The award may be displayed on the recipient's blog.
Add a link to the person from who you received the award.
Nominate up to seven other blogs.
Add their links to your blog.
Send a message to each of those you awarded to tell them about the award.
I'm going to follow Smart Mouth's lead and try not to award anyone who has already received this prestigious honor.
Hope you get a chance to visit one of these great blogs. Thanks Smart Mouth!
Congratulations!! Your blog totally rocks, and you so deserve bling. Lots and lots of bling. :D
Hey, cool. Thanks, Pseudo.
And also, thanks for the links to more blogs. Now I have more to read...! :-)
Yey! Congratulations - well deserved! Love reading your posts ... make me want to get back to Hawaii asap! x
first, you deserve awards, lots and lots of awards! And not just for your blog.
second - wow! thanks for nominating me.
Congratulations first of course - a well deserved award! Thank you's next- I'm not sure how I deserved it but I sure appreciate it!
Congradulations on the award...you really do have a great blog. I will check out the blogs that you passed the award to in the near future.
Well-deserved! Congrats.
Congrats on the award. It's much deserved!
Wow, Congratulations! Your blog is great and you deserve tons of credit.
And thank you so much for thinking of me! This is the very first blog award I've ever won, lol. How cool is that?
Aw, thank you!!
Congratulations and it's certainly well deserved!
I love the name of the blog you listed, Abstraction. Headed over now to see what it's all about.
I would like to thank my past English teachers for this award! Without them and their acute attention to grammar I would have never been able to blog as I do. I'd also like to thank my fellow 10th grade High School Teacher Pal for the nomination and award. I am truly speechless...
actually, that's not true, I've never been speechless and I just posted yet another long blog!
Thanks!! I've just gotten all my grades done this busy week, we are 1/4 of the way through the year already!!
Your blog simply brightens my day!!
Congrats, and thanks for passing the award on to me too!
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