Monday, April 13, 2009

Hawaii Goodie Box Contest

Well, I haven’t done much to thank those of you who come to read this blog. Who comment. Who follow. I’ve been meaning to.

It’s a difficult week to come up with new stuff. Between the flu and then a migraine, I’m having some writing blockage (difficulty getting up from naps). So I thought I’d go ahead and run a contest this week.

The bounty? A box of “stuff” from Hawaii. It will include essentials like chocolate covered macadamia nuts and lilikoi jam. Plus surprise stuff. Ten prizes in all.

Leave a comment for an entry.

If you are a follower you will get another entry.

If you link the contest you will get an entry. Come back and let me know.

If you read the favorite posts (or read them in the past) and leave a comment which post you liked the best you get another entry.

Summer is coming faster than we realize. Your comments and feedback will help me focus my writing projects for the summer.

The contest will run from today through Sunday. Winner announced a week from today!


Stacy Hackenberg said...

I'm first! Yay me!

Kristan said...

OMG CHOCO COVERED MACADAMIA NUTS!!! (Can you tell I like them a bit?)

Vodka Mom said...

I'll be back to link and comment like CRAYZY!!

After school. And when I learn to spell.

Stacy Hackenberg said...

Okay, that was a tough choice but I would have to say my favorite was "Sometimes there are worse things than nipplage". Made me laugh out loud. They were all really good.

I'll be back after I link to you.

Debbie said...

Oh, I need this. Well, of course I don't "need" this prize but I do want it. That's good enough in my book. You are sweet to do this.

Debbie said...

And I am, of course, a follower. Why isn't everyone?

Debbie said...

And you know how much It's Just Another Hill Baby moved me. That's one of my all time favorites of yours.

Unknown said...

Chocolate covered macadamias! I'm there (and hope there's also some Konna coffee (don't think I spelled that right... so sue me!)

Hope the flu and migraine are both a thing of the past!

Unknown said...

...and as soon as I figure out how to create a link the right way, I'll do that too!

Lo said...

oo! oo! i follow! i get two!! just makin sure you take notes and all :) so sorry to hear about the stupid migraine. hate that crap. lots of naps are necessary!!!

Rikki said...

ummm, I actually clapped my hands with glee at the very thought of Hawaiian goodies. The kids ran in thinking I won the lottery, but no - even better, I MIGHT win chocolate! From Hawaii! ack!

Rikki said...

I love reading your stories, but I think the one I connected most with was the Red Wagon Philosophies. Red wagons, ponies, same thing!

mo.stoneskin said...

13th comments get two entries right?

Michelle said...

YAY!!! This sounds like so much fun. What a great idea.
Count me in... twice. I didn't realize that I wasn't a follower, oops! I guess I already had you in my reader... but I'm following now!!!)

Stacy Hackenberg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy Hackenberg said...

Okay you're linked!

Unknown said...

oooh... stuff from Hawaii- count me in!


Unknown said...

PS, I am also a follower.

Sandi said...

I just did my first contest awhile back. Be prepared to be bombarded with comments. If I happen to win, I just want a pineapple! I miss Hawaii's fresh pineapples.

My favorite post from your favorites is the nipplage post. But I also love the kindergartners one. You are a fabulous writer. I love reading everyday. I know I suck at the comment leaving, but I read everything you write!

Alice said...

Sounds great to me. I am a follower too.


David said...

Comment comment comment!!

I am Harriet said...

Sounds good.
Stopping by from SITS to say hello!

cheatymoon said...

Wicked cool. I'm allergic to macadamia nuts, so I'm opting out of your contest. Though I'm sure I've commented on every post.

You're going to get a shitload of comments, and I feel a little guilty even adding to the madness that will soon be your comment inbox.

:-)I really hope you are feeling better soon, Pseudo.

Amy said...

How sweet of you to do something for others. I do follow you and I am leaving you a comment. I hope you had a great Monday a wonderful weekend.

Ash said...

Maybe you should keep the chocolate macadamia for yourself as a pick me up. Sorry it has been a difficult time of late.

But if you're feeling up to giving them away, I would take them off your hands. You know, I'm giving like that ;-)

Will be back to read after bath and bedtime for the boys. Right now I'm going insane just finishing this comment. Urg.

Ash said...

Oh, and I'm already a follower :-)

Captain Dumbass said...

Huh? Koi jam? Ok, I'll give it a try.

Joanie said...

Cool! Count me in! I'll be back after I re-read your favorites.

Lori said...

Of course I follow you and you already know I love to read what you have to say. As far as a favorite post....I will have to think about this and come back! Hugs, Lori

Unknown said...

hey, i follow, read and comment and i LOVE winning- consider this my entry- wow !

Mrsbear said...

I love goodies, especially from Hawaii. ;) Sending some inspiration your way.

Mrsbear said...

Oh, and I'm following.

Casey said...

Woo hoo, a giveaway! I'm not sure what following means since I already have you in my reader but I just signed up. Here's to inspiration, once summer rolls around and you get some extra time at the beach, you'll be inspired.

Twenty Four At Heart said...

OK - here I am!!! You've just been waiting for me, haven't you?? And I'm a follower! And I'm a leader too! But being a leader doesn't count! And I've read favorite posts.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Since, I have a connection, I'll pass on the goodies so others can enjoy too. Just wanted to say Hi and I love ya.

That Janie Girl said...

Yummmm. I want a chance!

Da Bergs said...

Oh I just love Hawaii!~

My favorite posts have been about you surviving AND beating breast cancer!

Jess said...

