OK. Reading all four books of the Twilight series has me wired that way.
But, seriously...
Jess over at This Life is Mine passed this pretty award on to me. Thank-you Jess!
Here are the rules:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Well, 15 huh?
I’ve been fortunate to have newly discovered a lot of great blogs and bloggers the last couple of months. The list could be quite long. But it will spread like wildfire so here’s 15 great blogs that I have discovered lately – some a couple months ago and some just this week. Have fun with the links.
And here we go…
1. Rikki at Cowgirls Like Me
2. Casey at Half as Good as You
3. Julie at Midlife Job Hunter
4. Fragrant Liar
5. Heather at Riding the Short Bus
6. Melissa at The Scholastic Scribe
7. Amy at Keeping Up with the Schultz Family
8. Lisa at Transcript of a Significant Life
9. Mrs. Bear at Outnumbered Two to One
10. Jane at Gastion Studio
11. Darsden at Rambling about Why
12. Midlife Mama at Midlife Musings
13. Janie at Midlife Slices
14. Michelle at Michelle’s Blog
15. Mary at Holy Mackerel
gratitude gorgeous girl !!!
15? where do these numbers come from. Crumbs above. I would have been tempted to break the 15 rule!
Links links links! Some good reading for an early morning... :-)
I know a lot of these blogs already, but I'm going to be popping over to the ones I don't as soon as I'm awake and coherent.
Thank you Pseudo! What a lovely award (pun intended)! Have some great reading in store for me, I'm sure.
Congrats to you and guess what! There's another one over at my place for you.
Well, thank you kindly, Pseudo! I'm honored to be honored by the likes of you...cheesy, but true!
Wow! What a great way to wake up to Hump Day!! Thank you for this award!!
Congrats, Pseudo!
I follow some of the blog you've chosen. Good picks!
I don't know why, but I feel like the only person who didn't get Twilight the way everyone else is. Huh..
Congratulations...and Thank YOU... 15 huh...good googly moogly...don't know if I have 15..LOL.. that's why I poke my nose in all of ya'lls bizness
Thank you so much!!!
Wow, I am really feeling the linky love this week. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I enjoy your blog and think you're a fabulous person, so this is a nice honor. Thanks again.
I came over to read about the Bella. Then I saw my name how sweet of you. I will have my award up on Saturday if that is okay. Happy Earth day and Thanks for thinking of me.
How fun!! Bella bling!
Thank you thank you!!
You are too kind but you obviously don't know me well. I'm terrible with awards. I tend to put them up on a shelf and forget to share them. It's a defective gene mutation, I'm certain. :)
Seriously.....thank you so much.
You are so very welcome!
I'll take it! And offer my humble gratitude. Or bunches of thanks. Take your pick. ;)
Woo hoo, thanks! I love awards but they make me want to leave long, acceptance speeches in the comments and nobody wants that.
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