Oh? You might ask. How is that a good thing?
Well, for one, the work that was being done was under warranty, so there would be no bill when we picked it up. Two, it meant that son was hanging out with us for two days straight. That’s a lot of Son time. AND. It had been going more or less swimmingly. He was fun, sweet even.
So, we’re in the car together and I’m driving him somewhere and he’s telling me a few highlights from these great escapade months of his last summer as a non-adult. (Thanks Maureen for this post that helped me to see the positive side of my chauffeur years).
I decide, he’s not got that defensive wall up and seems in a generous mood, perhaps I can give some serious mom advice.
I proceed to tell him about treating girls with respect, you get the picture, right?
The Boy seems to be listening and does not interrupt. When I am finished he turns to me and says, “You and Dad sure give opposite advice.”
“Why, what did your dad tell you?”
“Dad told me I should get with as many girls as possible before I settle down. Enjoy my youth and my freedom.”
“Dad WOULD NOT tell you that!”
Yet, why inside do I feel the need to transport myself across the island and get in my husband’s face and ask him? Perhaps slap him?
The Boy shrugs. “Ask him yourself.”
When I see my husband the next morning and ask him, his eyebrow arches and he stops what he is doing to stare at me.
“I DID NOT say that. The kid was just messing with you, probably because he wanted you to change the subject.”
I stare into this man’s eyes, because, albeit Son is a smartass and loves to mess with people, I don’t trust that most men wouldn’t love to see their sons score all the chickadees they wished they had when they were young.
A few days later and the truck comes out of the shop (if your vehicle is not finished by Saturday morning, it gets to have a two day sleepover partay with the other cars until Monday).
As the boy readies to leave (packing a backpack in the house) and his father piddles with the truck in the garage (checking on the engine and the handiwork of the mechanic) I proceed to try and talk to my son about peer pressure. How, even though HE may not do drugs or drink alcohol, he needs to make sure no one he gives a ride to is packing anything illicit or else, should he get pulled over, as the driver he may get penalized for his passengers’ indiscretions.
The Boy looks up at me and says, “That’s not the advice Dad gave me.”
“I’m not falling for that again.”
The Boy shrugs.
It’s like a disease. I can’t help myself.
“OK Mister. What are you going to tell me your dad said?”
“He said never to drink or smoke weed when I’m driving, never to do them together, and other than that, it’s OK, as long as I don’t get caught.”
Husband comes in while I’m yelling at the kid about his asshattery.
Husband smiles because he likes it when it is me yelling at The Boy instead of him.
Husband hears the phrase “quit throwing your dad under the bus to distract me every time I try to have a serious talk with you.”
Husband interrupts with, “Hey?! What?”
I tell him, “The Boy said you told him it is OK to drink or smoke weed as long as he is not driving and as long as he does not get caught.”
Husband shakes his head, turns away so I don’t see him cracking up, and says, “Quit yanking your mom’s chain dude.”
Ten minutes later I am sitting on the couch, watching the news, and letting my angry fumes slowly smolder around me.
Son, somewhat contrite, sits down next to me and pretends to watch the news. He puts his arm around my shoulder, pats my head, and says, “Love you mom.”
I decide this is as good as time as any to cast the MOTHER’S CURSE on him.
“I hope you have a kid that turns out exactly like you when you grow up.”
The frickken kid looks me in the eye, breaks into a ginormous grin, and says, “That’d be awesome.”

HA!!! You son sounds like a ton of fun... spoken like someone who has yet to parent a teenager...
LOL!!! Man, this kid is way smarter than I was. I just argued with my mom and then got in trouble for it...
I have been telling my children I hope they have children just like them since, I don't know, they were 6 or so. No need to wait until they're teenagers.
Though it does get said more frequently now with the added "That doesn't mean you need to go out and start trying to get said child."
Oh my goodness...he has your number big time..LOL Rest assure he is soaking in everything you are telling him...as he is twisting it in his mind at the same time to give you grief! Boy 2 pts. Mom 0 LOL sorry that's what dad said ;-)
Yesterday Duchess commented Dog 1 point, Middle aged Pseudo 0 points.
Today it is Boy 2, Pseudo 0.
I need to even the score somehow.
I love that boy. Oh, yes, I do.
But I can't believe you haven't smacked him into next week yet.
