The first award is this special cutie. When life hands you lemons you make…… This award with a great attitude was passed to me by two very special blog friends. Words of Wisdom from a Smart Mouthed Broad and The Claw. Thank-you SMB and Sherri.

Post the logo on your blog.
Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
Link to the nominees within your blog post.
Notify the recipients of the award by commenting on their blog.
Share the love and link back to the person from whom you received your award.
Borrowing my blog bud’s Movie’s words. Here are some blogs that make me smile and embrace the spirit of making the best out of everything. Go read 'em:
Bern This
I Need a Martini Mom
Joanie’s Random Ramblings
Lucky Thirteen Plus One
Lemon Drop Pie
Mo Stoneskin
Motherhood in NYC
Naked Opinions
Suburb Sanity
What I Should Have Said
The second one was awarded to me by one of the sweetest bloggers out there, Joanie at Joanie’s Random Ramblings. Thank-you Joanie.If you have been reading my blog for any time, you know what a high value I place on my women friends.
True story. When I came to in the recovery room after my lumpectomy, my surgeon came by and gently gave me the bad news, that my lump had been malignant. As he walked away, the recovery room nurse stepped up bedside and handed me a tissue for my weeping eyes. She held my hand and asked me if I had a close circle of women friends, which I told her I did.
Then she said
Your family will be there for you, but you will be worried about worrying them. Gather your women friends around you like you are circling the wagons. They will get you through this. They will understand and provide you the support you need.
And they did.
Here are the rules
First, share memories or thoughts of childhood or adulthood sister-friends. Funny, sad, whatever.
I just did. But I would also like to mention that I also am very close with my two sisters, one who visited me last year and I wrote this post for.
Second, pass the award on to however many bloggers you'd like to share this with- but make sure you share this award specifically with bloggers that you feel a kinship with. Bloggers you learn from or feel you've connected with in a really familiar and friendly way.
I’d like to pass it on to these blog sisters. There are more I would like to pass it to, but thought I should leave some stones unturned for these women. Go check them out…
Don’t Worry It’s Only a Movie
Jan's Sushi Bar
Lost and Found in India
Mile 17
My Life Interrupted
My Space, My Blog, My Life
The Claw
Two Dogs Running
Of thistles and maple leaves
Words of Wisdom from a Smart Mouthed Broad
Two cups of coffee and twenty some odd links later, I really need to start getting ready for work people. I'm going to start making my rounds, but some of you may find your award before I get to leaving you a comment about it.
I'm greatly honoured.
I love making people smile, glad it has worked!
I love it when I see friends connecting thru the Internet. (thirteen and counting). Great job!
Thank you so much! I needed that today!
Thank you SO much. This is an award I'm honored to have, especially from YOU.
Here's to keeping those wagons circled.
Thank you for the lemonade stand! That's an awesome matches my blog perfectly!!
Congrats on your awards. You are a star.
Congrats on the awards, they're very well-deserved! I'm glad you have such a close circle of friends, that nurse's advice was great too!
Congratulations on your awards! Very much deserved. :)
First of all congratulations on your awards. You really do deserve them. Secondly, thank you for passing the sisterhood award to me...I am honored more than you could know! ((((HUGS)))) Lori
Congrats! All of them great blogs and wonderful people!
you're a doll. Now, I laid a towel down for you and ordered us some frozen yummies. Here comes our waiter.
Thank you, Pseudo! I'm telling you, if I ever get to hawaii, we gotta have lunch or dinnner!
The awards look good on you. Congrats!
Nice post and well deserved awards, congratulations! I enjoy these posts very much because of the links to new places I haven't yet seen. Thanks for sharing these new spots in blogland with us!
Psuedo, Congrats to you and I can't think of anyone who is more deserving. And thank you so much for this great honor. I am so glad to have "met" you and am grateful for our friendship. This award means so much coming from you. **muahhh**
First, I love what the nurse told you. My sisters are my dear friends, but I am lucky enough to have some sisterfriends as well. You are one of them. We have never met, I don't even know your real name, which in some ways makes the connection all the more potent.
I am honored to be counted in your sisterhood of friends!
What an honor. :) I will come up with a blog about sisters (both born and found) and making lemonade. that is my mission for the weekend. Thank you!!
Congrats to you, Pseudo! What a particularly apt combo of awards...
Congrats on your awards!! Sounds like you are very deserving.
big congrats and big thank you. I've always wanted a sister. :)
Oh, Pseudo! I am so honored. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I always appreciate your comments and support. Thanks for being such a friend.
Thanks ever so much sister...i used this award to try and focus a long rambling Spin post about the nonsense i've been caught up in for the past week...
missed y'all...getting caught up this weekend if the devil leaves me alone :)
I saw this in my reader last night and didn't comment. I am sorry (got some stuff going on).
Thank you for thinking of me Pseudo. Very sweet. :-)
And look at you with 91 Followers?! That's crazy.
Hope you have a lovely weekend. Talk soon.
I can't believe I just found this! And I have even commented on the more recent posts. How did I overlook this honor? Probably the same way I overlooked the grilled cheese I burned last week. Anyway, forgive me for being tardy in saying thank you and that this means so much to me - especially coming from you. I admire you so much.
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