If you missed part one and/or part two, you might want to read them first...
When Sis and I got to talking, I enjoyed hearing her version, her perspective of the trip. She was a month away from her 16th birthday at the time. I'm sending you over to my sister's blog for a blast into into the past of '60's rock; and part three of this little family story.
If you missed the birthday giveaway post, you have until Sunday to enter.
I always find it interesting how people can have different views of the same events. I'm off to read your sister's take! :)
Headed on over...
hmmmm... did I know your sis had a blog?
I love reading these types of stories. Just love it. (Not the murder part, but the remembering parts)
I went over to a blank page. I don't think that's right....?
I loved her blog!
Thanks for sharing... I entered.. Did you enter mine??
ok, off to visit sister...
Your sister has a blog? Cool.
I wish MY sister had a blog. Then at least I'd feel Some connection...
Off to check it out.
Great. For more details, follow this yellow brick road...Gooing....
Going now. What a nice sister you are.
Going to visit your sis!
WoooHooo! Doin' sisters! LOL!
I'm all caught up - what a fascinating story! I'm curious to read how your sister remembers it.
I didn't know your sister HAD a blog!
OMG, I read Helter Skelter when I was 12 and didn't sleep for weeks. If I had been that close to the situation, I would probably still be wide awake today.
How strange that you saw those neighbors years later. I saw a girl I grew up with in the airport in Hawaii once, no encounters since then, but the world is such a small place, isn't it?
Manson was nothing compare to Ted Bundy in the Pacific Northwest. I've not comment on these posts much because I went to church with one of Ted Bundy's victims. I remember vividly her parents and siblings heartbreak. I remember our church congregations prayers. I remember the fear that pervaded our neighborhoods and our parents. Ted Bundy grew up in Tacoma, Wa. That was close to my town. We hung out in Tacoma. It was scary. Please don't be offended if I don't read much of these post. They still hit way to close to home. Sorry.
Interesting how different the focus of the same event can be between two people as close as sisters. I hope she's forgiven your parents for not letting her go to Woodstock!
Fun visit with your sister. Is that her picture? I remember when everyone had the part down the middle and straight hair.
Heading over to Shaunna's right now. Happy happy weekend, Pseudo.
You so rock I have something for you on my blog...
Looking forward to reading her version.
I'm off to read your sister's version... ;)
Our varied perspectives make our lives so rich!!! Will look forward to reading your sister's memories! ~Janine XO
I will head on over!
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