Definition: a word composed of parts of two words, combining both the sounds and meanings of the two words, such as chortle from chuckle and snort and motel from motor and hotel. The term was first used by Lewis Carroll to describe many of the unusual words in his Through the Looking-Glass (1871), particularly in the poem "Jabberwocky."
The students’ extension activity is to create their own portmanteau word. My rules are that 1) it can’t be made up already. I don’t want a repetition of last year where I got 12 ligers. And 2) the two words their portmanteau words are derived from can’t mean the same thing. No more prettifuls.
I’m walking around the room and a student (same one who thanked me the first day of school) says “Miss, can I am make up the word ‘maby’ (pronounced maybe).”
“Maybe is already a word.”
“No. Maby. Like. Have you ever mabied?”
Kids are laughing.
“OK. I’ll bite. What two words does it come from?”
“Make and baby.”
Rule #3 was made up on the spot. I did not think it needed saying.
Honeymoon first week is over.
I’ve gotten about four hours sleep a night lately.
It’s not because I have been blogging. I have sorely been neglecting my bloggie friends and I do apologize.
My reader is backed up.
But not as much as my life.
Mercury goes into retrograde next week.
Apparently my astrological clock is early….
Two followers dropped me. I think they both are public poopers who took my last post personally.
For more Random Tuesday, head on over to the Unmom’s.
No way... I find you pooplicious.. LOL sorry..couldn't resist..{hugs}
I think maybe they're the two followers who dropped me. Oh well, we're not for everyone.
I like to make up words a lot so remind me not to turn any papers in to you! ;) My words are not appropriate for school anyway.
Haha, making up words is dangerous!
And PSSH to droppers. More room for the rest of us. :)
Didn't I tell you that student would be a stinker?
Now I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to think up a good portmanteau...
The poop blog was AWESOME! But I will help you track down the two dropped followers and slap them in the ear drum...or something.
Who would quit you? You are the coolest and we just Frove you! MEANING: We freakin love you!
And besides, You bring such a beautiful blend of the tropics, school, life at home and thought provoking posts to us. The word for that is uummm......
Yeah that's it!
Having mabied recently it will be a while I hope before I maby again.
I just read the poop post. How I missed it is beyond me. However, I'm thinking the waiters could break her from that. Next time she comes in, let her know up front, since she feels that now one does anything for her anyway, she is expected to pay up front. Otherwise, leave a 20% gratuity. If she bucks the idea, let her know that since this isn't a "real" restaurant to her, she needs to comply by paying at the counter as the other patrons do. And if she doesn't quit yelling for the waiters as if she's at a restaurant they will have to ask her to leave.
She is treating these people like they are her endentured servants because somewhere in her life, she's lost control and they are the only ones she can manipulate at this time. THAT IS RUDE! She needs a wake up call!
This is called tough love. . . yeah that's what it is. She sounds narcissistic. The world doesn't owe her a living. She owes your daughter and her co-workers an apology.
If she chooses not to come back, well, they don't have to put up with a screaming meany who is ugly on the inside.
Mercury in retrograde? I haven't recovered from the eclipse and full moon on my b.day.
Hope your week improves, Pseudo. xxoo
I am still here. That is okay I have a few followers leave also. I do not mind it makes room for more right. I guess your students are giving you a run for it. Oh well... Hope you have a great week.
It wasn't me who dropped you! I'll be thinking of a word for you all day.....
How about "conphysed" from "confused by physics" - one of my students accidentally coined that term last year when he raised his hand during class and said, "Mr. D, I'm conphysed."
Everyone laughed and asked what "conphysed" meant. The student was embarrassed by having misspoken, until another student offered the definition "confused by physics". And a new word was born.
I still can't believe you guys start school so early in August. We don't start until Sept 2.
I liked that poop post! I would have had a hard time not laughing about that maby remark. But, I'm guessing if that kid were my student, it would be far more annoying than laughable.
Good luck and sorry for the early death of the honeymoon.
Hey, look at how many of us still love you, despite, or maybe becuz of the poop! Screw the rest!
Love that assignment; you must be a killer great teacher. I hope you post some of the good ones (can you tell I love English?).
