My girlfriends and I have a tradition that started on Labor Day Weekend 2006. We rent a beach house on the North Shore and spend the whole weekend together. We call it Laborless Labor day weekend.
To explain how it got started, I’m borrowing an excerpt from a keynote talk I gave for a cancer event called “Courage Night.”
On Labor Day weekend (2006) I was about halfway through my radiation treatments when my friends planned a ladies only weekend retreat at a beach house on the North Shore. “D” told me we had been talking about doing this for too many years and my bout with breast cancer was a wake-up call that we needed to start doing those things that we talk about doing but don’t get around to. Our husbands and kids would just have to get by without us for three days. Those three days of hanging out on the lanai, relaxing and yakking, of swimming in the ocean, long walks on the beach collecting shells, and yes, especially the evening when “J” put on the pump it up playlist on her I-pod and all the women danced their hearts out in the living room, those three days were amazing. And if I helped inspire through my illness a spark amongst my friends to live life this fully, than I am grateful and fortunate and can see the silver lining.
Due to unbloggable events, I did not make it up to the North Shore this year. But I do look forward to next year.
And for those of you thinking about starting a three day weekend vacation/getaway with your friends, I highly recommend it.
Come along for a glimpse of Laborless Labor Day 2008...
Announcement: The Roy's Cookbook from this travel post was randomly drawn by none other than Darsden! Congrats Dar!
Add a link to your own travel or just plain good living at home post.... join the fun of Thrusday virtual travels...
Oh YaY me ... I am so excited can you fix me up a plate before you send me my book. Looks yummie :-) Thank YOu So Much, You Rock!
I love those two photos above the last (food) photo. Amazing.
Hang in there, friend.
Not sure I will be traveling this week, but I have an idea for a future travel post.
those are very relaxing pictures.
no travel post at the moment but I'll try to remember.
That makes me want to lie down and take a nap!
Congrats, Dar!
That would be fun. I wanna be included...not that I'm inviting myself, you know...
Well...I went to Calcutta yesterday. Does that count?
I think I finally came up with an idea for Travel Tip Thursday.
Just not for today.
Anytime we can remind ourselves to live for today and not wait til later, that's a good thing. Thanks for the reminder: )
I'll be up in the am. In the meantime I'm sending you a hug.
I'm sorry you missed it this year. Perhaps could have used it. Take good care.
Husband and kids just have to 'get by'? Do you come home and find them all in front of the TV eating toast with a giant pile of dirty clothes and unwashed dishes in the corner?
Lucky Darsden....
The 3 day getaway is perfect. My childhood friends have been able to do 3 major get togethers (2 weekends, 1 dinner) and it is great.
Can you take a 3 day break in your mind at least?
Sorry you missed it...
xo, Mango
I am sorry that you had to miss it this year when you probally could use it more then ever. The message of living life fully in the present is one I am reminded of a lot...thank you for reminding me with this. I hope life is settling down for you and that you are doing okay. Hugs and love, Lori
bummer you missed your weekend... how about laborless columbus day weekend??
You're right; women don't do these kinds of things often enough.
Sorry you missed out this year. There's always next year, right?
Take care of yourself.
Hee hee, I am totally sneaking on Travel Tip Thursday since today's post happened at Disney World!
I remember the North Shore with great affection, one particular spot... Um, never mind.
That is wonderful. I wish I could do something like that.
I took "stay-cation" Labor Day week with 2 cousins & their hubbies. It was SO relaxing! A great tradition.
Hope "unbloggable events" are resolved/better.
Oops, Mr. Linky took the text from my last encounter with him at another blog and put it here. The link goes to the right place, though.
Silly Mr. Linky.
Mr. Linky can be silly.
Ohhh, the beach. Those photos make me want to cry. They are so beautiful.
Sorry you missed this year's girls weekend.
What a shame you had to miss it this year! :-( I totally agree with you... several of us lady bloggers keep saying we need to hook up, but we haven't put forth the effort yet. This was a good reminder to do so. Why is it we women always worry about the men, the kids, the animals... like they can't survive without us?!!!
An all-girlfriend getaway is a fabulous idea. I'm relaxed just looking at the pictures! So sorry you had to miss this year's excursion. Hope you will be able to do other fun stuff soon. Take care.
I've seen you around, meaning to drop in for a visit. I love your idea of a laborless weekend.
Hey, you know I'm kind of celebrating a big birthday in a few weeks and I'm going to the beach with a few girlfriends.
Wanna come????
I have great girlfriends who get together as often as possible. We call ourselves the Hoohas. This fall, we'll be going for a weekend at her ranch in north Texas. Wouldn't miss that for the world. Men come and go, but girlfriends are forever.
I remember reading about your girl's trip and thinking about how much fun it must have been. Sorry you've got so much going on but hopefully things will calm down soon and you can get that trip next year!
It sounds like a great tradition to start. I hope you can get to it again in 2010. I think the girl time is great for a recharge, and the kids and husband can always manage (for a little while) without.
What a great idea - and a much needed one more often than not. Sorry you didn't get to make your trip this year...here's hoping 2010 will be a good one, and you'll get to have your escape! :) ((HUGZ!!))
Love the pictures from last year! :)
More Hawaii, this time Maui and we were on the north shore of Maui. What a lovely state you live in.
Maybe you can make a delayed trip instead of waiting til next year? I agree -- girl escapes are a MUST for sanity.
I feel like everyone has these 3 girlfriends for annual getaway weekends except ME!!! Where do I find these 3 friends???
The pictures alone made me feel more relaxed - I imagine you had a great time!!
I'm sorry you didn't get to go this year. It does sound wonderful.
What a shame you couldn't go
That posted before I was done typing!!
I was going to say maybe you can have a laborless weeked later on in the year...
I'm sorry that you didn't make it this year but so glad that you've started this tradition so you can do it again next year. Hope things are more peaceful for you. Hugs to you, my friend.
I have not taken a 3 day weekend with a bunch of women. I would love to try it out though. I think staying in a hotel could be so much fun together. Glad you've started a tradition.
Thanks for visiting me. How did you end up in Hawaii?
Oh, I love girl's weekends and I haven't had one in several years. I really need to add that to the plans sometime soon!
Hope things are looking up for you. You are in my thoughts.
looks delightful!
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