This little ol' fish in the big pond is asking a favor. My blog is nominated for "The Blogitzer" bloggee award. If you like what you read here, please go vote. It is listed as the "phhhst" URL, instead of the full, equally uncool Pseudonymous High School Teacher.
Last year when I began the blog as a creative outlet I had no idea of the wild ride I had embarked on.
Once you register, you can vote for as many blogs in each category as you like. A lot of our friends are up.
voted! good luck.
You so rock :-)
O'tay !
On my way!
I am on my way right now! Congrats on being nominated...good luck!
What a very cool honor!
Awesome! Congratulations!
Oh, yeah, I voted. Don't be too proud. Those who aren't proud don't get voted for. Good for you
phhhst, I'm voting now...
You got my vote.
No begging required. Votin' right now :)
wicked cool - I'm voting
You have been duly voted for!
Voted for you. Congrats on nomination!
p.s. can one vote more than once for same blog? tee hee
You got my vote. It took me forever to get the registration sorted out, but I prevailed. ;)
But you're a cool ol' fish!!! Off to vote!!! :)
Award at my place for ya!
I am off to vote. I have to wait for the e-mail first. Then I can do it.
Congrats! Voted!
YEAH for you!!!! What happens if you win?
Thanks everyone. And Tricia... I actually have no idea. I'd jus tlike to get close enough to smell the dooce farts.
I'll head on over in a minute and vote. You rock!
Awesome; I'll go vote right now!
Totally just voted for you (even though we're competing with each other - LOL!)
I'm headed over now! Good luck!
Sorry it took all day but I got my vote in for you. Good luck.
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