Does anyone else remember this saying from when they were young?
“Where are you going?”
“Crazy. Wanna come with?”
I’m taking some major liberties on the topic of travel this Thursday. The tips are more me talking to myself out loud. Feel free to listen in.
Tips on how to NOT go crazy this holiday season.
1.Don’t get in debt. Stick to the plan of homemade goodies and thoughtful little touches.
2.Say yes to spending time with friends. It is really OK to leave tasks undone.
3.Making lists is fine. After all, crossing things off the list is so satisfying. HOWEVER. Do not exhaust oneself thinking the list absolutely needs to be completed each day no matter what.
4.Slow down the pace at work. The students are NOT going to freak out if they get less work the week before final exams. Give them the break off so they don’t come back the first day with a pile of steaming stuff to grade.
5.Start and end each day remembering what I am thankful for.
All good advice for anytime of the year!
Love the pics!
Yep, my travel tip is truly a stretch... :-)
Love those photos.
I'll have to tape it to the fridge (or my forehead) this time of year makes me batty. ;)
Crossing stuff off of lists is one of my favorite things to do, the making of lists is also on my list of favorite things...
Love the pics...
"Let some things go."
Words to live by, girl. Words to live by.
Totally agree with Jan, but will add that everything you posted today are words to live by!
How sweet. Thanks for the tips and I really think your children were so cute and sweet when they were little in the pictures. I bet it is so much fun to look back.
Oh, adorable photos. What is it about old photos of our kids; I could look at them all day knowing that now they're no longer little. somehow it's different than looking at photos of little kids that ARE little. Am I making any sense?
ANYway....good advice. I want to remember it this year and not get so stressed. Appreciate people more. Thanks!
Baked goods are what everyone is getting this year. And, magazine subscriptions. They loved them last year.
Is it the holiday season already? Oh shit! I'd better get busy!
: )
I've been to Crazy. The gas prices are outrageous.
Love the pictures and I promise to heed the advice this holiday season!
Omigosh your kids were SOOOOOO cute! I LOVE your daughter's pose in that first pic (it's a total foreshadowing of the theater thing :P) and I love how in the second one, your son is old enough to be like, "Omg I can't believe how crazy she is..." Hehehe.
Great tips, Pseudo!
A very good reminder--thank you!
ah---this is the best travel post ever : ) these words of wisdom are good any time, not just during the holidays. and i love the pics of your kids. i look at my kids every day and wistfully remember the "little" years.
Terrific tips...I should print this post and carry it with me.
Great thoughts and advice! Love the photos too.
hopefully i can carry these well beyond christmas...great list for life!
My kids actually asked for homemade tee-shirts designs this year! Sweet!
This was wonderful and the pictures were ever so sweet. The kids are adorable. I smiled through this whole thing. :)
Especially during the money troubles that everyone seems to be having, is a good time to treat Christmas the way it should be...the reason for season is Christ...we need to extend love and companionship and teach the young ones by example.
Great post
Great tips.
I did NaNoWriMo this year, too, with less success than you (although with enough to satisfy me). Feel free to gloat -- you deserve it!
I think that this was my favorite Travel Thursday post ever! What better trip than one down memory lane!?
This may be my favorite of your travel tips posts. I love your list and I should totally post it in my office.
The kids DO grow up so fast. I wish I could relive a few moments...
I love Travel Tip Thursday - I need to join in one day. Number five is something I need to write down and stick on the wall somewhere. Great TTT post.
p.s. love the family photos!
excellent tips. i'm glad you put this out here. now i just need to remeber them and most importantly, sloooooow dooooooown.....
Those are some great tips. It's hard not to go crazy around the holidays but it is possible.
What cute pics!
Yep, my mum used to say it: "Mad. You comin'?"
We used to wonder how to tell her she'd already taken a long ride on that short bus....
Excellent tips! I just carry my to-do list over to the next day! I figure that way, I'm already ahead in making out the list:)
This is why I like you. You're smart.
I sure hope I can follow your advice. It's all good.
I love your tips. I'm trying really hard not to take the ride on the Crazy train.
Love the pics.
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