I have to be to work at 7:45. The first day back is called admin day. I went to bed early and set my alarm for 4 AM; I planned on having two hours in the morning to myself before I had to get ready for work.
I woke up at 2 and could not go back to sleep. Figured I’d give in to the insomnia and show up for my first day of work out of sorts with a large cup of coffee. Thanks Michele for reminding me how important it is to have a large cup of coffee before endlessly long hours of sitting on my arse listening to PowerPoint presentations.
My last day of summer break was spent quietly. Teen Son stayed home to “spend the day with me.” At 17, he had fully come into the whole hanging out with peers thing this summer. He had even missed family summer movie and Cheesecake Factory day. And he loves cheesecake. But yesterday he actually said, “I kept telling myself we’d have a mom and son day later, but I guess since you have to go back to work tomorrow there is no later.”
We went and saw Harry Potter together. Got his school supplies. Ate haupia and chocolate cream pie….
During this last week of break, I spent nearly three days fighting a migraine, whilst fighting to get the right migraine medicine. It’s a long story and the details shout BORING, but suffice it to say my doctor’s nurse blamed the pharmacy and the pharmacy blamed my doctor’s office for me getting the wrong meds. It took two days to straighten the mess out so I could get the right meds without having to pay $200, since our insurance will only refill my migraine meds once a month.
Imagine frustrating phone calls with long periods of being put on hold while you have barely the edge taken off a migraine headache.
What the fuck were they thinking? Migraine Pseudo is about as bitchy a Pseudo as there is, just one step below Pseudo pissed off at Teen Son. Of course, there is the occasional horrible scenario of Migraine Pseudo pissed off at Teen Son. But she is way past bitchy, we call her Psycho Pseudo. Not pretty.
My on and off migraine lasted from Thursday night to Sunday morning. Nice. Friday night my girlfriends got together to celebrate a birthday. My friend whose birthday it was has a sailboat. The girls all brought pupus and wine and sat on the boat in the harbor slip starting at sunset.
They didn’t even take the boat out, since birthday girl is the sailor and she could not be expected to work her own birthday party.
Between Saturday and Sunday, three of my friends called to check on me and see if I was feeling better. They all said the get together was lovely and relaxing. A perfect summer evening one might say.
One might. Just not this One.
For more Random Thoughts this Tuesday, head on over to The Unmom.
New feature in the sidebar....click on the sunset...you won't be sorry. A blogpost that will make you laugh, or cry, or maybe just take your breath away. Will be updated regularly. Also...join us this Thursday for virtual traveling Or check out last week's debut of Travel Tip Thursday.
Yay! I KNEW totally KNEW that you were going to link that post. I'm giddy...
I am so sorry you had a migraine and so so sorry you had to deal with asshats at the pharmacy. I know of which you speak.
Glad you had a mom-son day. I am looking forward to having one of those.
And so sorry you are at school. It's fucking unfair.
I'm so sorry about the migraine. What a horrible way to spend your last few days of vacation. So glad you had a day to spend w/ your son though. And hope that today's return to work goes by quickly!
Sounds like tonight may be a good evening to sit out on your deck and sip on a glass of wine or beverage of your liking!
So sorry to hear you had to suffer for so long with the migraine.
Good luck at 'admin day' ~ doesn't sound like much fun...
The party you missed? Sounds absolutely wonderful!! ~ tell them you need do overs.
Aw, sorry about the migraines! But at least Son was a sweetie?
I've been there with those migraines. a couple of times I waited too long for meds and ended up in the ER. Hope you're doing better
Oh, heavens. Migraines do suck. I suffered through one for three days last week, most likely from the stress of the trip. Then, when I woke up Thursday morning, it was gone.
I hope now that school is back in session, there's no more stressing and you can relax.
I forgot about those endlessly boring meetings teachers have to start out the year. Ugh.
That was such a sweet gesture on your son's part to hang out with you. I love it. It almost makes up for the crap he's sure to pull in the future.
OMG! A migraine and idiot medical personal is not a pretty mix. Here in Texas I think the gun law allows you to take someone out for that offense. If not, you'd still have a pretty good defense.
While coffee is an absolute must for long powerpoint presentation. A Xanax chaser can never be beat.
Glad to hear the migraine is gone and sorry to hear the summer is also.
Oh I am sorry your Summer Break is over. I am wishing you a great School year. I am happy you got some time with your son. I hope you head feels better soon. NO fun..
Thanks for always stopping by...
Have a nice day..
My cousin is a teacher at Waiau...off to help her watch her kids while she takes her newborn for "meetings" today.
Yes. It's not even 6am.
Oh gosh, not migraines! Kevin gets them, they're sooooo annoying. Sorry to hear about that!
I've learned to never fight my non-sleepiness. If I'm not sleepy, I don't force myself to sleep. And then I do what you did, resort to coffee.
What did you and your son think of Harry Potter?
Good luck starting back. And good luck with the new principal! Don't know if you've been hanging out at my place long enough, but I DETEST Principal Man! We had a wonderful principal for 12 years, and now...this...person. He's a climber. I hope he makes it to mid-level management soon!
Gaaaa! I hate migraines! Though I haven't had one in a long time they were literally blinding and lasted for days. Turns out they were stress related. I got Dr prescribed physical therapy (massages!) and they got less frequent but didn't completely stop until I changed jobs. Not always an option I know but ask your Dr about the massages!
That is MY kind of boat ride. . . eating and drinking without ever leaving the dock!
Too bad you (we) missed it!
