And on the note of gratefulness, I'd like to celebrate my birthday by giving back a little to all the amazing, rocking bloggers who have supported my dive into the blogging world. There is so much I have gotten out of blogging the last year and a half, but the support and friendship and connection with all of you is truly a blessing.
The Hawaii goodie boxes seem to have been well liked by those who have won in them in the past. Some food yummies, some coffee, some exotic cooking ingredients that you get to figure out, with swap meet stuff thrown in for good measure. Since I am a three year survivor and since I am nearing my 300th post, I'm going to give away three goodie box prizes.
Leave a comment for an entry.
Leave another comment if you are a follower for another entry.
Leave another comment if you voted for me in the Blogger's Choice awards. You can only vote once, but I was winning over Dooce for, like, a day... It was blogtastic. If you want to vote follow the badge. You will have to register and it takes a few minutes, but thank-you if you do.

Speaking of thankfulness, EM from Life and Liberty has a great post over at Mom's without Blogs.
Another blogger friend of mine, someone who I have been reading since I began this adventure, has a birthday this week too. Today. Twenty-four at Heart is having an amazing giveaway for her birthday, Amazon gift cards, $240 worth. Go on over and wish her a happy birthday and enter her contest.
Because I am totally insane I signed up for NaNoWriMo. National novel writing month. We are supposed to write 2,000 words a day. It is only the second day and I am not only 1,000 words short, I'm writing a blog post. Oops. Another of my regular reads since I began blogging is Kristan Hoffman. An adorable and sweet young writer in Ohio (wonder if she knows Jan?). She called me out on her blog and I decided WTF. Over at NaNoWriMo they mention that we should tell people we are doing it so we will be less likely to quit. So I'm telling the entire internet -we'll see if this lights a fire under my arse.
I said I would write the bulk of the book last summer and spent 98% of the time doing research or blogging...
Hawaii goodie box birthday contest is on all week. I'll do the random number thing on Monday. I was going to say Sunday, but I might get lucky and actually go somewhere for my birthday.
For more randomness, head on over to The Unmom's.
Congrats on so many things. Three hundred posts is a fine milestone. Happy 52nd birthday.. for soon. And most importantly a big congratulations for being a survivor. :)
Scorpios rock! And thank you for the link. And you are awesome ... 300 posts?
I get another entry? Because you pop into my reader every time you write?
Quite honestly I don't even remember the blogger's choice award thingy, but if you told us to vote for you I'm sure I did.
2000 words a day?
I'm impressed. :)
But you always impress me!!
Happy Early Birthday!!!
Wow - good for you for making the NaNoWriMo commitment. You can do it. I will try not to distract you. :-)
Congrats to you on 300 - I think I just passed that too.
I am so happy that you are in the blogging world.
Also, the other half turns 49 on Saturday. Woot for Scorpios in general.
Happy Birthday! I can't wait to be in my 50s (and I don't have that much longer).
I'm a follower. How could I not be. Being a Pseudo follower is one of the highlights of my life.
And I voted. Way back when... I tried to vote again but it said no.
Happy Birthday Pseudo! You are an amazing woman!!! I hope you have the best birthday week ever! XXOO Lori
Of course I follow you! You are an amazing writer and I love reading your stories. Good luck with this writing project this month!
And of course I voted for you! And I just wanna know? Who is this Douce chic?
Happy almost birthday, girl!
Since I can't begin to imagine writing a novel, I can't imagine writing 2,000 words a day! I did the whole blog every day for a month thing in August and it damn near drove me crazy.
But I'm here to cheer you on! You go, Pseudo!!
Happy birthday Pseudo! Should have known you're a Scorpio, most of my really good friends are born under this powerful sign!
And yes, I'm a follower and so glad I found you several months ago.
Congrats on 300 posts; harder to me to comprehend this many posts than it is to write 2000 words a day! Wow!
And yes, I voted for you waaaaay back!
Hope you have a grand birthday on Sunday.
I think your birthday was fantastic! I like birthdays too. So much better than the alternative.
Happy Birthday!!!!
And 300 posts? WOW! What an accomplishment. Good luck with NaNoWriMo...I look forward to reading it!!!
Happy birthday!! :)
Good luck with NaNoWriMo! You're a braver woman than I. LOL I'm a follower and i voted but don't worry about putting me in the contest since i am beyond mailing range. :)
Have an awesome bday!! :)
Am I a follower if I subscribe to you in a reader??
300 posts; awesome! I recently got to 100, but 300?? Wow.
Congrats on your birthday. My son is a Scorpio so I know how much they rock!
Wooo hooo!
Happy birthday. Happy writing.
I enjoy "knowing" you and look forward to know you better.
I think it's awesome that you're joining that novel writing month challenge! Go you!
I'm entering your contest.
And of course I'm already a follower.
And I voted for you! Beat Dooce!
woo! woo! congrats on the 300 and happy birthday! hawaiian goodies...yum!
good luck with the book...perhaps i will play next year.
and fall is my fav too.
and i follow!
Aw yay, I'm helping light a fire under your butt!! :D
Seriously, hearing that you're doing it totally made my day. You're a great writer, and somehow this torture is more fun when I know people doing it with me. :P
(Seriously, Day 1 was great. Day 2 was like OMGkillmenow.)
Also, happy almost birthday! Also also, I voted for you!! And I would have DIED to have beaten Dooce, even for a millisecond.
