Come along now, I said it’s an easy trail.
I’m double dipping today and going to risk arrogance here and say my Thursday Travels are my favorite meme for this week’s Spin Cycle over at Sprite’s Keeper. My favorite part is the posts other people are linking up. Living on an island is a slice of paradise, but the down side is rock fever. I miss road trips and traveling and the cost of living over here while raising a family prohibits most travel. So I love traveling virtually and vicariously through your posts. From Ohio to Maine, Texas to Michigan, and everywhere in between, I love learning of the places everyone else calls home.
Link on up with your own travel, staycation, or favorite place post.
Hi there. Wish wish wish I could link up. Having a terrible evening/night and a little armchair traveling would be such a nice diversion... maybe I'll do that yet. I may be up all night.
Damn straight, wish I could kidnap only a movie and whisk her away to your beautiful shores....she could use a holiday and me? Well, I could use the ... er ... chaperone duty :) xoxoxo
Want to do a house swap? We have pine trees and oak trees. Oh, and more pine trees.
They don't hold a candle to your view.
Short, paved and easy sounds like just my style. It is beautiful, too!
I had nothing for Travel Tip Thursday this week, but hopefully I will next Thursday; we'll see if the weather cooperates this weekend.
Hmmmm...Maybe I should link my post up today - I did a Moxie Mona one traveling all over Pennsylvania...would that count? :)
LOVE the view - and I've always been partial to lighthouses. I really, really need to get to Hawaii one of these days! :)
I love that little lighthouse perched on top of all that rock.
That's me... behind you... my lungs wheezing as I try to breathe and crawl to that gorgeous lighthouse... but I'll be fine, once this cold leaves me for good and then I'll be the one in front of you.
What a lovely way to start my day! And here I thought the rain was going to prevent me from getting outdoor exercise, thanks to you, the rain didn't stop me!
xo, Mango
I linked to my post today. It was just one night at Lake Lure, NC but it's sure beautiful and not far from here.
Love the light house. Can you get down to it from there?
Just beautiful! I think I'll take a walk now... minus the stellar views :)
Gorgeous! John remembers when my sister pointed out a pointy island off the coast and listed it as Fisherman's Hat. Is that really the name? Every time we drove by the area, he would point it out. And YES, you're linked! (And awesome.)
Be glad you're not over here right now. In the 100's this week. Fire season is upon us ...!
Beautiful photos, but I'd like to know - does rabbit island have lots of rabbits, look like a rabbit, or is it owned by a rabbit?
Man! I totally wish I was there - but not rabbit island - rabbits kinda creep me out - they're really hoppy.
I'd like to hop on over to Rabbit Island. . .
I had an idea for TTT this week but my actors were such divas that it didn't work. I'll have to try it again without them.
Beautiful pictures! I hope all is well!
The color of the water is stunning! Thanks for the tour :-)
I always like seeing things in your neck of the woods too... makes me feel like I got to visit even though I probably won't actually get to anytime soon.
Yeah, what Vodka Mom said.
The water is so blue, you don't know where it ends and the sky begins. Breathtaking indeed. If I come in to a large unexpected windfall any time soon, I'm so going. ;)
Sorry I missed this week. I had to travel for work. Damn work.
Can I come visit?
We were all set to have one of the most colorful autumns in recent history (here in Southern Ohio), if the non-stop rain for the past week didn't wash all that away.
Till that kicks in, not much to link over to, here.
Simply stunning shots!!!! You are so blessed to live in paradise!!!!! ~Janine OX
You might be tired of island living, but I'm certainly not tired of peaking in to see how beautiful island living can be. Thanks for the pictures.
Psuedo...I totally just did this hike a couple weeks ago!! It was great...while pushing a double jogger stroller...God it was beautiful!
I'm jealous!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm jealous. You live in a paradise. But I have been having fun puttering around my yard now that the weather is cooler, so that's something, correctamundo?
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