The sunset link has been updated, go visit Beth for a heartfelt story...
Jen over at Sprite's Keeper gave us a free spin this week while she is busy preparing for Sprite's 3rd birthday party. I thought I'd use the free spin as an excuse to bring out vintage photos of my now 20 year old daughter and 17 year old son, along with some of their friends. They came out to wish Sprite a very Happy Birthday, whether it is a pink or yellow or princess or Snow White or Jasmine party. Happy Birthday Sprite!

May you enjoy those candles and make a good wish.

My Princess (on the right) says to make sure you get to lick the spoon and the bowl when making cake.

May you be thrilled with your gifts and the fun of package unwrapping.

If there are games involved, may they be exciting.

Cheers to you from the kids Sprite!
Birthday goodness. Yay!
Too cute! And I think that's the first time we've (or I've) seen your husband's face. WOW your son looks so much like him, at least in pictures!
Your daughter was absolutely adorable when she was little - you can see the lovely young lady she grew up to be. I think it's lovely that you chose to honor Sprite's birthday like this, since you've told us what a "girly girl" your daughter has always been - I bet pink princess parties were often the order of the day when she was growing up!
Oh, I love it! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! Sprite woke up this morning saying she's 8. Oy! Your children are beautiful and the looks on their faces shows just how much love there is in your family. (And they're gorgeous too. But you knew that, right?)
You're linked and I'm giving the birthday girl a big Aloha from you!
First, Happy Birthday to Sprite!
Hey, Pseudo! Is that a rare view of the hubs there? Your kids are so adorable and how sweet of them to show up for Sprite's party.
I think it's helpful to be around children on a weekly basis so we remember to savor the good things!
This is one of my favorite things to do. Looking at old photographs of my family. Back when I was taking the pictures, and I took a lot of them, everyone told me I was taking too many. Now, when I look back through them, all I can think is that I wished I had taken more. They bring back a lot of memories, and you get a chuckle out of how people have changed over the years.
Your children look happy at those ages. I'm sure, a product of their upbringing.
Cute pics, Pseudo.
cute pics! kids are amazing! they bring so much to our lives!
Very cute family! Great way to celebrate Sprite's birthday and some great advice for her.
Oh my, that last picture of the toast killed me. I clapped. Seriously.
Very cute!
Happy Birthday Sprite!!!
Awwwww....loved the pics!
Giving a proper toast- a VERY important skill that should be taught at a very early age!
Cute post. Love the pictures. I wonder when Alyce is 20 how strange her pictures will look to me..
Happy Birthday Lil' Sprite!
Do your kids know you posted their old pictures? Pitcher laughs when I post his.
xo, Mango
You are so creative! And your kids are so darn adorable.
It doesn't seem that long ago, does it?
What a fun birthday message! You had just the right pictures for it!
God, I loved birthdays at that age. NOw, not so much, no, not at all, yeah, that's it
Happy birthday to Sprite, Pseudo, and what a wonderful tribute for her by sharing your own family photos! Too adorable, your children!
Oh, they're adorable. I keep trying to remember that the way our "big kids" look today will seem precious and "so long ago" when we look back in ten years. But were they ever really so young???
Looks like good times!(love the kids toasting at Christmastime, with some sitting right on the counter)
What great photos. Isn't it wonderful to relive all that fun?
I am so excited I won a prize! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! I'm heading over to email you my info. Thanks so much.
hi jan-pink princess parties are still the norm for me. :)
How did I miss this? Adorable photos. xoxoxo
WOW your son looks so much like him, at least in pictures! Work from home India
Such cute pictures of your big kids when they oh so young. I love the last picture of them doing a "cheers"! Such nice fun memories!
What a wonderful trip down memory lane.
I haven't licked the spoon and bowl for so long it makes me very sad.
Aww so cute. When you look back on those, I'll bet it transports you back as if no time has passed. At least that's how it is when I flip through the pages of my albums...sigh. Lovely shots. :)
Awwww! Those pictures are priceless! :)
Awesome photos! I love your trip down memory lane. LG just learned the wonders of licking the bowl. Now I have to teach him that I make things other than brownies...
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