Also also also, I don't know Jan, but I'm over there now, and omg I'm a displaced Texan living in Ohio too!!
An early Happy birthday!
Congrats on 3 years cancer free! that's awesome!
Congrats on coming up on 300 posts!
Yup, I'm a follower. have been for quite a while! nearly a year, I think!
And I did vote for you.
I think I did.
I better check.
Yes, I did. A while ago.
Happy Birthday and stuff!!
2000 words a day? No freaking way.
Oh a birthday this weekend what day???
I am so proud to know you and I am happy to hear about the cancer free. Yeah. My uncle is battling with cancer right now. Just got done with some chemo. He had liver, and colon. It keeps coming back. Waiting for the 90 days free.
This is my comment...
I so follow you. Go and see what I was for Halloween I know you would love it.
Happy Birthday! 52 is a very good year, but just you wait to see what surprises are in store at 53! Now, going to go vote for you, can't have you lagging in the polls!
Happy birthday! I reg and voted so long ago I barely remember!
And yes, I want in!
Please and mahalo!
Hey! Happy Birthday! I'm glad you made it too! And frankly, isn't that what REALLY matters?? that I'm happy??
I'm totally a follower - AND I put your blog on my little side dealeybobber. That should count for a little extra credit, right??
Is there going to be math involved in this test??
I don't want to win anything! Just keep blogging and I am really glad that you are a survivor! 300 posts? I am only seven away and I have only blogged for 10 months!
Happy Birthday!
Whenever I've been asked if I mind getting older, my response is always "It is sure better than the alternative!"
... And I'm a follower, too!!
I voted for you already. Then I went and voted for you in all that you are in. I hope you win.
Woot woot, happy almost birthday!
Would love to win a contest!
Follow you because you're great!
Voted because you deserve it.
Your giveaway sounds yummy! Count me in!
Congratulations on your 300th post AND being a breast cancer survivor! :)
I'm doing NaNoWriMo, too! Friend me there (I'm Shangrila, of course!) We can do it! *rah rah!*
Happy RTT!
Yay for November Birthdays! My birthday is this month as well as my two girls, all a day apart. I love November too!
Happy Birthday :)
Congratulations! You are taking on the world now with your 300th post, your give-away, your novel-writing committment. Way to go!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! May your year be filled with blessings, good health and a fabulous time!
AND THREE HUNDRED POSTS! That is very impressive. Congratulations.
You are so sweet to have a giveaway! Thank you.
PS Almost forgot, I'm a follower and I TRIED to vote but I'm not sure if it counted. That voting system is pretty fussy sometimes.
I voted! Good luck :)
I don't want to leave a comment just because I might get a goodies box. BUT I WANT ONE!!! lol xxoxo
Now you have a full deck! Congrats. Hope it's a wonderful year.
Woo Hoo on the birthday! I'm thinking about doing my own bloggy give away, but I don't have many followers to make it all exciting like.
And this is comment number two for being a follower! Love to keep up with you.
Oh, and I did fill out the form and gave you a blogger vote!
found you from Otin and Stacy and Hit40
I think I will follow, but not just for the goodie bag (although I wouldn't turn it down...snort)
I will head over and vote so count me for another entry (just coz Dooce bugs real bad and I want you to win)
A bit of Hawaii personally selected by Pseudo? How wonderful!
I'm a follower forever. :)
Congratulations, congratulations, and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Well done on all three counts. Best of luck with Nanowrimo. Write on!!
I went over to vote for you and realized that I had already voted for you! Does that count?
I don't always leave a comment but I read all your posts! Hope you have a nice birthday and I'd love to win something :O)
Have I ever told you how much I love Scorpio's! NO? Well....
I voted for ya too, so there! I could say 2000 words (probably way more) but write that many ? That would take at least 2000 minutes- don't got those. Good luck though!
PS- It's so refreshing to speak to someone my age, well almost my age!
nearing your 300th post? Awesome!
And I voted for you as the Best Blogitzer long ago. Good luck!
Happy Birthday to you. i am a follower and love to read your blog. I believe I found you from 24's blog. Big CONGRATULATIONS on being a 3 year survivor. can't wait to congratulate you at 5 years.
Happy Birthday!
Congrats on your upcoming 300th post and 3 year survival. Both my mother and grandmother survived breast cancer. I'm adopted so I don't know my bio history.
The gifts sound great!
Yay, I'm a follower.Heh heh.
Happy Birthday WOOHOO!!!!!!
Look who's turning 52!
Yea! Rah!
Your the third blogger that is doing Nanowritmo!! Very cool.
We need to read what you wrote!!
Okay I am a follower.
Of course I voted!
Happy birthday! And thank you for your visit to my blog and for "featuring" me! :) I feel like a rock star.
Wow, I've tried and failed at NaNo two years in a row. It helps to have a plan...I never have a plan. ;) Good luck and count me in for the giveaway. 52 is a nice number!
I'm following you. Not in a creepy way.
I voted for you! Dooce Shmooce.
Happy Birthday. Happy 300th post. Happy life.
My Nano isn't going so hot either. 3900 words after six days. A tad behind. Oh, well. There is the weekend.
Happy Birthday Pseudo! I'm always in awe of your writing.
Where have I been? Hiding under a truck? How could I have missed this.
Happy Birthday! We are of an age.
Happy Bday!!!
I had already subscribed, but now I'm a follower too. :)
I think I barely made it in time to enter!
I'm a follower, of course!
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