Hi. My name is Amy. I am a new follower. I am not just replacing the ones you lost. I am a bonus! Why because I was sent by God. (haha)
Not really, but Pastor Sharon sent me your way!
The play on words here is very intertaining. I will give you two thumbs up teacher!
I started out in college to become a teacher. I changed majors to become a RN. Who knew?
I'll be back. You are being followed by a newby!!!
People have been having troubles with Blogger these days. They may not have intended to "drop" you, it just happened.
You will be posting those new words, right? Because I need some new vocab.
You couldn't have given him points for creativity? LOL!
Oh my goodness. This reminds me of when a student wrote a love sonnet to Mary Jane. I was so proud of myself for figuring it out. Aren't they sweet?
Maby? He he! I would love assignments like that in school!
Everyone's a comedian...I think we warned you that that kid was up to something. Although, he does sound likeable and entertaining. Hope it gets better.
*laughing!* ---Teachers should keep a book of these things - or maybe they do.....visiting from my friend Gumbo Writer's place!
I will work on my word...can't think right now, someone is yakking my ear off...I smile every now and then and she thinks I am paying attention to what she says. She needs to lay off the caffeine.
I am sure I have been dropped by people as well. My feelings are not hurt in the least. They didn't send a birthday card anyhow!
My daughter says something is "yummiful" if it tastes wonderully yummy.
Oh poo on the 2 who left. They're just jealous you have so many followers and they don't!
Jabberwocky is my all time favorite poem. And I have never heard of that word. Now I will need to go further research what two words Jabberwocky was made from and what it meant (I always imagined it exactly as it was described - like a dragon; but maybe I missed the point.)
I love the new word and I bet you could put it in the Urban dictionary if not already there.
Sorry about the lack of sleep lately - maybe (not to be confused with maby) you'll get a good night's sleep once back in a routine.
I just went and read your poop post, and you've still got me!!!
maby? LOL.
Keep track..its just too much fun.
You'd have to do a lot worse than the poop post to lose me. And don't feel bad - 3 of my subscribers recently dumped me, too.
Oh, well.
Reading your post brings back a flood of Fall memories and makes me sooooo relieved to be happily retired. I don't know how working folk have TIME to blog at all, but I'm glad you do ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
I wouldn't take lost followers to heart...with all the issues Google and Blogger have been having, it's possibly just a glitch... :)
Sorry the honeymoon week is over and your astrological clock is early and your life is backed up - here's hoping your week improves! ((HUGZ!!))
Love the creativity of your students...and maby is funny! :)
I only lost one follower. I need to do something controversial.
I can't keep track of what my stars are doing. I'm hoping they stay in the sky where they belong.
I love the first Amy's comment that loosing followers just makes room for more!
I agree with the others... how dare anyone drop you. Possibly it was a glitch... or a plitch (possible glitch).
Have a better week. The honeymoon is over by us, too.
That fuclows about your followers!
Fucking+Blows= fuclows! I have some info about dropped followers!
ok, i have done that a few times too...walked into a trap I can see and then regretted it. kids....=) it could have been worse! BELIEVE ME.
My follower thingy randomly goes up and down for no reason I can figure out. if you find out why....let us all know.
I recently lost two followers, too! I wondered who and where they went. Oh well.
I've mabied twice but I wouldn't have had the nerve to ask my high school teacher that question! Heh.
Getting back in the swing is tough. Hope things smooth out in the next few weeks.
Your loyal followers will stay with you.
Love the analogy of the honeymoon. Often overrated, those honeymoons.
I'm abandoning my plans to leave you a REAL comment and rushing over to read the Poop Post!
I'm lame like that.
I think tired is in the air. Sleep has been hard for me to find these days as well:(
My favorite is sext. Just perfect!!
I've nearly been pabied to death, thank you very much. That's producing babies :)
I find when there are kids invlved that you need a rule for every conceivable contingency.
And I loved the poop post :)
Party poopers...
Well, you still have great other followers! ;)
fucawesome (am i getting this right?)
and you're making me appreciate typepad right now.
Out o' the mouths of babes--and the other ends of certain "ladies" (questionable in this case). Too funny! You just gained another follower...
I feel ya, honey. My reader is so backed up. Catching up just a bit today.
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