For Friday Foto, the Halloween edition, I thought I'd share a non-tropical, not exactly paradise, side of living in Hawaii. Sunday we had the rare occasion of my husband and I both having the same day off. So we went to town and had pupus (appetizers) with our two teens in a very nice restaurant with a view of the harbor and sunset. The happy hour in the lounge is very reasonable, the food is great, and the view is outstanding. On the way out I stopped to use the restroom, and when I went to wash my hands, this fellow came crawling out of the drain and scared the bejeezus out of me. Before you get to thinking the restaurant should get shut down, let me tell you that cockroaches are a dime a dozen over here, especially in Waikiki. Some are bigger than this guy - and, oh yeah, they can fly.

We also have a lot of problems, probably like most places, with crime. Especially teen crime. I live on the dry side of the island where they have been building all the new homes for the last 15 years. So, demographically, we have the highest concentration of 12-21 year
olds. A year and a half ago our house was burglarized and they took all my jewelry, most of it irreplacable gifts from relatives no longer living. Yesterday, while I was having a hell day at work, my kids took my car and went swimming at Port Lock - a million dollar plus neighborhood. Despite my alarm on my car, it was broken into by smashing out the passenger window. The police said teen gangs have been hitting that area a lot. It took the police 2 hours to make a report and the officer told my kids it was because 8 cars had been hit in the area in the same way that day. The teens in gangs also graffitti everything. Overpasses, bridges, fences, you name it. Even stuff out in the middle of the fields where I walk. Like this.
BOO!Happy Halloween. Be safe. Have Fun.
That is truly scary.
When I worked in the insurance business, I can remember learning about how bad crime can be in Hawaii when I handled a stolen boat claim.
Oh, and I ADORE Weeds. I just finished season 3. This is one of my FAV shows EVER!
That is SO sad.... Such a beautiful place to live and they do a smash and grab. You muct live on the big island (cause you mentioned dry side)
(Cracks me up that you took at picture of that roach!)
I live on Oahu. Every island has a dry side (west side) and a more tropical side (east and north shores).
Ugh - you have crap even in Paradise - the thug teens and roaches. Ironically, also the last two things standing at the end of an atomic war.
My money is on the roaches to evolve.
I know we saw several cars broken into last summer on Maui. I heard that the teen gangs there have become a huge problem. Sad.
I remember the roaches all too well. They were the size of small mice and they made the worse crunching sound underfoot. I swear they screamed!!
I remember the crime, too. I am so sorry that a day at the beach ended like that.
that's f**ked up (your car). so sorry.
Bummer about the gangs! That doesn't fit my image of Hawaii at all :D. And your car. Sigh.
Hope you have a good weekend in spite of the scary stuff :)
I guess nothing is sacred. Even in paradise. EWWWW to the cockroach. And quick thinking to take a picture. I always have my camera and never remember to take a picture. Happy Halloween!
EEEwwwwww! And the pilot is always telling me if we moved to Hawaii there would be no bugs ..!
I am sorry about your car, Pseudo. That sucks.
Have a happy Halloween anyway. :-)
Wow. Great post for Halloween, too bad it had to be so real!
I'm dressing up as Sylvia Plath, and I am trying to find the right bell jar to go with me!
My daughter went to college in Laie and called me one day in hysterics...she and her roommates had killed 47 cockroaches that day!
Oy yoy yoy... The un-glamorous side of Hawaii. :\
Sorry about the break-in(s)!
bugs in tropical paradise...who would have thought...
and the car breakins...we get that too, in the parking lot of my favourite trail head...little bastards...
Happy Halloween anyhow...
It IS nice to now that Paradise can suck, too. huh.
Happy Halloween!!!
eudea - the roaches will survive all.
24 - I heard Maui has problems too, glad your car was all good.
b - interestingly, as negative as it was for my kids it taught them a couple of good lessons. I talso showed me how they handle themselves - whcih turned out pretty good.
shaunna - car's all better now; -)($400 later)
goodfather - sorry to dispel the image. There's a lot of poverty here. And, unfortunately, a lot of drug abuse.
SMB - A woman came into the restroom and saw me taking a picture of the roach and asked me why. I wasn't about to tell her I thought it would be fun to put on my blog,so I told her I wanted to show my husband.
Kate LB - the pilot want to move to Hawaii? It's a long way orm England, but an interesting chag of islands.
movie - thanks. it's all better now. I was just glad my kids were OK.
d'arcy - Sylvia Plath? thanks very cool.
lynn - hi!
kitchenditcher - welcome! 47?!!
kristan - yeah, I thought it'd be nice to show the unglam side for a change. It's not all palm trees and beaches.
thistle- yes. little bastards is right. Bummer about the trailhead. hope the doggie shows are going well.
Vodka Mom ; -))) that's the spirit!
This kind of makes you think that every place has their own problems. I wonder if paradise exists anywhere.
queenbee- I think it only exists in moments. Or some easy going place untouched by the rest of the world.
Hey, I gave you a couple of awards. Come on over to my place and check 'em out.
My car got broken into a few times... it gives you a creepy feeling for a while...
Ick about the bug.
Dang, that's so disappointing to hear about the crime and graffiti...and roaches in Hawaii! We have massive roaches here that fly and they are SCARY. I scream like a little girl.
I've never had my car broken into but I can only imagine how violated and angry you must feel. Not to mention what a pain to report and have fixed. So sorry. :o(
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