After school yesterday I stayed and tutored some kids.
Then I graded some stuff.
Then I checked my work email.
After that I put in my attendance..
I decided to call my son before leaving work.
I use my office phone to dial him up and while I wait for him to answer, my cell phone buzzes in my back pocket. So, I pull it out, put my glasses on (because my eyes have completely gone middle aged and refuse to see anything in my cell phone on their own – do they make cell phones with enlarged font???), and I see it is a number from within the school.
Now, the sad thing is, I keep my phone on vibrate at work, and since I keep it in my back pocket, I don’t often feel it when it buzzes. Or not until the last buzzaruni. I try not to let myself think what this says about my ass and the twenty pounds middle age has added on to it. It’s too sad.
I have two friends at work. Well, I have more than that, technically speaking. The other 140 teachers and 50 or so staff I am friendly with while I am there. But two teachers I hang with on vacations and they call me and we talk (gossip) about work, but also about other shared interests.
Anywhos, I figure it is one of these two and since I missed the call on my cell, and since reception is not so good, I call her extension from my office phone.
Hmm. She doesn’t answer.
So I redial my son.
This time my cell phone buzzes across my desk.
My glasses are back off and I go through the whole routine again, calling the other friend who also is not at her desk and probably home already having a margatuni.
How weird is that? Every time I go to use my office phone, my cell phone rings?
I’m sure everyone reading this is smarter than me and has figured this out already.
But, me, I try my son a third time. And my cell phone buzzes.
The veil of fog begins to lift from the hallways of my addled brain and I look at the number displayed digitally on my work phone.
Yeah. I’ve been calling my own number.
Done that waaay too many times to be able to any longer make an excuse for it. And our cell numbers are nowhere near the same.
Dear, I'd be the LAST person to say anything about that. Did I ever tell you about the time I spent half an hour looking for my glasses, only to realize they were on my face?
Not on my head, on my FACE. Like, looking right through them.
Oh dear, I often call my cell phone when I can't find it but ... oh dear.
Totally sounds like something I would do. Too funny!
That's awesome, haha! And my mom and I have the same deal (same # except last digit) so I can assure you that you're not the only one. :P
that is so funny sorry. thanks for a great story.
You are a nut! That has NEVER happened to me. NEVER!
You are brilliant.
Reminds me of my own *ahem* stupidity at times. Our home number is "home" on my mobile (cell to you I guess!). My parent's number used to be "home" years ago. Recently I was at home trying to call my parents.
I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Let's just say it took me a while to realise a) why my parents weren't picking up and b) why our phone kept ringing and c) why when I answered our phone I heard myself!
Ah, middle age! It's so nice to know that my brain isn't the only one turning slowly into mush.
That is too funny!!! Last week I caled someone, but it took me three tries, each time dialing the WRONG number!
Totally seems like something I would do. Totally.
So funny - something I would do too, don't you think? : ) I'm planning to get rid of our land line too. No one ever calls us on it except telemarketers.
bwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhaaa, oh, that's too funny! i haven't done that, yet. i also love the part about not being able to feel the vibrating phone in your back pocket. he he
My husband's cell number and mine are also off by one digit.
I cannot tell you the number of times my in-laws have accidentally called my phone-- and left messages for Tom on my voicemail. Huh?
Hilarious and so glad to find out I am not the only one that has done that...
I gone as far as answering the phone and being really P.Od' because nobody would answer me...
(here's your sign)(for me Phsm)
Okay, I've the same as Darsden and gotten p.o.ed to boot. And I know exactly how Jan feels because I've even had one of my kids say they were on my face and still didn't believe them!
Too funny.
Our numbers here are all very different, so no worries of that happening. We even have 3 different ara codes! The Philly area is so populated they keep splitting the area codes.
I feel as if I'm experiencing Deja Vu all over again. Are you sure you're not moi?
So is that a picture of you in this post? I was wondering what you looked like. Ha!
Nice work calling yourself. At least you know where your phone is, I don't most days.
Uh-oh :))
that is you with a typo...sorry LOL
consider yourself tagged. at my place. scroll down - post before the backfat one.
This made me laugh on a day that I needed a laugh. I'm sorry for laughing AT you, but it was sooooo funny. And so something I'd probably do.
lol. Definitely must have been a long day at the office...Talk about someone needing a margatuni...
That is so funny- I know exactly what you mean about missing the buzz... unfortunately.
I guess we're in the same boat because I didn't feel mine vibrate sitting on my lap. Damn thighs.
And it only took you three tries. That's pretty great! my favorite is when I look for my cell phone as I'm TALKING on it.
You all have made me feel so much better about myself.
Too funny! I do things like this all the time. The worst is when people catch me in them!
LOL! I forget my phone number *all the time*. I'm so glad I'm not the only one.
Too funny! I call that... having brain fog.
The other night hubby and I drove out to the park for a walk. When I went to get out of the car, I noticed he had papers all over the back seat so I preceded to lecture him on why I don't like my car cluttered up with his things. Well, the whole time he just sat there listening and shaking his head and then I realized... this is his car not mine. How's that for DAH!
I'm soooo happy to hear that I'm not the only one who does these things. I posted once about hunting for my jeans all over the house for almost an hour. I KNEW I'd just had them and could not figure out where they went. Finally HBL said...."what about the ones you have on?" I looked down and felt like such a dumba$$.
Ahhh....such is life of the middle-aged woman. LOL
p.s. I think I found the son of that woman pictured in this post. he's hanging out at my place. Go see. Seriously! http://midlifeslices.wordpress.com/2009/04/29/my-planets-are-in-need-of-re-alignment/
No post today, or is it coming soon?
If you really want to see photos...
...my flickr widget will at least give you some idea of where I live, the boats, the water, all that stuff...
I can't tell you how many times I've rambled off my direct line instead of my fax and then answered the phone to the fax beeping. I thought I was alone the crowd. Turns out, there's more of us!
Can you hear me now?
Love it! Thank you so much for admitting this. From calling yourself, it's only a short hop to actually talking to yourself, you know. But don't worry -- we here in the blogging world will help keep you sane!
To be honest...I didn't really get it until you said you called the second time. Ugh
Pseudo, that is a clear sign you need a break. How much longer until you are out for summer?
And I'm jealous that I don't get much of a summer. 12 days to be exact. That suck-eth!
At least you didn't get attitude.
Fun, it's fun growing up into our bodies and experiencing the funny things it does.
I have no idea what my daughters' number are; if I lost my cell phone, would I lose my daughters too?
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