And yesterday's poem was inspired by... Frost indeed. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.
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In Waikiki last week to take Daughter out to lunch for her birthday. After lunch Hubs says he wants to check out a store in the Sheraton that he heard has nice aloha shirts. Modern. One of a kind. As in you can go to a wedding and not worry about two or three guys having on the same shirt.
We get there and in the window are these trippy, paisley, odd combination color long sleeve shirts. Styled onto headless mannequins with, holy fucking, no shit, popped collars.
Daughter and I exchange a look. Blatant WTF.
Hubs turns to Daughter (official fashionista of the family)
Are these nice shirts? The newest style?
Are you saying they don't look like me?
I'm saying they don't look like anyone.
We get there and in the window are these trippy, paisley, odd combination color long sleeve shirts. Styled onto headless mannequins with, holy fucking, no shit, popped collars.
Daughter and I exchange a look. Blatant WTF.
Hubs turns to Daughter (official fashionista of the family)
Are these nice shirts? The newest style?
Are you saying they don't look like me?
I'm saying they don't look like anyone.
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A friend and fellow English teacher sent me this video. It's funnier if you know Shakespeare's Othello. But it's pretty fun either way.
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Anyone else using blogger having weirdness with the comment thread? The top of my comments for the last post vanished. Swoosh. Gone. Hmmm.
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For more Random, head on over to The Unmom's.
Blogger was eating my comments left and right yesterday. That video is very funny.
they are not meant for anyone...lol. great vid too. hope you have a great day!
That video is some good stuff. I had wonky comments too this week.
Nope, no problem with the comments - probably because I use Wordpress. LOL
I love your daughter's response.
Your daughter's response is hysterical! I will need to see that Othello reference. :-)
LOL to the shirts. Kinda sad that he couldn't tell on his own? But it's okay, that's what you and Daughter are for. :)
It's just that one can't see the comments on one's own blog. But all the comments are visible by a reader of the blog.
OMG! what a cute video!! :) Yes Blogger is all kinds of weird lately.
I need a sassy gay friend.
And thank goodness your daughter was there to save your husband from a fashion emergency.
Popped collar? As in from the 80s popped collar? Eeek!
So did he get the shirt? Did he wear it with the popped collar? Because if he did, I bet he WAS the only one there who looked like that.
What is a popped collar?
Do you really think that I know anything by Shakespeare except for Romeo and Juliet? LOL I have no culture!
"Does Moor mean More?"
Love it!!!
Oh, and yes. Blogger was smoking the good stuff and munching down comments all day.
Ha ha, Daughter! Loved the video ("I gave King Lear a cough drop yesterday...")Priceless.
I love aloha shirts. Too bad they just don't look as good here as they do there.
I don't use blogger but I did hear other people complaining about problems on twitter.
Fun video. Popped collars? You didn't let him buy it, did you?
Hawaiian shirts with popped colors...this is not right!
Is your husband related to mine? He is so clueless!
Yep, the perfect comment and mine, too, I might add.
Blogger always has comment weirdness. Once it made ALL my comments for the last TWO YEARS disappear. Panic-inducing, I tell you.
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