Click on the sunset in the sidebar to link to an amazing post. Today's feature is a sad example of this community destoyer.
The highway on the East Side of Oahu, from Kaneohe to Kahuku, is the least traveled part of the island for many of us that live here. We usually head straight up through the center of the island and go directly to the North Shore. Or to the East Side to Kailua or Lanikai. Sometimes the South Shore for Waikiki town style fun.
However. Whenever we have visitors we
drive around the picturesque east part of the island. We pack a picnic. We stop frequently for photo opportunities, as this is the lush and tropical paradise my Mainland family comes expecting to see (versus the dry California like hills on the West Side where we live).
If you are staying on Oahu, whether you stay in Waikiki or rent a beach house in a more remote location, take a day to explore this part of the island. You won’t be sorry.
As always, click on a photo to see it enlarged...

And here we go…

Just heading north from Kahalu'u

You will find little places like this sprinkled along the highway...

The highway along this stretch is right up against the water. I've always loved this coral house on the point.

Walking across the highway to the mountain side to take a photo, I was amazed to see this little valley, filled with grazing cattle. You could not see them from the road due to a little rise of a hill along the highway.

Kahana Bay. One of many places with parking and picnic tables. Make sure you give yourself a full day so you can stop and experience a beach or two. Even if it is just for a walk or a picnic. Don't just get out of your car for the photo and head on...
La'ie Point. La'ie has a penninsula and we always take the road out to this point. It is amazing. La'ie also has a huge Mormon temple, as well as the Polynesian Cultural Center.

And now for a little slice of the day Hubs and BC took me around to get these photos for all of you...
To join us in virtual travel fun, link your post up with Mr. Linky. It does not have to have a “tip” per se; just take us along to one of your favorite places.
absolutely beautiful and peaceful I am packing will be there in a couple of days ..K ..o'tay
Oh man, my travel tip post is so lame after seeing this. Sigh.
You make us feel like we're there w/ you. Really cool.
Will possibly have something posted tomorrow.
NIce pictures. . . makes me want to wade in that water!
The beauty of your island will never get old to me.
Oh, man. I am so coming there ASAP! That house on the point was perfect. But I'll bet it gets lots of wind. With a view like that though . . .
Here comes the sun... perfect for the clip. Thanks, Pseudo! One of these days, I'm going to have a travel tip for you.
I'm signing up now for your One Week Vacation Giveaway in Paradise, okay?
Oh man, that valley was one of the most gorgeous things I could see. I was expecting the beaches and rock outcroppings, but that valley....
Great photos!
Got mine in! Everything looks peaceful on your blog. Then you see mine. LOL!!! Struttin' my stuff, baby! Struttin' my stuff!
The first one I posted (at #2 spot) is wrong!!! Can you delete that one please?
Though I have not been to your island, I have very fond memories of your state... It is where my heart lives.
Thank you for the virtual tour...
Torn between loving this... and jealousy.
I'm with Kathy... oh hell... I'm just plain jealous.
Ah, water. I can never pass it up. Beautiful.
I never get tired of seeing your pictures. Wow!
Do not want to go home. Do not want to go home. Do not want to go home.
forgive me this week merely taking your tip and running with it...
Wow! Beautiful pics.
I really do want to visit Hawaii one day. As always, your pictures are gorgeous. I'm sure it is even more beautiful in real life.
*sigh* Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
I did what you suggested this week, and just showed you one of my favorite places. :^p
It was fun riding in the car with you, even if it was just a virtual ride. That house on the corner is beautiful.. I can't imagine living somewhere so pretty!
You do the east...I'll do the west. Of a different state, of course.
Ok, when I come to Hawaii to visit, you have to take me on a driving trip like that AND play the same music.
I could never drive in Hawaii. My head would be swiveling from side to side trying to take in all the sites and I would totally have an accident.
So, you MUST be my driver!
Oh and as extra incentive (besides me promising NOT to sing out loud in the car), I'll even buy lunch and/or dinner!
Of course, you'll have to keep tabs on this promise. Cause it'll be another 9 years or so before I can get down there.
Gorgeous and I want to come visit too!
I wish I could remember which island my son was stationed at/on with the Army; he said it was just beautiful but then, I'll bet they all are.
Those shots take my breath away!!!
And if I EVER win the lottery, I am coming to HAWAII!!!!
Wow so pretty. Are you okay. Have any of the storms hit you. I saw them and thought of you and your family. I hope all is well.
I know that they film lost on the island some where?? These pictures look a little like the set for lost. Just beautiful.
Aw, thanks for the tour! And the video clip, hehe, it's so cute and road trip-y!
Absolutely beautiful.
The pineapple fields are on the way to the North Shore, right? John and I would head out that way when we visited my sister and the endless fields of red clay dirt and pineapple leaves dotting the canvas were hypnotic.
OK FINE! I'm booking my next vacation now are you satisfied? Sheesh!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Must really go back & see more of the Island(s). Love that song!
I'm a nostalgic sap this week and scanned some photos of England.
Absolutley beautiful!
I've only been to Oahu once and never left Waikiki. I could kick myself.
Hey? Where's Kate and Jack and Sawyer?
I followed your advice and linked my post to this...thanks for suggesting it! I hope I did it right?! Hugs, Lori
Okay. . . I don't think I can read these Thursday posts any more!
The little green envy devil is raising her ugly head!!!!
Do you ever get sick of the tropical feel? I think that I might after a while.
Thanks! I needed that after this crazy day.
I never stop being amazed at the beauty of your state. Just incredible.
I'm so tired of travel :((
Oh, so pretty. I would love to visit your gorgeous state some day. Really marvelous!
I lived on an island for a while. Beautiful, amazing...small. I miss it though:-)
I have to go there one day. It's calling me. Thanks so much for sharing your paradise with us, Pseudo.
Every time you describe where you live and post more pictures, it makes me really wanting to come for a visit to the islands - might not be able to leave, though... ;)
I have a serious question. How do you survive on a teacher's salary in Hawaii?
Wow! Thanks so much for the tour!
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