Entrify my ass! Wahoo!

Jack said...

What a great idea! Love a good blog giveaway :)

Now I'm going to look up "lilikoi" ;)

Jan said...

Oh, good heavens, I'm drooling.

I guess I'll be linking to your contest this week, too! And telling you my favorite post.

But I'd be here anyway, even if you weren't giving away yummy Hawaiian goodness.

Sara said...

Visiting from SITS today! Hope you start feeling better soon!

Lora said...

What a fun contest! I'll have to come back to participate more ;-)

darsden said...

Excellent love to enter, but also love to read.

Sorry about the flu and migraines my sister suffers weekly with the migraines (I feel for her and you)

Can't wait to be the out here I follow and if I new how to link I would..but how about on a post that will link to you..hummm oh that is a link!

Have a great day thank you for stopping by today.

HeatherPride said...

WOO HOOO Happy to enter!! Yippeeee!!!

Joyful said...

Goodies! Who doesn't love goodies!

Reddirt Woman said...

When I was in Hawaii 20+ years ago I ate so much fresh pineapple I was doing the pineapple express number... kinda like the Taxco two-step from drinking the water, don't 'cha know. We visited several islands and I think I ate pineapple every day, at least once a day if not twice... I loved it.

Hawaii, and all the islands I visited, were the most gorgeous places I've ever seen. Of course, it helps that I love the ocean, too.

Now I'm off to see if I can find me a favorite post to comment on. To quote Ahnold..."I'll be beck,".

Helen G.

via darsden @ Ramblings AboutWhy...

Beth said...

Hey! How did I miss this yesterday?!

You may be the nicest person in the world to give away stuff just because we read your blog. Somehow, I think it should be the other way around.

You've been one of my favorite commentors on my blog and I really appreciate the friendship.

Beth said...

And I like all your *old* stuff. Especially the Nipplage piece. Classic!

Mama Dawg said...

Holy crap. How have I not entered this yet?

Gah, I hate work sometimes. It keeps me from blogs.

Consider this my entry.

or at least one of them.

Mama Dawg said...

I already follow you.

Plus, I need to win. You already have my address. Makes it easier on you.

Just sayin'. ;)

Mama Dawg said...

You're linked in at the top of my blog.

Bookworm said...

Commenting? Check.

Following? Check.

Linking in my blog? Going to do that now, so check in oh... 4 minutes.

Three entries for me, please. I do love me some Hawaii. Went to Maui in 1999 and LOOOVED it. Wanna go back. Maybe this box will tide me over 'til then. *heaving a sigh*. You are SOOO lucky.

What?? Sucking up helps. Am I right?? LOL

Robin said...

You say comment, I comment. You say follow, I already follow. You say favorite, I say but there are already so many favorites.

Request - if I win, you have to deliver the giveaway yourself! Come to the east coast. We'll drive north and pick up Movie and eat macadamia nuts together. It will be great.

Kristan said...

Oh, I thought I'd posted this already: my fave of your Favorite Posts is nipplage one:

Anonymous said...

I already follow you! I'd link up but I'm going on vaca- WooHoo! So I hope whoever wins is happy with the prize and thanks for being you!

midlife slices said...

We're coming to Hawaii the end of May and i can't wait!!! Be sure to keep the weather nice for our visit, please. Thank you.

p.s. I've got a contest going on at my place too. Stop by and enter by leaving a comment.

K Dubs said...

There's a contest? For Hawaiian stuff? From YOU!??? Shut UP!! Dammit, I need to be online more. Stupid classes. Thank God they're over this week and I can properly stalk everyone again.

I, unlike Movie - am NOT allergic to a damn thing. So I would like her entry too, please. LOL

And YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY - HUGE hug to you. You know why. I read over at Crissy's blog this morning. Yes, I'll admit it - only because it was before your update on my list.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a regular a matter of fact I just found you today through Martini Mom...but I LOVE Hawaii (lived there once myself) and I would love to win your little pirze package...Can I join??

Rhea said...

Very awesome goodie box giveaway! But I must say, a migraine and the flu?! You poor thing!

Bill Lisleman said...

we connected thru the spin cycle and now I get a chance for macadamia nuts - that's great. I spent a week in Maui once - wonderful place.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I LOVE Hawaii!!! Now...about that Pina Colada...

Linda said...

I found you off of SITS! Yay! I started following you, so please enter me in your Hawaii Goodies contest. =)

Mimi said...

I would love to win!

Mimi said...

I am following you!

Mimi said...

Beating breast cancer is definitely my favorite post!

Amy B said...

I am a follower

Amy B said...

I think the breast cancer is the best post for me..dealing with my own cancer has made cancer post hit home with me.

Fragrant Liar said...

OMG! How did I miss this post? Must have been my brief hiatus last week (I was mildly under the weather too).

Okay, so enter me into the contest please. I would love to get some goodies from Pseudo in Hawaii. :)

I am a follower, and I shall now go announce to my bloggyfans and link back.

Thanks, Pseudo!

darsden said...

I follow, there for I vote, there for make sure my name is in the contest winners basket :-)

Fragrant Liar said...

My fave of your fave posts was There Are Worse Things Than Nipplage. I enjoyed the storytelling for its poignancy and humor. But your writing is always engaging.

Musings of the Mrs. said...

I miss Hawaii like crazy. Every product, all the time.

Amy said...

Found you through Fragrant Liar. My favorite part of Hawaii: Kauai. The rainbows, the chickens, Red Hot Mama's Burritos, and Haupi pie. Oh my holy living hell. The pie.