Thank-you again Oz Girl! Now, everyone please go pay her a visit. She just got her blog uplifted with a new layout and design.
The award features a Panda Bear. I love Pandas and am not quite sure how this fine animal came to be associated with comment love, but I love this image...

I would love to pass this on to everyone who reads my posts and leaves a comment. Amy's instructions were to pick five bloggers so I have tried to pick bloggers whose comments I enjoy regularly and to bloggers who I did not pass on the last award that came this way. But any and all commenters who love the Panda, go on and take it back to your place.
Thank-you to all who stop by and read the posts here at PseudoLand. I wish I could say I am able to keep a discussion going in my comment thread, but my timing on the computer is rarely conducive to that. I love reading your comments and appreciate each and every one of them. I especially like those who leave their email in the reply so I can get back to you personally.
If you are a reader and do not always, or even rarely/never comment, I'm OK with that too. I like to write and feel very grateful if people like to read what I write, even if they do not want to comment.
Great pitcher!!! How fun!!
isn't it great to receive surprises in the mail?
There is NOTHING better than that. Well, perhaps money, but other than THAT, nothing else.
Why are pandas so darn cute???
Can we "thread" that???
Unexpected boxes in the mail are the best!
Congrats on the Panda badge too. Wicked cute. :-)
That pitcher WAS cute! How cool is that!?
I totally love boxes!
Congrats on your Panda award. And your prize. I LOVE that pitcher! Thanks for the linky love, Psuedo!
Oh, PseudoLand is so much fun! You definitely deserve the award. As a DC-ite, I know how very special pandas are. And I totally understand why you received a second know you've earned it!
Nice pitcher. Congrats!
Congrats, fab commenter. Pandas rule. ;)
that pitcher is lovely!
I'm bad at replying to comments... I barely have time to write, read, comment as it is....'re so darn sweet! Thank you!
I like how you and I (and many others) reply back to comments through email. I never remember to go back to old posts and check to see if there was a response there, nor do I have time to do that. The email way works beautifully for me.
Hey, aren't you the award collecting woman!I'm posting an award Monday morning, part of which goes to you. I know you might be crazy busy and not into dealing with any more awards just now, so don't sweat it. Just wanted you to know I'm enjoying "knowing you" a little thru this blogging business!
that pitcher is lovely, and congrats on your award :)
How fun is get another unexpected box and so very pretty. Congrats on the award and you really do deserve it because I know you leave thoughtful commnets at my place which I appreciate. Thank you for passing that award on to me...once again you are way too sweet! Hugs, Lori
VM is right. Surprises in the mail rock.
Congrats on the beautiful pitcher, what a fab surprise.
And congrats on the bloggie comment award, which I think is too cool because I love pandas and I love commenters who read both the post AND the comments!
And thank you so much for sharing your award with moi; it's going to look so good on my sidebar and I promise to share very soon!
Thanks for the sweet shout out. I love that pitcher it is so pretty..
i try to respond to comments via email now; it's easier for me but sometimes the "community" aspect of commenting gets lost. i do think i've gotten to know some of my commenters better though.
love the panda! : )
Aww, thanks for the award Pseudo! I love panda bears and I love comments so it's right up my bamboo alley.
Your new pitcher is beautimus, that must have been a nice surprise to get a second package with more goodies.
Thanks again for thinking of me!
Beautiful pitcher! Congrats on your awards!
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