because I'm one of the most gullible people ever.

Robin said...

Send your husband to the LOLcats site, that ought to confuse the heck out of him (Ladies? What ladies?).

Anonymous said...

oh, you guys are mean. if i had his email i might be tempted to enlighten Husband.

Lori said...

Now that's funny! My husband hasn't a single clue how to even turn on the computor, let alone navigate around on one. He has no desire to either. I keep telling him that I will help him but has yet to take me up on the offer.

Jack said...

LOL, this is too funny! I would have some fun with this before you tell him what it really means.

Queen Bee said...

That's pretty funny. Your son sounds a lot like my sister.

Pseudo said...

Ok. I told him.

Robin - I might have to go see what you are talking about.

Just B said...

I don't know which is funnier: your husband finally discovering email or your son or how much your husband sounds like mine!

Nina said...

LOL that is too funny! My cousins boy who is 8 came across this for the first time and asked who Lol was? He thought it was a name. We all got a kick out of that one also.

Visiting from SITS blog roll call. Your name was ahead of mine.

Debbie said...

You've given me all kinds of wicked ideas of what I could do to my poor computer illiterate husband! Good times.

Andy said...

The first time I saw this show, I was hooked. This is a great show because it's funny and deals with a lot of things. It shows the relationship between mother and daughter in two ways. The close bond that Lorelai and Rory have, and the distant necessary bond of Lorelai and her mother.Catch all eps Download Gilmore Girl Free

jsalexandra said...

Well the son showed a good sense of humor.I really liked it.This show is fantastic in every way.The best thing about the show is the portrayal of the mother daughter relationship.I am searching for some link to download gilmore girls,but haven't found a good one yet.

Anonymous said...

This is the great American drama series. I like this series very much. I have read your post too. Me and my friend we both Watch Gilmore Girls Episodes online and enjoy this show.