Wouldn’t mind being able to supplement my wonderful teaching salary.
In one year we will have two kids in college.
This summer my mom turned 82. I would love to take off and visit her in California, visit my sister, my niece and my nephew. Drive. Not in a circle.
But nothing in the budget for that. Unless we didn’t pay daughter’s college tuition this year. Hmm. Only kidding.
So. Besides making room for some ads, I thought about what I would like to have for fun and blogging. Why don’t I just put it out there. See what The Universe thinks. Or the product manufacturers.
One. I covet this camera and a couple lenses. Think of the Friday Fotos kicked up a notch by a real camera. I love my little digital pocket camera, but I am ready to put on my big girl camera panties.

Two. This surf camera. I realize I am a 51 year old body boarder who does not take on huge waves. But I figure most of my readers would still enjoy video of what I see when I am out and what it is like to fly down the wave.

Three. This waterproof camera for diving and snorkeling.

Think of the posts with photos and videos with that arsenal of camera equipment. WooooHooo!!! Giddy on up.
Four. As long as I am wishing out loud. A laptop computer. Our desktop is shared by three of the four members of our family. It would be nice to blog at will and not during my allotted time slots. I remember reading a post by Marinka where she showed off her free Vivienne Tam Laptop. And being totally jealous.
lemme know if this works for you. I have put up BILLIONS of what could be termed "ads" for little debbie and that stupid biatch never even sent me a swiss roll.
Do you actually make money on that? for reals?
I would love to know what those ads make. Very interesting concept.
I have a version of the first camera. Very generous other half purchased for me. I got myself a lens for it last month. It's a fun toy. You should have one too.
I've played w/ putting stuff out to the universe - very interesting what comes back!!
:-) Good luck and have a lovely weekend.
I am interested in this; keep us posted!
Of course. If any of the lovlies anties up i will for sure make that generousity o part of Friday Foto.
I hope that it works out for you. I so understand what you mean when you say you would like to be able to bring in a little extra for those extra things, like visiting your mom, which is important.
I love your wish list...there surely is nothing wrong with putting it out there to the universe!
Happy 4th weekend to you and your family!
I have never heard of anyone making much off the ads. I have dabbled in it for fun. I just want to try to explore all things bloggy.
I so want the bright red computer. I LOVE RED!!!
Hit 40 - that is what I am expecting - probably won't make any money... so, I thought why not beat it to the punch line and show what I'd like to spend the money on to up the bloggy fun.
A video of surfing would be incredible. Love the laptops!!
If most bloggers made money from their ads, then sure, it would make sense to make some space for them. But I think for most people, it is pennies a month -- and that's a lot of intrusion for pennies. I say don't do it.
I think you're ingenious for going about it this way. Good luck, Pseudo. I'm sure you'll let us know how it works. Did you send a nice little email to the companies of these products with a link back?
How about a video from your body board? Now that would be cool.
I, too, am coveting a better camera. And I already have on my big girl camera panties! Woot!
Oh, crap...I shouldn't have shared that. Big boy camera boxers, yeah, that's what i meant, yeah...
Do they make a Tivo for blogs? LOL! I am just kidding, if you can make a buck, then do it!
ooooh... good luck... I've been pining over a laptop for some time...
I'm in the same boat. I'm pining for a real digital camera to take pictures of my jewelries for my shop. I did find one that I really like but like you- budget is an overkill! I'll join u in waiting :)
In the meantime, Happy 4th!
I've never really looked into ads but I've heard they don't generate too too much. I guess anything is better than nothing!
Nice cameras and computer. We have a nice Nikon that my rents got us when Graham was born but we take our dinky pocket camera when we go out since the big one is too heavy to carry.
I read a couple earlier this year that were practically begging for a Wii. Never read that they got one! But, I sure hope it works for you:)
I want a new camera! I also want a new NEW laptop, cuz my new one has sticky stuff underthe keys from Destructoand hisjuiceboxes that followhim around from room toroom.
And you have to start somewherewith the ads. Leetme know how it works out.
Damn stickykeys!
Oh let me know what you find if you do any camera reearch I am wanting a big girl camera too. As for the ads, well, you have to try and you never know. Anything is better than nothing in my book.
Just the other day (and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that...) I told Mr. Dingo that I wanted either a pink or metallic red Mac. So far, nada. I'm going to have to remind him again.
Ooh love your wish list! Certainly the first and last one are on my wish list too.
Those cameras are definitely worth coveting and laptop...oh boy, would I love that.
Do you really have a designated time block when you can blog? That might drive me crazy. You need a laptop.
Put some ads up stat.
I'd love to see your surf pictures.
If you put up ads, I'll try to remember to click on them so you can make money.
DON'T sign up with Chitika whatever you do!!! They post crap to YOUR blog without permission, like they're sending you an email. I've been trying to cancel with them for a couple of months and they still posted something yesterday. I'm truly going to sue their ass!!
Remember the name; stay away from Chitika!!! They suck!!
Sorry for the rant. Good luck!
ooooooooooh great idea! I have the same camera as Movie and love love love it. Did I mention that I love it? LOL
Go for it!
today I needed a drink in the parisian subway and I was 30 centimes short of the change I needed. I said, "Universe, I need a drink!" and so I went looking for change just sure that the Universe would provide. I did something I never do. i checked the change recepticles of the two venting machines.
And wouldn't you know it, I found a 20 cent piece.
I was still 10 centimes short.
I didn't know whose joke that was, the universe or mine.
Hey, if something comes of that let me know. I could use a new camera.
as you probably noticed, I do have ads. they don't generate much, but as a couple commenters here have said, something is better than nothing. we can't all make a living off our blogs like dooce. :p
as for free laptop, you could win a free MacBook pro on twitter! tweet anything and include "#moonfruit" for the next five or so days.
I believe that anyone who has a blog with excellent readership deserves a big-girl camera. Fershur.
And that laptop --- ooooh weeee, that is sweet, the pink Apple or the red one. I would take either one if someone offered it up to me.
Good luck! May your bloggiest wishes come true. :)
I have this same wish, as it appears every blogger does but I'm thinking you have to be Pioneer Woman or someone else who gets 15K comments on a single post before the freebies start rolling in. I hope I'm wrong and will be very interested in someone proving it can be done. Good luck to you!
i hope this works, keep us posted. i've wondered about making money blogging but just don't know how to do it. and i LOVE all of the cameras/computers you posted. my digital camera died a few months ago and i've not replaced it. the kid in me loves all the colors cameras/computers come in now : )
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