Okay, when did you install the hidden camera in my house? Same exact antics as my 17 & 18 y.o. boys. Exactly. No family meal, gatherin or *gasp* trip is a success unless they can make Mom's left eye twitch.
Don't worry. The curse will come true and he'll be kicking himself.
I should know. I'm living proof..
Hilarious (for the outsider). Are you sure you're husband isn't saying this stuff? Maybe it's time for some spying.
The Boy has a permanent hand print on the back of his head from my swats...
And, yes, there is part of me that is totally paranoid the two of them are in cahoots together.
I can't get the grin off of my face over this. I don't know why but it totally cracks me up.
Oh you know I love this post to bits.
Any time I attempt a conversation geared toward anti-grandparentry or anti-criminal activity, I get "don't worry, I'm not a dumbass". Which is true. But I also think it's true that teenagers really don't have the frontal lobe capacity they think they have... sigh.
Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em!
Breathe in, breathe out. One day you'll look back on this and laugh...I said ONE day, not one day soon:)
That is absolutely hilarious! lol
That's a good kid.
This was a great post. Don't worry, he still loves his Mom and is showing it by irritating you. And he is listening to you. I love the pat on the head....
The kid sooooo needs one just like him. He'll change his tune real fast.
My youngest son wants two boys just like him too!!! I would enjoy the revenge, but I wouldn't wish 2 of him on anyone.
He sounds brilliant your boy.
Oh Psuedo...sounds like this could be my house in 13 years....I'm scared. :)
OMG that is hilarious! The kid has it down to an art!!! The boy's not dumb!!
i've already unleashed the "i hope you have kids just like you" phrase and mine are only 12 and 9. and i could seriously see my son doing exactly what your son did, only i could also see the hubs actually TELLING him those things. dammit.
Oh Pseudo, this was the best! I loved this post. That kid's gonna go far, mark my words.
You however, need a cocktail. Have another for me too. :-)
Yeah. He's obviously a pro at getting under your skin.
Makes for a great blog post, though!
Yeah, they think they are so great and would make a great kid. Little do they know. I hope your mother curse takes!
Okay, either our sons all have the same DNA or they are preprogramed to yank our chains or your son and mine are twins!
My son loves nothing more than to rattle me like that. And when he smiles. . . I go from smoltering to melting!
Soo funny; he sounds like quite the charmer. And I know, I've got one over here. Those boys....
Besides, I don't think they can hear great advice like that too often. You go!
My mom cursed me, and it CAME TRUE. But then I had the last laugh: then she had THREE more of ME to deal with on a regular basis. HA! Suckah!
What goes around comes around, Pseudo. My Mom put that same curse on moi, and guess what? It works!
The MOM CURSE! Hilarious!
Hey. Wait a minute. Is that what happened with me?
I probably need to call and apologize to my mother. Again.
I love that kid!!! LOL
love it! such a teenage boy thing to do
Oh, how true!!(I don't think it's confined to one gender, either) Great post--thanks for the laugh!
I'm laughing now but I'm pretty sure my kids are going to turn out a lot like yours. Smartassery is a good thing though, right?
oh man, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!
They know exactly what to say to get us going!!!
All the best to you to keep you sane till the day he has said son and you can have the last laugh :-D
Hurray for the mother's curse!
He sounds EXACTLY like my son. (Who, by the way, was telling me how nice it felt to be on drugs just yesterday! Pain meds - but nonetheless!)
this post will be stumbled by me now. I love this!
I love your teenager. Oh my gosh he is totally cracking me up right now. I love that he threw his Dad under the bus for fun...and I love that he belongs to you and not me because I don't know what I'd do with him. :)
Your child should consider joining debate. Or becoming a (yikes) politician.
He's good with words!! :)
I think they are both playing you! See, this is why you should always CHOOSE to have girls, because then it's you and her in cahoots, and you always know what's what.
Okay, so even girls are asshats, but I'm still thinking your guys have you on the 50 yard line while they cut and run around you into the end zones. Men!
This was so funny! Teens are such a "bundle of joy" aren't they! Lucky me I spaced mine out so well I'll have teenagers for about 20 years.
Can I just say, I love his response at the end?!
Happpy Saturday Sharefest!
The kid's got an amazing sense of humor.
You're kids sound like they are so funny! I wonder though... maybe your husband did say some of those things.
Cabbage Soup Diet
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