I totally can imagine your insurance problems!!! I have lived it too. When your sick, you also have to fight to get taken care of appropriately. Just terrible. My school district pays for a law company to handle any insurance hassles that we have. It is a priceless benefit. I just call up the law office and they solve the problem. PRICELESS!!!
I'm sooo grateful to be retired from teaching! Your random thoughts RESONATE with my personal memories of returning to the classroom after a break, and I used to suffer similar migraines when stressed.
I loved teaching ... believed students were candles to be lit (or flames to fan) rather than cups to be filled ... but as the years passed outside forces made it more difficult to provide quality education in an effective learning environment. When the opportunity arose to take early retirement 9 years ago, I did so and I'm delighted to report ... life is good.
I love the idea of Random Thoughts and had no idea there was a group who shared like this on Tuesdays. I'll need to check that out and perhaps join in on one of my blogs.
Thanks for dropping by Happily Retired Gal and leaving your comment. I understand your confusion about which of my blogs you might wish to focus on. I've been meaning to clarify this but haven't gotten around to it.
Off the top of my head I can share that HRG is my newest ... started mainly to teach myself about WordPress and features mostly photos with a bit of Haiku.
I started blogging at Small Reflections and Sacred Ruminations after attending a Writer's Retreat in Taos during the summer of 2007 at the urging of fellow attendees. Each has morphed over time and there's no clear way to explain the focus of either at this point ... but my intention is to share more of my random musings at Sacred Ruminations and perhaps tell stories with images and words at Small Reflections. Blog Rolls & Bling is just that ... a holding area for such stuph to make the other blogs run faster.
Hope this helps. Perhaps you'll get a feel for which one appeals to you most by visiting them separates as time permits. It's nice to meet you and I wish for you and your students a positive experience together.
Hugs and blessings,
Did you like Harry Potter?
It was enough to give me a migraine. Not really. But it wasn't my favorite.
Migraines really are the worst pain of all, I think. At least that I've experienced.
Jeez Louise, Psuedo - I hope you're feeling better!
And The Boy is really sweet - The Young One considers pestering me relentless for chicken wings for dinner as "Mother/Son Time". LOL
Sorry for the migraine...although admin day sounds migraine inducing. Good luck with starting back at school. And love your new feature in your sidebar too.
migranes suck no ifs ans or buts about it...I own 3 migranes ...
How was harry Potter? Glad you got to spend a mother/son day together
I enjoyed your RTT
Nothing like having a headache and dealing with insurance and such. It's like poking a bear with a stick, you just know nothing good will come of it...
Nothing like having a headache and dealing with insurance and such. It's like poking a bear with a stick, you just know nothing good will come of it...
I hope you're feeling better. Migraines suck. And that's nice that he spent his last day with you before you had to go back to work! Coffee cures all.
We went to Treasure Island, which is this little town off of Tampa, like this little island. (The name probably implied that. :)) I found plenty of seashells, but no pirate gold...
I get migraines all the time. I've tried everything over the years and now use imitrex which gave me back a life. Same insurance bullshit every year getting the meds, however, so I can relate.
Glad you and your son had some time together.
Hope you're feeling better!
What's haupia?
Awww! Sorry you've been dealing with a migraine on your last days of summer break - dealing with incompetence when you're feeling rotten is not fun.
How cool your son hung out with you on your last day of vacation!
Happy RTT - hope your big cup'o'coffee helped keep you awake today! :)
OMG! You had to go back to work AND sit in boring meetings. You poor thing. They should know to break you guys back in easy.
Glad your migraine is gone. I can't imagine that kind of pain.
Wish you were at my school...
You think that the headache had anything to do with going back to work? Seems logical! I have never had a migraine, thank goodness!
I hope your migraines clear up. I get them from time to time and know the hell. No words describe it.
Sounds like you had a good day before your (eek!) return to school.
Take care, and thanks for stopping by my blog.
What a nice kid you have!
I used to have migraines constantly when I was younger, but then they disappeared in my mid-20s. I wish I could tell you some specific thing I did or stopped doing to make that happen, but I haven't a clue. I've heard that sometimes people just grow out of them, which is I guess what happened with me. I hope you're feeling better now.
I think Migraine Pseudo should have put up an angry blog post. Not for any reason, just because I like having someone else out there being an angry blogger. Glad you're feeling better and hope you can get some sleep.
I'm sorry to hear about your migraine. You teen son sounds absolutely normal to me. I'm sitting here waiting on one of mine right now to go have dinner.
Aw, I'm sorry you missed the party and had to suffer needlessly! The admin between docs and pharmacies is terrible.
Sorry you've been under the weather and had to deal with the pharmacy too boot and that you have to start teaching already. I thought we started early in Texas! Sheesh!
I fixed the video on my blog so you can go watch Shatner in all his glory. It's guaranteed to make you feel better.
Your mom-son day sounds delightful. So sorry you spent your last few days with a migraine. UGH. Insurance companies. Hate 'em.
I can't believe you are starting back to school. Ugh! Sorry I've been so absent lately. I have six weeks of total chaos going on right now. Doing my best to keep up!
Ouch, Awwww and ouch! Not that I know what it's like to have the summer off- jealousy rears it's ugly head! How did you like the movie?
Oh you poor thing! ugh - I hope you never go through that meds screw up again. And your son sounds like a real doll!
Hope you're feeling better now!
Eek, migraines are ridiculous!! It is very frustrating and then when something frustrating comes up on top of that frustration...well...it's a disaster and it's unfair. One human should only have to handle so much.
I love that you had a mother-son day. Don't you miss the old days when your son was in your face all the time? Me too. :(
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