Saturday, July 17, 2010


I'll be back tomorrow.

Meanwhile, my daughter and I love this guy. He's a wonky British boy and a lot of fun. Creepy, what do you think?

Handsomer??? Is that a word? Doesn't she mean more handsome?

Yeah. Fucking Lauren and her blond hair...


Brian Miller said...

lol. hope you are having fun....handsomer does not even look

Lisa said...

Let me see if there's spell check problem, handsomer handsomest. Nope, they are valid words, no red underline.

cheatymoon said...

Nice. Very funny. xo

tulpen said...

This guy is adorable!! I could listen to him all day. I want him to come over and get drunk with me and heckle bad reality tv.

tulpen said...

And he says "wanker" and "fucks sake"! I'm in love.

Nubian said...

"might want to work on the grammar for the sequel" ~ love it!

secret agent woman said...

I want this kid to come over and read all my books to me, with snarky commentary. What a doll.

Kathryn Magendie said...

I like Handsomer just fine :-D

DuchessOmnium said...

Wanker is not a very nice word. I'm just saying...

Jami Smythe said...

This guy was hilarious, he actually makes Twilight interesting... how do people get published that can't right at all? Really, how do they, because sign me up, I could use the extra cash =)

Bill Lisleman said...

thanks so very much - now I know everything about 'Twilight' that I ever cared to know.

Mrsbear said...

I hate Twilight, but I <3 that kid. Very nice. He is the handsomest of the handsomes.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Who IS this guy? Who cares, he should be the one doing the audio version, eh?

Anonymous said...

All Brits are handsomer of course ;0)

Fragrant Liar said...

Yeah, the kid is really cute. I love the Brit accent, especially when they get excited. It's so fun to watch.

If only I could find one my age. And single.