I am a three year cancer survivor.
I am working on being a survivor (so far so good) of unbloggableness...
I am thankful for many things...
I am thankful I live in a place where on a walk on a beach like this is only a 30 minute drive from my home.
Where my children and my friends' children can bond on days like this, which can occur year round.
I am thankful that these two wonderful people were put into my life. Same goes for hubs, who does not like his photo on the internet.

My birthday wishes include wanting my children to always pursue their lives with passion and a moderate sense of abandonment.

But that they have the sense to seek shelter when a storm is coming.

For my birthday indulgence, I would like to share a prayer from a book that brings me inspiration. I know the power of postive thought and prayer, as I have experienced the effects from all of you who have sent yours my way during the difficulties of the last couple of months.
My birthday wishes include wanting my children to always pursue their lives with passion and a moderate sense of abandonment.
But that they have the sense to seek shelter when a storm is coming.
For my birthday indulgence, I would like to share a prayer from a book that brings me inspiration. I know the power of postive thought and prayer, as I have experienced the effects from all of you who have sent yours my way during the difficulties of the last couple of months.
Dear God,
We pray for the leaders of this country and
every other.
May they not be swayed by false politics but
listen instead to the spirit of truth.
May they not harken to the false and bitter
voices of a frightened world, but instead hear
the angels who minister unto them.
May the world make room for their leadership
and resist not more their growth into greatness.
May their virtue sheild them.
May their lack of virute be forgiven and corrected.
May their words be true.
May their strength go before them
to cut like a sword
through all illusion.
May they see the innocence and brotherhood
in those who oppose them.
May they grow beyond a shallow fight.
And thus may we all be taken with them
into new light
new peace
new politics
new hope for allthe world.
From Illuminata, A Return to Prayer by Marianne Williamson
If I am not around or not posting much this month, nanowrimo is why.
Everyone has until tonight to enter for a birthday giveaway. If you like what you read here, I appreciate your vote. I'm hoping to pull into second place. First place right now is Dingo and she is so far head there's no stopping her. Which she deserves as she is an amazing and witty writer.
Happy birthday!!
And wow you are kicking my butt at NaNo! Time to play catch up...
happy happy birthday :)
A beautiful post, tribute to your kids and prayer. Also one of my most fave Beatles songs!
Happy, happy birthday, Pseudo!!
ROCK (and write) ON!!!
Happy Birthday to you...
Great wish list....
Happy Birthday! Many blessings for you and your family.
I LOVE Marianne Williamson. Thanks for sharing her words.
Happy day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is a wonderful post and it is clear your life is filled with joy and blessings. Have a great, great year!
And keep up the good work on nonowrimo!
Oh, wonderful post! So much to be happy about & a happy, happy birthday to you!
A very happy birthday to you, my dear. Hoping your unbloggable stuff has resolved itself and your day is full of peace and wonder. Big hugs,
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!! You are a survivor and will continue to be!
Your children are beautiful!
LOL to the moderate sense of abandonment. Hear, hear!
I hope you have a most wonderful day, Pseudo!!!
Great birthday post. And I loved "a moderate sense of abandonment!"
Happy Birthday to one class act!
Happy happy birthday. Hope it's a lovely day.
Happy Birthday! Love the photos and hope you have/had a totally wonderful day!
Happy birthday. I hope this next year brings you unbridled joy and happiness ... and peace.
Go! Go! Go!!!! You writing machine.
And Happy Birthday dear lady - happiest, happiest of birthdays.
A very happy birthday and wishing you many many more to come. And keep writing and keep having those people who mkae life worth living!!
Happy Birthday! And congratulations on such beautifully smart children and a gorgeous place to live in. Love the prayer!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Loved this post, Pseudo! So glad you're surviving your unbloggables. ((HUGZ!!)) Hope you've had an amazing day! :)
A happy birthday to you lovely Ms Pseudo! I'm tipping my glass to you and yours! You deserve to win- I wish I could vote several times!
"you say it's your birthday
it's my birthday too--yeah
they say it's your birthday
we're gonna have a good time
i'm glad it's your birthday
happy birthday to you.
yes we're going to a party party
yes we're going to a party party
yes we're going to a party party.
i would like you to dance--birthday
take a cha-cha-cha-chance-birthday
i would like you to dance--birthday
-the beatles
happy birthday pseudo! i haven't been around much, but have been thinking of you. i hope your birthday was wonderful. this is a lovely post : )
Happy Birthday! and many, many, many happy returns.
Good luck with whatever that nanowrimo thing is.
Happy Birthday Pseudo!
happy birthday! your post gave me big smiles...thanks for the present. i hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!!!! Hope it is a good one! Lots of sun and friends! Enjoy the day!
Have the happiest of birthdays, Pseudo and many many more!
Happy Birthday, Pseudo! After not going anywhere near the blog world for months, I pick your birthday as the day to peek into your world. The connection continues...
Love what you said about your children.
Ahhh, my Hawaiian friend....happy birthday after a long year, no?
♪♫ ✿ *•.。.☆•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨*•☆.。.•*✿ ♫♪
Happy Birthday! May you have many, many more.
I love when you sound so happy!
A very, very happy birthday to one of my favorite bloggers and a woman who never ceases to inspire me!
I keep trying to vote but the silly site won't let me in. I will persevere!
Happy Birthday, Pseudo.
Amen. Happy Birthday. and you're ahead of me in word count. I'm 3 days behind. Best get to it.
Happy birthday, Pseudo!! :)
Have a wonderful birthday! Here's to many, many more!
Ah, I'm late (naturally), but I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
We love you, girl.
Happy Birthday Pseudo!
You give us all presents each time you post; thank you.
What a beautiful birthday post; you gave all of us a gift!
Your kids are simply gorgeous!
I am mightily impressed at how many words you've written for the month so far; keep going!!
You've inspired me in so many ways since I started blogging. I'm so glad to know you even this tiny bit.
Happy Birthday!
Happy belated Birthday Pseudo! So many things to be thankful for and how thankful I am that you are here sharing your life with us. I have said this before, you are an amazing woman with a great story to tell. I hope you keep telling it! XXOo Lori
A day late, a dollar short. Happy birthday to you and congrats on the 10,000 plus words. Woo hoo! The pictures and prayer were lovely. Hope you had a spectacular day.
Cheers to you! Hope you had a wonderful Birthday :)
Hope you have a very Happy Birthday!
Oh Psuedooooo...Happy Birthday!
And I am thankful for finding awesome bloggers like YOU....especially when they are local :)
I come by way of Hilary's Smitten Image. Happy Birthday and congrats on the POTW!
Congrats on POTW mention. I liked your post. Good luck with the Nanowrimo!
Sorry I missed this , but I still want to wish you a (belated) Happy Birthday to a survivor!! Your photos are fun to look through--full of quirky simple pleasures. You seem to be living a good life and hopefully many more to come. BTW, Scorpio, are ya? ;-)(I am a Libra/Scorpio cusp Gal myself)
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