Yesterday my students were turning in a big project. While I called the tables up one at a time (can you tell I have been to a lot of wedding banquets) the other students were enjoying sharing their hard work at their tables with their peers. Although they had a new assignment they could have gotten started on...
I told them I did not mind their sharing instead of working, but to please keep the noise down.
I have one student who is just a very loud girl. A nice girl. A fun girl with a load pf personality. But VERY LOUD.
"Hey Gertrude," I yelled out towards her table, "bring it down a couple of notches."
"What Ms??? Why do you always pick on ME? Everyone is talking..."
"Yes. But I can only hear you and you are so loud I cannot hear myself think."
"Hoooo Mssssss. That's harsh. I think you hurt my feelings."
Her friend Stephanie smiled softly and poked her, whispered something I could not hear that made Gertrude whine even louder.
* * *
Gertrude's table is called up to turn in their projects. Two of them sign in their projects and I am left with Gertrude on my left and Stephanie on my right. Gertrude wants to show me some of the details of her work, but she is talking so loud that my left ear is ringing a tune that sings something like, MIGRAINE, MIGRAINE, WHERE OH WHERE ARE YOU MIGRAINE!!!
"Gertrude, seriously, can you please tone it down? My left ear is ringing and it's making my head totally out of balance."
I don't see it coming.
Quiet, sweet Stephanie has leaned in towards my right ear. And shouts to the heavens,
"DOES THIS HELP MISS!!! Are you evened up now!"
The look of shock on my face made their day, especially, I do believe, Stephanie. I've got a new eye peeled on that girl.
* * *
One of the best things about birthdays in middle age is the cards you get...

I love my sister Shaunna. Ever noticed I don't put up photos of myself? Shaunna has one up of us for my birthday post. Want to go check us out?
The first winner is..... Erin from The Locals Love It
True Random Number Generator
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Hehehe. Like I look anything like that at 52.
* * *
The first winner is..... Erin from The Locals Love It
True Random Number Generator
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The second winner is...Brian Miller from Waystaytionone
True Random Number Generator
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The third winner is...Debbie from Suburb Sanity
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The third winner is...Debbie from Suburb Sanity
True Random Number Generator
Min: 1
Max: 86
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Min: 1
Max: 86
Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Thank-you everyone who played along. I wish I could send you all a goodie box. You three winners, please email me a mailing address and I'll send out your packages next week.
My nanowrino is 11,584. I am taking this morning off to catch up on a little blogging, but I might not be around to visit too much this month.
For more Random Fun, head on over to The Unmom's.
A belated happy birthday!
Love the story about your students - they sound like a handful. :)
Happy belated bday PHST! I was hoping for a more recent pic when I clicked over to your sis' blog. I didn't know you had a blogging sister? You and Movie and your family's writing talent!
Oh my good lord, how do you stand students like that?! Crazy!
I love that bday card though, hahaha!
I think I was Gertrude in high school. You have to love us! Ha
i won! OMG. i better go buy a lottery ticket...i never win! lol.
so did it even you out? yikes...kids...take a deep breath...
nice card. smiles.
Happy Birthday!!!!! I lov eyour sisters dedication youtube! And November rocks when it comes to Birthday.
Did I miss it? This is a momentous occasion, almost as wonderful as the day after school closes.
Happy 52nd! You're at the top of your game!
Congrats to all the winners!! :)
I can't say much about the loud kid because i'm fairly certain i was that girl in hs. LOL
Wow those two girls were pretty funny in a way but not really. Yeah to all of your winners. Thanks for the well wishes..
I can't stand teenagers. I'm joining the circus as soon as Dottie gets her period.
Would duct tape on those sassy loud mouths get you in trouble? eeek!
I like your new WWW. Good luck with your NaNo goals. Oh, and congrats to winners!
Smart assed or not, you have to respect the wit and creativity of her response.
Although, you did sorta walk into that one. :)
I love hearing about your kids. Ahhh, to be a smarta$$ high school kid again.
Belated happy birthday. I have to get back to visiting more often. I just spend 1/2 hour jumping from post to post!
I love this story.
AND I'm a weiner? It's a good day.
Except I am home sick. But this just made it better!
Thanks a bunch.
Dang it! You didn't get my bribe? It was COD, you should have!
Congrats to the winners. Even though I'm sure they all cheated. No? Well, I think I'll stick by my fantasy.
Happy Belated! Wish I could be there in Hawaii to help you celebrate with a big ol drink!
Happy Belated Birthday!! I used to LOVE those dresses with the crinolines!
Oh, no fair on the picture!
I think I like poor Gertrude. She reminds me of, well, me.
Please tell me that you teach middle school. It sounds like something that age would do. Hope your hearing is back. Happy late birthday!
Congrats to the winners...and congrats to you for Post of the Week! Now, a swift back hand to Ms Stephanie would not come amiss! Gertrude appears to just be dense!
Oh my... I was going to post a few snippets from class the other day. Too funny.
Hope you didn't really get a migraine.
Love that card your sister sent.
Sorry I missed the big day yesterday. . . hope it was as spectacular as you deserve!
Loud kids! urghh! LOL!
Gertrude?? Someone in this day and age is named Gertrude??
No fair on the picture not being current at your sis's place.
I'm actually kind of glad I'm not a high school teacher. You've never karate chopped a kid in the throat, have you? It would have been totally justified in that instance. ;)
I LOVE the card. Awesome.
And the word count is impressive. Keep plugging along!
That photo is precious!
Congrats to all the winners :)
All I could think about Gertrude and Stephanie was: OH NO THEY DIDN'T! Really, I'm sure you showed great restraint.
Aw, cute photo. I remember those crinoline slips under those dresses to poof them out. and the ankle socks and maryjanes. Even in Janurary in NJ frigid weather: ankle socks and maryjanes at a party.
Go girl on that novel writing! More words, more words NOW!
(sorry, I got carried away...)
aaah kids. =) Stuff like that makes me want to both laugh and completely lose it.
All I can say is thank God you didn't have me as a student in your class...lol.
Congratulations to the winners!
Happy writing dear friend! XXOO
Congrats to your winners!!!!!
And your "evening things out" student is a hoot!
That sounds like my little monkeys. Which is probably why I can't hear my customers when I'm at work.
AHAHAHA! Gertrude and Stephanie really did get you, didn't they? ;) So did it work? Did it even out your head? ;)
You and your sister are a lot like how me and my sister are...too funny! :)
Well isn't Stephanie sweet!?
Sounds like a middle school friend of D1's. She was so loud and had such a "bassy" voice that we wouldn't let her spend the night. MHS and I couldn't sleep if she was here. It was like she was in the room with us.
Congrats to your winners! I've been on the receiving end of your goodies and I know just how special they are.
Happy Birthday again,
Gertrude was my grandmothers name. I didn't think people still used it anymore.
Sorry I missed your b-day. Happy Birthday!
Wow, that Stephanie sounds like she has no respect for her teachers. If someone had done something like that in my day, they would have gotten their butts paddled.
my good lord, how do you stand students like that?! Crazy! Work from home India
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