These people also trap the cats, especially the kittens, and take them to the humane society to get spayed or neutered. Then they bring them back and let them go where they found them. She told me I can tell by the snip in which ear whether it is a fixed male or female.
I wondered aloud at my measly bag of cat food I carry with me and the kind lady said that anything helps.
I know my healing book that is based on Buddhist philosophies advocated being kind to animals and to help those that are suffering. I started feeding the feral cats on the bike path during my recuperation.
But that woman’s wagon was big; as was the food bag and water jug. She brings them fresh water so they don't drink from the polluted pond. She and her red wagon were like a gigantic heart of giving. Ain’t no power walk when you are dragging that thing behind you.
The fact that I double up on my power walk and cat feeding. Does make me seem a bit more efficient than just a pure giver.
At any rate, the red wagon once again reminded me of all that is good in life.

This is beautiful. How thoughtful of this woman...and just think of what she is teaching her daughter by modeling this. How thoughtful of all the people that take part in this thoughtful act. How thoughtful of you to include this on your daily walk.
This brought tears to my eyes as I read this. I am reminded of the fact that we really do have a lot of thoughtful kind and giving people in this world...and make this world a better place. You are one of those people my friend and it makes me even more glad to know you. You inspire me with every post you write. This is a gift to me. Thank you.
I loved reading this. It warms my heart so much. I would love to live in a place where I could do this. I just have to find my own way to give.
Lovely story, heart-warming to read of their kindness.
Are you contemplating taking a wagon with you to? ;)
What a heart-warming story, Pseudo. Just what I needed today. Thanks for sharing.
I'd love to come along and help,but I'm allergic to the poor dears.
That's terrific. I love seeing people do that for the ferals. If I was there, I'd take my day at it too. And the lady is right; any little bit people can do helps. If everybody did just a little bit, then nobody would suffer.
Even though I curse the stays that wander my neighborhood, digging into garbage and using my gardens for a giant litter box, I do feel bad for the little guys. I just wish people would stop and think before getting a cat for a pet and make sure they do spay or neuter their feline friends.
Thanks for this story. I love the title!
Your bag isn't "measley"! I expect your philosophy also would tell you not to compare. Comparisons are odious!
What a nice reminder for all of us, Pseudo. No matter how small, when folks set the intention to help, we are all better off.
Thanks for sharing with us and I love the graphics too. :-D (are you still on break?)
That is so awesome! I love cats and strays of all kind. I need to do more....
What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it with us!
Something with cats, love and red wagons- how wonderful! Nothing beats a good cat story for me! You are a good soul~
I truly believe the goodness in one's heart is measured by how they treat animals, children and the elderly.
You have a good heart.
I'm glad they're spaying the young ones. It's nice to find people in life who care enough to get involved.
Wow. Little things in life.
Ok, so I happen to hate cats...but loved this post...
i love this post and i love that the woman and her daughter are hauling around that little red wagon and feeding the cats. it makes me want to do something like that.
See, the world IS a good place. I knew it.
That's so wonderful to know that people split up the duties to take care of the feral cats and that they do the responsible thing by getting them fixed. So cool. In Tampa, people would probably swerve to HIT them rather than buy them food. Not me, of course. I love cats.
What a great story. Isn't it wonderful how hearing about kind people like that can lift our spirit immediately?
Thank-you duchess for keeping me real ; -)
I love this story. Thanks for the reminder about all the good in life.
A heartwarming story. Thanks for sharing.
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